Reader’s Links for October 10th, 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects on Classical Civilization, and various forms of leftism from Soviet era communism, to postmodernism and all the flavours of galloping statism and totalitarianism such as Nazism and Fascism which are increasingly snuffing out the classical liberalism which created our near, miraculous civilization the West has been building since the time of Socrates.

This document was written around the time this site was created, for those who wish to understand what this site is about. And while our understanding of the world and events has grown since then, the basic ideas remain sound and true to the purpose.

So please post all links, thoughts and ideas that you feel will benefit the readers of this site to the comments under this post each day. And thank you all for your contributions.

This is the new Samizdat. We must use it while we can.

For those interested, please check out as an another avenue of expression. The Substack is a different project in a sense. It is older videos that in the light of subsequent events, look different or of increased importance, Check it out now and again if you like.

Randy Hillier spoke in Pembroke Ontario to a packed house on Monday September 30th

As always it was a pleasure to hear one of the few straight forward and non-corrupted politicians in a Canadian legislature speak. There was one leftist infiltrator that tried to get to him during the Q&A and I left that in for entertainment purposes.

Randy speaks to the 9 criminal charges, mostly “mischief” which is the catch-all used against anyone who is authoritative and stood against Trudeau’s illegal mandates.

What the Soviets used to call, “A leader of the people against the people”. Seriously. That was a crime. And it fits what Chris Barber, Tamara Lich, and Randy Hillier are all being charged with in the longest and most expensive “mischief charges in all commonwealth history.

As per usual, please click the little gear once hit play and wind up the quality for the best video experience of the footage.


Hanlon’s Razor and the hurricane, Pierre Vs Justin on October 7 and more: Links 1 for Oct. 9, 2024

Due to a massive amount of work done outside the home at actual events, posting has been slow. Add to that, days with power out for most of the working hours, and it has bee a little challenging. Trying to catch up a bit today.

1. When is Hanlon’s Razor a weapon against the public? When it makes people think that especially damaging actions are accidental or stupid, when they achieved exactly what was intended.

2. This is pretty straight forward. I think we know by now that Israel speaks softly and carries a big stick. So maybe we should save our nickels and get ready to find a wild party in Theran for all the free Persians who might have their own culture and country back for the first time in a long time.

Long Live the wonderful People of Persia and may they be free of the cruelest Islamic control they have suffered under for so long, very soon!

Here is a wonderful example of the kind of Persian I mean.

Full text:

After being tortured and imprisoned by the Islamic regime in Iran, I took refuge in Canada.

The true north strong and free gave me the rights and freedoms that I was denied in Iran, my beloved homeland under Sharia law.

Burning Canadian flags and chanting against Canada, by actual terrorists in Vancouver, must be condemned and those who did it must be held accountable. As a former political prisoner of the Islamic regime, I always stand tall for the Canadian flag.

This happened when I waved a Canadian flag against jihadists in Toronto. After they attacked me, my right shoulder was dislocated and I was hospitalized. I took refuge in Canada, if Canada becomes another Islamist/communist country, where should I go? Jihadists hate Canada. Wake up Canada, before it’s too late.

3. If anyone wants to get precious about this one, remember: The Muslims, like the communists, are waging a war against the West, and all Western values of individual liberty and freedom both of, and from religion in many senses. That war has been kinetic for many years now, but the Government-media complex has hidden that fact to the point where they have even effectively criminalized explicitly stating the fact that Muslims are killing us and raping and otherwise destroying us and our icons because we are not Muslims and they intent to dominate and control.

So to see brave British patriots fight back like this is heart warming. Especially as they have a Castroesque dictator there now who is running roughshod over all laws and liberties, legalizing horrible crimes while criminalizing views that threaten his revolution.

This is what a people who want to keep their own culture, history, and rights alive have to do.

This is a really good question. And one every citizen of the non-Islamic world needs an honest answer to. The fact is, Islam should be, and should have been, taught in EVERY Western school since the fall of the Ottoman Empire in an honest and truthful way. If it had been, there wouldn’t be a muslim operating anywhere in the West for Jihad.

