North American Schools become Hegelian Cults

Anyone know how cults work, and what makes a cult different from this US Public School?

Click through to read the comments as well.


A few articles on the state of the Ivy leagues

Here are some Tweets and articles on the state of the Ivy League schools in the US and how they are now under scrutiny. This scrutiny along with what is likely minor losses of finances, is due to the stance the administrators took on Israel.

I say minor losses even though the sums seem huge, because they will likely be more than made up for by Nazis like George Soros or major Muslim oil tycoons.

Before this list of articles, some of them very good, let us state our brief thoughts on the matter:

The admins of Harvard, MIT etc. should not have resigned or been fired for what they said, although some of what they allowed was certainly criminal and should be dealt with at least as harshly as how Donald Trump is being treated based on the claim that he encouraged or allowed events on Jan 6, misrepresented though they may be. They should in fact, have been never hired in the first place, or once it was established that they were communist operatives, seeking to undermine and destroy the very fabric of Greek thought upon which the Ivy League Universities are cathedrals, dedicated to preserving, enhancing and spreading classical thought. And once discovered, should have been removed on that basis.

If you watch the hearings which were all over Twitter, the answers the principle women gave for allowing what they allowed, was not fully unreasonable. It was just a total lie.

Remember, with the left, the point is NEVER the point. The Revolution is ALWAYS the point.

So when these woman talked about freedom of expression, it doesn’t take much research to find that at Harvard, one has to conform to neo-Marxist speech codes, (something Noam Chomsky never bothered to mention in his book on freedom of speech just BTW) which can be severe in consequence, and force all faculty and students to lie about obvious things like sexual dimorphism. Although I cannot find it now, one of the women who resigned over this issue, stated that she wished to resign in order to allow the grand work she was engaged in to continue. Or words very much to that effect.

In other words, by singling out this issue we allowed the following to happen:

We have managed to get a visible communist out of an important position in order to put in another one who might be more discreet about this particular issue, but will continue to erode the university into an engine of destruction of the USA and Western thought and peoples in general

This is the same pattern we see in politics, and in other institutions. We fail to see the underlying cancer, and we remove one small tumour which is a symptom and not the disease. Content that the surface problem is dealt with, we move on while the cancer continues to kill the patient.

Jordan Peterson gets very close:

Jordan Peterson: Blame idiotic Marxism for the demented antisemitism oozing out of universities

Presidents of Harvard, MIT and UPenn turn blind eye to calls for genocide against Jews, while claiming the moral high ground […]

Those days are long gone. Even the last competent president of the once-stellar university, Lawrence Summers, recently and publicly admitted as much. Now, led by the woefully unqualified Claudine Gay, Harvard was recently awarded a score below zero for freedom of speech on campus by FIRE, an organization that would have been recognized as quite liberal at any point in the past, excepting the last four or five years. MIT is faring no better. I spoke at length with two of their prominent professors in the last month. Both have bailed out in disgust from what was once and rightly so the engineering centrepiece of the entire world. The administration there no longer recognizes merit, they told me. It fails to support its faculty, no longer prioritizing the innovation, excellence, and sheer brilliant eccentricity once fostered and celebrated, above all, precisely there. As goes Harvard and MIT, so goes U Penn, also a once-admirable and excellent school. There are virtually no exceptions in the realm of higher education to this rule of corruption and failure.

The following article is worth reading with attention from start to finish:

What Just Happened?

Here is an excerpt, but really read it over at Kunstler. It isn’t long and it hits a few right keys.

My people, the Jews, including a major chunk of the intellectual class, assumed leadership in the Woke crusade because the Holocaust of the 1940s established us as the world’s premier oppressed victim group. That badge of honor stuck for decades. Seventy percent of American Jews vote for the Party of Chaos, which used to be the Party of Civil Rights, which used to be synonymous with truth and justice. Thus, for decades, we American Jews were able to feel marinated in virtue.

     Incidentally, the reason American Jews went all in for the Civil Rights movement was because after the big war and all its horrors they felt a victory for expanded tolerance and acceptance in America — the defeat of “Jim Crow” in particular — could only be a good thing for Jews, who, by the way, had demonstrated that a former “out” group could succeed spectacularly in 20th century America if permitted to try, which suggested that other “out” groups could too, and ought to be allowed to try. For Jews, America turned out to be the promised land, and one can easily see how that rhetoric jibed so well with Martin Luther King and his followers in the 1960s.

     But the Civil Rights crusade is history now and American intellectuals, Jews especially, appear to be secretly disillusioned and rather ashamed at the less than satisfactory results, such as intractable black poverty and crime. Successful American Jews have been out of their own ghettos for decades, and they have no desire to live adjacent to any black ghetto if they can help it — though they would never dare admit it. However, they flocked to and flourished in the ghetto of elite academia, where they could make a good living in the commerce of ideas, luxuriate in enhanced social status (especially at Ivy League schools), with the bonus of fabulously easy work requirements (two classes a week and then summers off, what a deal!).

