Important update added: Trudeau makes his most concerning comment yet on his form of governance

Please see this correction to the translation that was sent in today for this video above:

at 1:33   it is the journalist that says affirmatively  :  “… écouter aussi évidemment… ” 
the nuance here would be …” but evidently you will also have to listen to what those are saying, don’t you ? “
the “dont’ you ? “part is not expressed by words but by the intonation 
and to that trudeau answers “… oui , mais surveiller “
and  that would be   ” yes … but to monitor (them) ” 

If that isn’t clear, lets look at these clips to add mental context:

I think this is actually 2016…

Here is a popular Quebec TV host discussing this newest shove to Orwell out of Trudeau’s mouth:

Statement from Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, concerning the Euro-‘human rights court’ ruling

On Thursday, 25 October the ECHR ruled that my conviction by an Austrian court for discussing the marriage between Prophet Mohammed and a six year old girl, Aisha, did not infringe my rights of freedom of speech.

I was not extended the courtesy of being told of this ruling. Like many others, I had to read it in the media.

The ECHR found there had been no violation of Article 10 (freedom of expression) of the European Convention on Human Rights and that right to expression needed to be balanced with the rights of others to have their religious feelings protected, and served the legitimate aim of preserving religious peace in Austria.

In other words, my right to speak freely is less important than protecting the religious feelings of others.

This should ring warning bells for my fellow citizens across the continent. We should all be extremely concerned that the rights of Muslims in Europe NOT to be offended are greater than my own rights, as a native European Christian woman, to speak freely.

I am proud to be the woman who has raised this alarm.

I am also optimistic. Since giving my seminars in Austria in 2009, we have come a very long way.

Ten years ago the press labeled me a “confused doom-monger” and I was compared to Osama Bin Laden. Now, Islam is being discussed in every sphere of life and people are waking up to the reality of a culture so opposed to our own.

The cultural and political threat posed by Islam to Western societies is now widely recognized and discussed. It is fair to say European society, as well as the political realm, is undergoing an enlightenment, as it is more awake than ever to the need to defend our own Judeo-Christian culture.

I believe my seminars in 2009, and subsequent work have contributed to strong push back against an Islamic culture which is so at odds with our own. And note with interest that only one sentence out of 12 hours of seminars on Islam was a prosecutable offense. I assume the remaining content is now officially sanctioned by our Establishment masters.

It is obvious to me that public education and discourse on the subject of Islam can have a fundamental and far-reaching impact, even if our state or supra-national authorities try to stifle or silence it, in order to appease a culture so foreign to our own.

This fight continues. My voice will not and cannot be silenced.

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“The narcissistic victimology as root cause” of the destruction of freedom in the West

H/T Ted L.

This video above is very good.

Related: This was sent in today. it is a short recording of a grade ten teacher from an Ottawa high school inculcating tweens with the Marxist replacement for history and sociology that has become ubiquitous along side the daily reminder every child and cities must here at official meetings, that “we concede we are standing on unneeded Huron land”. Which is as much anti-White as it is also untrue.

Grade 10 teacher to Grade 10 class Ottawa.     

This is the only segment I got. But if this is as it appears to be, it’s pretty damning. And there was no mention at all of how other cultures or nations treat outsiders. Classic cultural Marxism and critical theory.


The cost of apostasy from Islam in the UK

Please read this story:

CCTV catches terrifying moment Christian father-of-six was brutally set upon by hooded thugs with a pickaxe handle who targeted him as a ‘blasphemer’ because he converted from Islam

CCTV has captured the moment a father-of-six was brutally set upon by hooded thugs with a pickaxe handle outside his home because he converted from Islam to Christianity. 


Nissar Hussain, from Bradford, suffered a broken kneecap, a fractured forearm and a concussion in the attack on Tuesday.


The 49-year-old is currently in Bradford Royal Infirmary following surgery after the unprovoked assault outside his home in Manningham.


The episode was caught on Mr Hussain’s home CCTV and is being reviewed by West Yorkshire Police, who have confirmed they are treating it as a religious hate crime.

Attack and video from 2015:

The man who was attacked in the above video recently approached Gates of Vienna, and asked them to publicize a video of a talk the victim gave about apostasy in the UK. The audio was extremely low, and there was background noise as the video was recorded at a distance to the speaker.

I did the best I could with it and tried to make it more listenable. The results are below:

However some people find the results of these kind of filters hard to listen to. So the original is here below:


Oh Canada! premiered in Ottawa and Toronto this weekend to great audience reviews

Michael Hansen’ creator of the stunning and important film, Killing Europe, premiered the Canadian version of his new film, Oh Canada! about the death of free speech as orchestrated by the government-media complex, as well as self appointed information warriors for money, masquerading as “human rights lawyers” while in fact, working to crush real human rights in favour of enforcing their replacement, cultural Marxism and phoney group rights.

Both the Ottawa and Toronto audience felt that this was a movie that MUST be seen by everyone in Canada while there may still be time to salvage freedom with the vestigial bits of it we still have.

I would like to thank the many volunteers of ACT for Canada, as well as the Zionist Centre of Toronto for their efforts to make this video available for a screening at all in these days of Samizdat V2.0

Also of course, Michael Hansen with whom, efforts are being made to try and make this video easily available to the general public and soon.

Rest assured, one way or another, we will make sure that some method is found, even if its handing it out on scraps of paper like a flip book.

EU Article 11 & 13, much more sinister than incompetence

Today, Europe Lost The Internet. Now, We Fight Back.

Today, in a vote that split almost every major EU party, Members of the European Parliament adopted every terrible proposal in the new Copyright Directive and rejected every good one, setting the stage for mass, automated

surveillance and arbitrary censorship of the internet: text messages like tweets and Facebook updates; photos; videos; audio; software code — any and all media that can be copyrighted.


Three proposals passed the European Parliament, each of them catastrophic for free expression, privacy, and the arts:

1. Article 13: the Copyright Filters. All but the smallest platforms will have to defensively adopt copyright filters that examine everything you post and censor anything judged to be a copyright infringement. […]