On Pages 8&9 of the book, Against All Hope, a survivor’s story of over 20 years in one of Castro’s gulags, a part of the account of his arrest was especially chilling given the situation in Canada and the UK and Australia. He explained that he broken zero laws, and the state upon his arrest agreed that they had no evidence that he had broken no laws. But despite Castro’s insistence that he believed in Democracy and was not a communist, the state agents who arrested him explained that because the author had spoken publicly against Communism he was therefore against Castro’s revolution and was to be tried and jailed.

Various government media services went to work propagating lies that he and several he had never met before but arrested at the same time, were all CIA and anti-revolutionary spies. When he was next paraded on the streets, crowds were calling for his blood.

This reminded me so much of the Trudeau statements and media pushes to demonize those who would not take an experimental and dangerous gene therapy alleged but not proven to prevent a flu.

3. This is a truly excellent testimony by a 14 year old girl who had a scholarship stolen from her because she lost a race to a man. When she objected, they ruiner her, and her family’s life. Please watch and spread this one.

4. Viktor Orban: “Let’s make Europe Great Again!”

5. I spoke with someone who was in the audience on October 7, 2024 when both Trudeau and Conservative leader, Pierre Poilievre addressed the Jewish community at a location to invited guests that had to be all vetted a day before to get the address.

She told me that when Trudeau got up to speak, there was a smattering of golf clap, When Poilievre took the stand, rousing sustained loud applause.

This appears to be part of his speech. The whole speech with Trudeau and Pierre is here. Interestingly, they do not show the introduction of le Petit Dauphin Trudeau so you don’t get to hear the lack of enthusiasm in the room. Interesting. Also his decision to address the room in French was a sign of contempt and sanctimony in our opinion.

Interesting things to come.


Reader’s Links for October 9th, 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects on Classical Civilization, and various forms of leftism from Soviet era communism, to postmodernism and all the flavours of galloping statism and totalitarianism such as Nazism and Fascism which are increasingly snuffing out the classical liberalism which created our near, miraculous civilization the West has been building since the time of Socrates.

This document was written around the time this site was created, for those who wish to understand what this site is about. And while our understanding of the world and events has grown since then, the basic ideas remain sound and true to the purpose.

So please post all links, thoughts and ideas that you feel will benefit the readers of this site to the comments under this post each day. And thank you all for your contributions.

This is the new Samizdat. We must use it while we can.

For those interested, please check out as an another avenue of expression. The Substack is a different project in a sense. It is older videos that in the light of subsequent events, look different or of increased importance, Check it out now and again if you like.

Leftists and Muslims in Canada finally state the goal: The total destruction of Canada, the US, and Israel

It is truly appreciated when the left takes their mask off.

Up until now they have used initiate language to express their true goals during the protests all year. Phrases like “From Turtle Island to the sea”, where Turtle Island is a kind of leftist code for North America during anti-Israel marches, as a way of indicating that they are against Western Civ altogether, and not just Israel.

Here we have from Vancouver some excellent examples of the full frontal hatred of us all that the left has, and why they have allied themselves with Islam. I mention it because so many still think the Queers for Palestine indicates stupidity on the part of gay people about Islam, when really its a sign of hatred against the West which is greater than the concern of Islamic treatment of homosexuals, a group which the left has used to their purpose but never gave a damn about. Read Che Guevara on that point. He was pretty clear on his views of homosexuals. He arranged for them to be in slave labour camps. What the CBC might call, Cuban subsidized housing and government meal plans.



A couple of thoughts about the astonishingly biblical nature of events today

The purpose of this post, if it even has one, is to point out what appear to be distinctly biblical aspects to the horror that besets the Western/Civilized world today.

From the PoV of the believer, this is proof of the divine, It is God himself at work.