Interesting speech on this issue directed at the MIT president:

Andrew Sullivan: The Day The Empress’ Clothes Fell Off

It may be too much to expect that the Congressional hearings this week, starring the three presidents of Harvard, MIT, and Penn, will wake people up to the toxic collapse of America’s once-great Ivy League. But I can hope, can’t I? In the immortal words of Hitch (peace be upon him), as you listen to these people, “You see how far the termites have spread, and how long and well they have dined.”

The mediocrities smirked, finessed, condescended, and stonewalled. Take a good look at them. These are the people who now select our elites. And they select them, as they select every single member of the faculty, and every student, by actively discriminating against members of certain “privileged” groups and aggressively favoring other “marginalized” ones. They were themselves appointed in exactly the same way, from DEI-approved pools of candidates. As a Harvard dean, Claudine Gay’s top priority was “making more progress on diversity,” i.e. intensifying the already systemic race, sex and gender discrimination that defines the place.

Thanks to the recent Supreme Court case, the energetic discrimination against Asian-American candidates for admission at Harvard is no longer in doubt. But countless other candidates for admission have little to no chance, regardless of their grades, or extracurriculars, because they belong to the wrong race, sex, sexual orientation, and “gender identity.” As soon as students are admitted under this identity framework, they are taught its core precepts: that the “truth” — or, in Harvard’s now-ironic motto, “Veritas” — is a function not of logic or reason or of open, free, robust debate and dialogue, let alone of Western civilization, but of inimical and evil “power structures” rooted in identity that need to be dismantled first. Identity first; truth second — because truth is rooted in identity and cannot exist outside of it.

In the hearings, President Gay actually said, with a straight face, that “we embrace a commitment to free expression even of views that are objectionable, offensive, hateful.” This is the president whose university mandates all students attend a Title IX training session where they are told that “fatphobia” and “cisheterosexism” are forms of “violence,” and that “using the wrong pronouns” constitutes “abuse.” This is the same president who engineered the ouster of a law professor, Ronald Sullivan, simply because he represented a client, of whom Gay and students (rightly but irrelevantly) disapproved, Harvey Weinstein.

This last point needs a second look. Harvey Weinstein was anathema because he represented power and the women who decided to exchange sexual activities for fame and fortune are viewed as victims of power. Ludicrous on the surface because when you have a choice, you have a choice. As Rosencrantz said to Guildenstern, or the other way round, “There must have been a point where we could have said no”. (in the magnificent play, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead.) These women really did have a choice, and they made it well before they entered his hotel bedroom.

Why does this matter? Because the reason used to ostracize anyone connected to him, was because he represents the oppressor in the Marxist world view. The ambitious potential starlets who are not above a little prostitution for a home in the hills with a nice pool and a flash car, are victims.

The issue here is that these people should never have been allowed to enter an Ivy league school as a student, let alone set policy. Reason, greek thought, merit, perhaps the single most important key to the success of Western civilization, were dismantled by these college administrators. They should face consequences. And we must preserve freedom of speech even when we don’t like it. If we had done this, along with continued rational immigration policies, the events we are concerned with simply wouldn’t have happened.

One more paragraph:

This is the same president who watched a brilliant and popular professor, Carole Hooven, be effectively hounded out of her position after a public shaming campaign by one of her department’s DEI enforcers, and a mob of teaching fellows, because Hooven dared to state on television that biological sex is binary. This is the president of a university where a grand total of 1.46 percent of faculty call themselves “conservative” and 82 percent call themselves “liberal” or “very liberal.” This is the president of a university which ranked 248th out of 248 colleges this year on free speech (and Penn was the 247th), according to the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. Harvard is a place where free expression goes to die.

And then Sullivan NAILS IT

The critics who keep pointing out “double standards” when it comes to the inflammatory speech of pro-Palestinian students miss the point. These are not double standards. There is a single standard: It is fine to malign, abuse and denigrate “oppressors” and forbidden to do so against the “oppressed.”

Harvard Donors start to notice the shift in culture at that formerly great institution

Billionaire Harvard Donor, Bill Ackman writes letter exposing the fully communist nature of the culture at Harvard

Daily Mail: Bill Ackman posts excoriating letter to Harvard’s president Claudine Gay taking aim at anti-Semitism, free speech and discrimination against straight white men and Asian students in the guise of ‘equity’

Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman took aim once again at Harvard University’s leadership in a scathing open letter in which he highlights their failure to address anti-Semitism and other forms of discrimination on campus. 

Ackman, 57, posted the letter on his X page on Sunday. In one section he wrote that anti-Semitism is ‘the canary in the coal mine for other discriminatory practices at Harvard.’

The Harvard graduate also alleged that straight white males are subject to discrimination and denied opportunities at the school.