Another perspective would be that the architects of our misery used the bible as a template to create the problems we have today. This may or may not require supernatural forces, depending on your views of exactly how the universe works.

Karl Marx and if I recall correctly, Hegel and for sure, Saul Alinsky were dedicated Satanists. Marx and Alinsky dedicated books to Satan. Marx wrote books of poetry to that entity before he realized that Communism was the way to achieve Satan’s perfect hell on Earth and dedicated himself to that. He certainly wasn’t wrong that Communism would meet the criteria.

Keep in mind, these Satanists where in some senses, very Christian in that they were anti-Christian, but operated within the same pantheon or frame of reference as it were. They did not dedicate themselves to any Hindu or Norse Gods of chaos or suffering. They operate within the greater framework of Judaeo-Christian frames of reference.

This site concerns itself a lot with dialectics.

As that word refers to an entire episome, i try and specify what aspect of it I mean each time it’s used. In this case, dialectics as a means of creating specific lines of ideological degradation and destruction to classical and commonly held beliefs.

One of the great dialectical concepts of the last 15 years or so, is the notion of “diversity”. “Diversity is our strength” is a platinum example of a dialectical phrase. It is both self contradictory while being an imposed slogan of national, personal and civilizational self destruction.Diversity of course, in the sense that it is meant by the left, is purely a destructive effort.

And as we walk through Canada’s cities and hear English less and less, or French less and less in Quebec, it becomes very obvious how diversity is a weapon against every single aspect of we, Canadians as a people. This of course applies to every Western nation to which the blessings of diversity have been forced upon the people, and usually some minor form of defacto or de jure punishment for objecting to it. Formal hate crimes, or just having all your banking activity cancelled because you asked for one Canadian flag to be among the three Trans-pride flags that fly in front of your branch.

Hegel made it very clear that the goal was a God-like state. “And the state shall be unto like a God that bestrides the land”, I think is the exact phrase.

And God had a pretty clear punishment for those who attempted to build something great enough to rival God. It is in the bible, Genesis 11:1-9. And the punishment was diversity.

By imposing diversity on the people of Babel, they could no longer work together to get much of anything done. And walking through modern Western cities, the questions has to be asked. Exactly what can we achieve with no common language, frame of reference, code of behaviour, set of rights, belief in individualism etc.

Knowing less about the Bible than most Western people I look forward to, hopefully friendly, critiques of this post with different views and reasons why I am misreading this. But that isn’t the only issue.

Also in Genesis, God destroyed a lot of places and people for essentially homosexual or otherwise lewd and exotic sexuality. Then God figured it best to make a clean start and washed the entire planet using weather control that probably gives Bill Gates wet dreams.

A month or so later, God makes a new covenant with man to stop destroying him all the time and seals the contract with a rainbow.

Making the rainbow the symbol of deviant and exotic sexuality cannot be a coincidence,

Not that I should have to say this, but I am not critiquing gay people. I am speaking about the politicization of exotic sexuality by the “queer” movement, specifically as a weapon against Western Civ.

The similarities do not end there. But I figured I should start writing them down while I remember at least two of them at the same time.





Reader’s Links for October 8th, 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects on Classical Civilization, and various forms of leftism from Soviet era communism, to postmodernism and all the flavours of galloping statism and totalitarianism such as Nazism and Fascism which are increasingly snuffing out the classical liberalism which created our near, miraculous civilization the West has been building since the time of Socrates.

This document was written around the time this site was created, for those who wish to understand what this site is about. And while our understanding of the world and events has grown since then, the basic ideas remain sound and true to the purpose.

So please post all links, thoughts and ideas that you feel will benefit the readers of this site to the comments under this post each day. And thank you all for your contributions.

This is the new Samizdat. We must use it while we can.

For those interested, please check out as an another avenue of expression. The Substack is a different project in a sense. It is older videos that in the light of subsequent events, look different or of increased importance, Check it out now and again if you like.

The most unequivocal and lucid support of Israel and Zionism by a politician in Canadian history: Shuvaloy Majumdar

This was really a surprise. Normally, even politicians who support Israel equivocate a little bit. But this Conservative MP, Shuvaloy Majumdar, could not have been clearer in his support. And that took bravery. By juxtaposition, the Liberal MP for Ottawa Vanier, Mona Fortier, a ‘progressive’ to use the bearded language of the left for communist, made some obviously fumbled statements of support but wanted balance. Claimed that the Trudeau government would do everything in its power to get the hostages back or some such pablum only to be greeted with jeers and calls of “Well do something!” by the crowd. This all took place on Parliament Hill yesterday, Oct. 6 2024.

As an afterthought, it is interesting that as the year has passed, the communistMuslim protests appear to have wound down a lot and today in Montreal and Ottawa, the protests against Israel couldn’t seem to break 200 people. Dunno about Toronto yet. But Ottawa was just a few dialectical Jews, a lot of LARPing leftists with terror scarfs on, and lots of bona-fide Muslims who took the opportunity to take over the street in front of the Israeli Embassy well after everyone had left, and do some little league chanting and some dedicated arse-lifting.

Predictably, Global News does not show her speech because it makes her look bad, and doesn’t show the Conservative MP’s because it makes him look good. I am having no luck whatsoever on X or elsewhere finding her speech. I was about ready to leave at that point and wasn’t filming, but I saw the crowd react and it was not good, and she richly deserved it. It is almost like the crowd was actually awake to the language the left uses.

Oct. 6th Ottawa: Mother of one of the first victims of Oct. 7 Jihad attack against Israel speaks at Parliament Hill

This is an astonishing and painful account of what people hopefully will come to understand as a very classical islamic attack, in this case against the Jews and people of Israel, by the mother of one of its most heroic victims.

Below, this appears to be a scene from a documentary that we had published maybe 17 years ago, and cannot even remember the name of it now. But it was the best thing we had ever seen on the nature of Islam, and what motivates it. You can see from this scene (if anyone remembers the name of it, please leave it in the comments) how it relates to the October 7th attack of last year, and also the entire existence of the Islamic State.

There is a great deal to say about yesterday’s events on the hill. But one thing decidedly is noticeable as we have attended so many events on both ‘sides’ of the issue.

The side that is anti-Israel and anti-semitic etc. is also anti-Canada and anti-civilization. Even their use of the Palestinian flag strikes us as dialectical (for the purpose of destruction) in nature, as the state of Palestine does not exist, but it is a powerful propaganda weapon against the genuine state, and nation as apart from state, of Israel. Their chats are also anti-‘colonialist’. There is never a Canadian flag among the protests.

Compare that to the photo accompanying this post from yesterday.

Driving home from the event, we passed the Canadian HQ of Amnesty International.

We use the word, ‘dialectic’ or ‘dialectical’ way too much on this site. But also not nearly enough.

Have a look at the photo of the Amnesty Int. building in fashionable Sandy Hill and see if you can spot the dialectic attack.

If it had at least also said: “Return the hostages” …

Reader’s Links for October 7th, 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects on Classical Civilization, and various forms of leftism from Soviet era communism, to postmodernism and all the flavours of galloping statism and totalitarianism such as Nazism and Fascism which are increasingly snuffing out the classical liberalism which created our near, miraculous civilization the West has been building since the time of Socrates.

This document was written around the time this site was created, for those who wish to understand what this site is about. And while our understanding of the world and events has grown since then, the basic ideas remain sound and true to the purpose.

So please post all links, thoughts and ideas that you feel will benefit the readers of this site to the comments under this post each day. And thank you all for your contributions.

This is the new Samizdat. We must use it while we can.

For those interested, please check out as an another avenue of expression. The Substack is a different project in a sense. It is older videos that in the light of subsequent events, look different or of increased importance, Check it out now and again if you like.

Setting up the fix, and charting the fall of civilization: Links 1 for Oct. 6, 2024

1. Just have to make this single juxtaposition. Like similar ones we made in 2020, its primary value would be as an indicator of an election about to be stolen.