The Daily Mail article emphasizes Harvard’s antisemitism. But Ackman equally excoriated Harvard for its anti-White hatred, where antisemitism is merely a subset of anti-white hatred because Jews are seen as white. Sadly, this means that while Ackman is capable of observing what is obvious and stating it, he is not yet understanding what is taking place on the Harvard Campus. Communism views things in terms of power. What they view is the group holding power must be overthrown, and those who do not have power must be elevated in what will be a PERPETUAL revolution. Exactly like the pamphlet said in the anti-Israel protest in Ottawa a couple of weeks ago. The photo below is from the Trotskyist League at the anti-Israel demo, Nov. 25th

To get a good read on the Ackman letter, please check out that segment of Today’s Charlie Kirk show.

It is well worth the time. And as Kirk said, when you meet Harvard grads, at least recent ones, its time to treat them as they are. Not as the legacy they bought.

Letter from OCDSB [Ottawa School Board] to families with kids in the system on the anti-SOGI march September 20th

I will post the body of the email here short of the addressee information.

It would be great if readers of this site would read it carefully and think about what the implications, both overt and more subtle actually are for this email. To what extent is this political? How much does it have to do with educating children? Is the school impartial on the issues? Think of other aspects of this email that need parsing and add your thoughts in the comments.


From: OCDSB Communications [mailto:di**********@oc***.ca" data-original-string="AgtTcgDFZfpGGwBuUWHaG8DKhGjAMUy/P2qhmPsakxA=" title="This contact has been encoded by Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Click to decode. To finish the decoding make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.]

Sent: September 22, 2023 3:34 PM
Subject: Parent/Caregiver Update: September 22, 2023

Dear OCDSB Families,

Earlier this week, rallies were held across the country and on Parliament Hill “against how schools teach gender ideology”. This has become very divisive and commonly pits claims for parental rights, protection of children, and indoctrination against claims of hate, transphobia, and safety. These demonstrations foster a culture of hate and fear.

What is unfortunate is that the demonstrations and counter demonstrations do not lead to conversation. They do not generate critical thinking, dialogue, or discussion. There is no learning from each other, there is little respect, acceptance or empathy. 

Schools are places of learning. We have a responsibility to provide an education to all students in a safe, caring, and welcoming environment. We stand unequivocally with the 2SLGBTQ+ community who we know are facing rising discrimination and violence. Please read our statement.

The rest is on unrelated matters. Do comment. Another aspect could be, does this email conform to Marcuse’s “Liberating Tolerance” dialectic?

Here is a link to quite an excellent Tweet. While his analogy is far from perfect for a few reasons, it is still an excellent example of the problems with the normal reasoning as applied by the letter above. Also read the thread below. Its quite clear.

Parent stopped from reading Children’s book at school board meeting

Parents speaking back to communist school boards has become one of my favorite categories of videos. If only those parents understood that these are communist boards, or the policies they object to are communist policies. It might help them get to the point. In any case, we need to pass these videos around. People need to know what schools are doing to children.

This is a witty man. Remember his last line. Let’s all remember to use that line in similar circumstances.

Herbert Marcuse’s Repressive Tolerance as dominant principle at work in Ontario (and everywhere) School Boards

In the second video which was shot at the Durham District School Board at some point in Q1 of this year, we see what should be familiar to everyone by this point, even if people are not familiar with the strategy at work and still refer to what they see as ‘leftist hypocrisy”.

Below, is a 4 minute primer on Repressive Tolerance which is worth seeing first before watching the School Board meeting. For those who want to know more about Marcuse’s semantic marxism, please search YouTube for James Lindsay and Stephen Coughlin with additional terms, Repressive Tolerance or Marcuse. Also this video is very good and very relevant. 

Below is a video from the Durham District School Board in Ontario. See if you can spot the many ways in which Marcuse’s Repressive Tolerance is the principle used to deflect parent’s concerns about the collection of sexual data on young children.

This video is unedited from the original taken from Facebook, other than the background noise, which was considerable, was removed and some speech levelling was applied.

For those that wish a deeper and academic dive into the specifics of the strategy used to revolutionize our school boards, and for that matter, every aspect of our civilization, we recommend reading 5 pages a day of Stephen Coughlin’s essay on the Left’s Tactics to Transform America.

Additionally, Marxism and homosexuality, easily extended to the “trans” movement.

Interview with Josh Alexander, the teen who dared fight the “gender demands” at a Catholic school

Please read the story details at RAIR Foundation.

James Lindsay: The Marxification of education

Like all Prof. James Lindsay’s lectures. this is profound and important. Anyone who has children in schools or recently changed their values while in schools should watch this. This video is a brilliant explanation of the methods and tactics of Marxists within the school system to destroy children’s whole belief set and value system, and make them activists for a permanent system of endless destruction.

Lindsay explains who Marx is not a philosopher, but is someone who simply created a system for transforming people into agents of destruction, of everything, eternally.

One could, if one wanted, score another point for the claim that communism is demonic. At the practical level, it is.