No one seems even the slightest bit put out by the ‘gas’ whatsoever. And what is with the guy throwing the umbrella? Is he auditioning for a Mary Poppins remake?

3. Ok this one isn’t any fun.

In every disaster there are multiple LOOs (Lines of operation) to derail any effective action or speech or organization against any potential counter moves. In terms of the Hurricane, the claim that there is a rare earth element in the hills and this is a gov’t plot to get to it. Like many of the more insane phoney ‘on-our-side’ counter-narratives about the vaxx, this appears to be untrue. Also rumours about dozing over whole towns, dead and all. This also is likely untrue. This following one I have no idea as of yet. It doesn’t seem much different than what we do know happens, but I would ask people to look at this more as a test of inf-warfare savvy than a piece of information. What is it. Is it an attack all on its own? or a report of something factually correct.

One comment in the thread gave a screen shot of this FEMA page.

Asking CHAT GPT about it:

No, generally, people who receive FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) payments in disaster zones do not have to repay the amount. FEMA provides financial assistance to individuals and households affected by federally declared disasters, and this aid is intended to help with immediate needs such as housing, repairs, and other disaster-related expenses. Since these payments are considered grants and not loans, they are not typically required to be repaid.

However, there are a few exceptions:

  1. Duplication of benefits: If someone receives FEMA assistance and later receives money for the same purpose from another source, like insurance or a lawsuit settlement, FEMA may request repayment for the overlapping amount.
  2. Incorrect payments: If FEMA later determines that a payment was made in error or if the recipient was not eligible, they may ask for the funds to be repaid.

But in normal circumstances, the assistance provided by FEMA is not something that disaster victims have to repay.

We already know GPT lies dialectically, meaning always lies to give weight to state narratives. But in this case it could be that the moneys being paid out have different conditions attached. No idea. The point of this item is to show the increasing liquification of all actual real events and their consequences.

4. I’m guessing Toronto because of the street car wires. Once again, I am very against restricting freedom of speech. If we didn’t allow people to chant these things, we wouldn’t know who they are. The issue in free nations historically, was decided via immigration. We didn’t let people in who hated us and wished us and our cultures death and slavery. The fact that these people have been imported by the millions and subsidized by the state shows the problem is much more serious than the odious LARPing (Live Action Role Play) by most of these people. The pink faced vegan college students and their seriously twisted Islamic and communist manipulators.

5. Meanwhile, at another display of Islamic/communist dominance in Australia, the only guy to be roughly arrested was a Jewish fellow carrying an Australian flag.

Let’s parse this a little.

At this point it should be clear to anyone who reads this site that the rule of law is over and the job of the police is to manage the collapse of Western civilization so it kicks up as little dust as possible as it falls. As a consequence we have seen and documented on this site for well over 15 years, police arresting peaceful people at demonstrations while howling mobs of savages cried out for their blood.

One especially comes to mind, I think it was Scandinavia but can’t remember for sure, where a group of Jewish protestors had a permit for a demo, built a little stage, sang folk songs and otherwise did the usual niceties bordering on the banal only to be arrested and forcibly removed by police while a howling mob of Muslims threw missiles at them and otherwise made illegal threats of violence. This was a long time ago, and while it was posted on this site, I wouldn’t even know how to search for it at this point.

There aren’t really many arguments if any at all that there is rule of law in the West. Events are managed to make sure that no one gets too badly hurt as a result of the policies that the COMINTERN have implemented across the West. At least not yet, but lots of people getting really hurt is quite likely once a certain point de bascule is reached, one might reasonably assume. November 6th certainly could be one of them. Which is why they won’t announce the winner for weeks afterwards, since they would likely only want the massive violence they plan should somehow Trump manage to win.

In the practical, if a Jewish person advocating for Israel or even the host country, in this case Australia, shows up at one of the now daily near-riots that take place across the West he probably needs to be removed for his own safety, only because the police do not have the physical resources to protect him and or arrest all the law breakers. And the architects of all this chaos are if nothing else, eminently practical. So the police work to protect the law breakers and use their monopoly on force to remove patriots and advocates for liberty and Western civ ‘for their own good’.

Australia seems to do it more viciously than most nation states though.

I remember posting a video of an Australian girl with a baby brutalized by police when the lock downs were declared in Oz. I even got a phone call from someone who had a complete tantrum at me that this could not possibly be true. That no police force in the West could do this to a mother and baby doing nothing but walking down a street. Yet within weeks it became the new normal.

Finding exact posts I did is very difficult because there are usually 5 to 10 items in a post on this site with a title that is often overly clever but makes sense at the time. So it is difficult to locate them. But here are a few similar examples from X which is much easier to search:

Avi Yemeni does a nice juxtaposition to prove the point about the dialectical nature of policing in the West now

So. This was the state of things in 2020 and shortly after.

Islam and communism share the following attribute:

In Islam all things are halal (permitted) if they advance the authority of Islam. Examples could take all day but for the moment, when Iraq went full Islamic after the US deposed Saddam, jihadis went around making sure no one used technology that didn’t exist at the time of Mohammad. This included people with Falafel ball machines in the streets. They did this holding AK47s, They also have no issues with using YouTube and all other modern means of Dawa and Chutba (sp) or doing sermons online, even though Islam strictly prohibits the representation of living things whatsoever.

Communism uses a slightly different method to achieve the same result. They pretend to use rule of law to get general compliance, but adjust all the parameters to get the most leftist possible outcome to the scenario. And examples of this across the West since the revolution really came into effect, lets say in 2020 are too numerous and obvious to insult the reader’s intelligence by listing them at this point. After all, to a large degree, that has been the entire purpose of this site, is to point out the nature of the workings of our system as it operates now, and point to its desired outcome.

As Stephen Coughlin explains, this is not hypocrisy. This is a different system which has a different intention than what many allow themselves to believe.

Thanks for checking out this site.

A little addition from the UK. THis person did a good job of showing how the police operate dialectically. Arresting those with signs that state a fact in law, and ignoring actual calls for Jihad, claiming that Jihad has many meanings. I think the Muslims call this kind of deception, ‘Kitman’.

Chat GPT offers this meaning of Kitman:

Kitman is a term in Islamic jurisprudence that refers to the act of withholding or concealing certain aspects of the truth without directly lying. It is often described as a form of mental reservation or partial truth-telling, where specific information is left out intentionally, allowing a listener to form a different or incomplete understanding of the situation.

In certain legal or theological contexts within Islam, Kitman is sometimes discussed alongside Taqiyya, which refers to concealing one’s faith or beliefs under specific circumstances, such as when facing persecution or danger. Kitman is thus a more subtle form of concealment, where someone may choose to withhold key information in a way that changes how the overall truth is perceived without directly stating a falsehood.

Context of Kitman:

  1. Self-preservation: Kitman, like Taqiyya, is generally invoked when there is a threat to personal safety, especially during times of persecution or when one’s life or well-being is at risk. This concept is particularly relevant in historical contexts where certain Muslim groups, especially Shi’a Muslims, faced persecution by ruling powers.
  2. Debates in theology: In debates over doctrine or when engaging in religious discussions, Kitman can refer to withholding certain beliefs or interpretations, especially in situations where fully expressing them might lead to conflict or danger.

Kitman in Practical Terms:

Kitman does not involve outright lying, but instead means deliberately omitting certain information to avoid giving a full account. This can lead someone else to draw conclusions based on partial information, but technically, the speaker has not spoken a falsehood.


If someone asks a person about their religious beliefs in a hostile environment, rather than denying their faith, the individual might choose to answer only a portion of the question, providing true information but omitting details that could put them at risk.

Ethical Debate:

There is ongoing debate among scholars about the use of Kitman. Some view it as a necessary tool for survival in hostile situations, while others caution against its use, emphasizing that Islam encourages honesty and truthfulness.

In summary, Kitman is a form of strategic truth-concealment used to protect oneself or avoid danger, without explicitly lying. It is a nuanced concept that is primarily discussed in relation to religious or survival contexts.

The London Police though are actually being less strict. They are simply enforcing what gives the political outcome the revolution wants.



Reader’s Links for October 6th, 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects on Classical Civilization, and various forms of leftism from Soviet era communism, to postmodernism and all the flavours of galloping statism and totalitarianism such as Nazism and Fascism which are increasingly snuffing out the classical liberalism which created our near, miraculous civilization the West has been building since the time of Socrates.

This document was written around the time this site was created, for those who wish to understand what this site is about. And while our understanding of the world and events has grown since then, the basic ideas remain sound and true to the purpose.

So please post all links, thoughts and ideas that you feel will benefit the readers of this site to the comments under this post each day. And thank you all for your contributions.

This is the new Samizdat. We must use it while we can.

For those interested, please check out as an another avenue of expression. The Substack is a different project in a sense. It is older videos that in the light of subsequent events, look different or of increased importance, Check it out now and again if you like.

Preparing yourself to be a good enemy via OPSEC to those waging political Warfare against us: Know what you mean by what you say

Canadian woman organizes relief caravan to Tennessee

We did this interview this morning. It is very interesting that this is even necessary and twice as interesting that she may be stopped from doing it by the US and maybe even Canadian federal governments. After all, These states are all bright red states, and also were recalcitrant during the covid tyranny.

RAIR Article here.

I think again, this is the most authoritative bit of information as to how FEMA is blocking aid to the disaster zone

And more recently this, which is directly related if you understand how the Revolutionary Government of the United States operates:

Saturday’s list of items that may indicate the nature of reality as it is, Biden for instance, does some predictive programming for violence during the election: Links 1 for Oct. 5, 2024

1. Stephen Coughlin once said that you can know everything there is to know about Marxism and nothing about dialectics, and we will lose. But, you could know all there is about dialectics and nothing about Marxism and you will win. Download and listen to this one hour radio program by Bill Mayer from Friday Morning to see this in action. Bill takes a dialectical approach to the issues of the day without using the word itself. Which is probably better for mass market. See what you think. Leave a comment.

2. Dr. Andrew Bostom lists some of the points about the interference with delivering aid to the bright red states hit by the hurricane. This morning, I did an interview with a woman who is planning to try and get a small string of trucks to deliver aid to Tennessee. A lot of insight in that interview. I hope to post it tonight.

The graphic:

Advice that means a great deal more than the mere practical nature of the advice

3. Try to keep these two things in mind when you pay your ‘Carbon tax’

4. So apparently, the Canadian Parliament has been shut down until something happens but it isn’t being covered in the news. Situ-Normal. AFU.

Gotta say, this feels like another giant steal of money for which it may go to some kind of Liberal Party ethics commissoon headed by his high school girlfriend, and nothing will happen. We need to know about which MPs are CHINESE SPIES.

5. Viktor Orban threatens to send invading migrants brought into the EU region to destroy those countries as they are, by busses to Brussels. I doubt it will work. There is no rule of law, or rules based societies. At this point anything which works for the revolution is allowed, even if illegal and even violent. But anything which works against the revolution will be punished, even if peaceful and fully within the confines of all the laws.

I believe we saw the Florida or Texas governor send a few measly invaders to Martha’s vineyards to make a point a year or so ago. They were quickly removed. If they had meant it, they would have sent them all there and not accepted them back.

So the question is in the air: Is Viktor Orban for real? If he is for real, will he be allowed to actually resist the revolutionary methods to destroy Hungary and the EU? Why has he not attempted to leave the EU like the UK pretended to do?

Thank you all for checking out this site.

Oh yeah, Joe Biden does a little predictive programming for the upcoming election.