YouTube commenters laugh at the irony of Muslims marching against Islamophobia while demanding a Caliphate in Germany

Interesting term, the “Dictatorship of values”. Pretty sure Canada’s Next Prime Minister is planning the same thing. Its about what those values are of course… where we run into issues.

The commenters also mentioned that they thought that the Muslims “… played their hand too early”. That would only be true if Germany had a state apparatus that did not want the destruction that the Muslims bring. it is in fact exactly why the muslims are in Germany. They were BROUGHT IN and especially after 2015 to do exactly what they do. The proof is that people have been criminalized or otherwise disenfranchised for reposting the truth about Islam and islamic behaviour in Germany. Much like Covid and the Vaxx, one of the very few ways to deduce the truth is to look at the effect the lies have on you and society. When it was illegal to promote safe and effective treatments like Ivermectin or HCQ but they were forcing and coercing experimental mRNA gene therapy, you could figure out that they wanted a certain outcome that had sweet bugger all to do with your personal health.

The UN Migration Compact would be the same in this instance. Where it was decreed that migration would be free and legal from the Middle East and Africa to the West, and all journalism had to at worst ignore it, or report on it in a positive way. This was part of the UN migration pact. For reals.

So this may be why the two people are allowed to be on YouTube. As long as they remain naive and don’t suggest an effective push-back no one cares. It’s a pressure valve for the public to imagine that people will notice this and then do something about it.

Sometime ago, a German girl, a teen was raped and murdered by one of Merkel’s guests. Her parents were part of the program to destroy Germany by mass migration. They actually made a statement, something to the effect that no one should see her murder as a reason to stop the mass migration and that their daughter loved these people, or something very much like that.

If it takes your own child and you can’t manage to suggest fighting back, what chance does Germany or any other country rapidly finding itself being transformed into a Muslim-Communist authoritarian state?

AfD member of the German legislature lays it down about crime stats in Germany

Now and again the AfD does what is needed.

5XWs at RAIR

Filip Dewinter of Belgium’s Vlaams Belang party speaks to the nature of Islam in an interview

More here

Islam in Italy: A series of videos

In the past week or so, RAIR Foundation along with our translators and editors have been preparing a series of 4, and then 7 videos from Italy on the facts of Islam in Italy and the surrounding region. The material is shocking for those not familiar with the invasion of Islam in this century and just before, and refreshing in terms of how frankly it is dealt with by this Italian TV station for those of us that are familiar.

The entire series is not done yet. But here are a few of the videos. Each is a stand-alone and doesn’t require the previous ones for context, although they do all form a context together. The only question that remains of course, is would these videos be legal in Scotland, where 2+2=4 is now a counter-revolutionary statement.

Christian Migrants sound alarm on the true nature of the Islamic ones into Europe and Italy in particular

There are a couple of videos on how women within the Islamic community in Italy are treated. This is one of them.

An Italian mayor has to live under constant protection for attempting to preserve some elements of Italian law, culture, and religion in an area which contains enough Muslims to tip the balance

Muslims in Italy explain what conquering the world will look like, starting with Italy. “First we kick out the Jews, then…”

Italian Journalist gets beaten in Islamic area of Italy. A ‘no-go zone’ as they are often referred to.

There are more at RAIR. Click through to any one of the links and hit list view at the top right and scroll down. We will post the new ones as we get them here as well and of course, at Gates of Vienna.

Islamic conquest of Italy: Video 2 in a series of 4

Please read the story details at RAIR Foundation

There is a new series starting soon of 9 videos on this subject. At least some Italian media is not totally unable to see what is in front of them.

Marion Maréchal on French TV explains why she wants Ramadan advertising banned

She makes an interesting argument, even against the Muslim in the room. But when asked if she feels the same way about advertising for Jewish holiday events, her answer could have been much better. Islam is the only religion that seeks to enforce its religious norms on the rest of the host population. And it strives to do so at all opportunities. This site alone has posted dozens if not hundreds of videos of sharia police in Europe and the USA, and Sharia patrols enforcing sharia norms on Muslims and non muslims alike.

In Australia, muslims broke into an Australian who had converted to Islam’s apartment and soundly beat him because he drank a beer. There is no excuse for this. In the West, each person decides on a personal basis how observant they want to be. Jewish leaders tend to want other Jewish people to be observant to varying degrees. But never do anything like that. Islam does it not just to their own, but will treat mosques as beachheads, which in fact they are, and patrol areas around them for dress code violations, homosexuals holding hands and so on and so on by the infidel.

And the West has lost so much of its own understanding of reality that we make excuses for them, even as they transform our own territory into dystopian hell holes.

Please read the details around this video at RAIR Foundation.

Palestinian/Tunisian illegal in France attempts decapitation of man on train annoyed by crying baby

This was a very difficult video to subtitle. Not technically, technically it was relatively easy. But when subtitling videos you often have to pay close attention to what is being said, to get it right. And this one was so upsetting I had to stop twice and take a break.

The story write up is at RAIR. Video below:

About that unknown motive mass stabber at a train station in Paris…

Rair foundation has all the details on the who what why of this guy. Please click here for the facts. Below, are two of the social media video he made where he explains quite clearly what his motives are.

Thanks to HeHa for the translation on these

Eric Zemmour on the total fail of MultiCulti

RAIR Foundation has a lot more information about this video, and its implications as well as on Eric Zemmour himself. Although not a riveting video, it is a short look at how Islam is absorbing the UK and France and not the other way around. Which of course was the intention all along.

Examples of how British people are treated by police for making statements contradicting narratives on behaviour or identity, Vs. how Muslims are treated for publicly preaching that homosexuals should be murdered is just one obvious example. Or how a British woman was repeatedly arrested for silently praying near a facility that kills unborn babies while Muslims on masse take over whole sections of London and other cities across the world doing Islamic ritual prayer which actually obstructs other people’s intended use of public space with zero police interference.

In other words, as much as we appreciate Mr. Zemmour and his efforts, and we really do let there be no doubt, examples of Western Government colluding with Islam, tacitly or otherwise are legion and staggeringly better than these ones.

Like this:

Vs. This

Time prevents me from posting more. But this site has been dedicated to this issue since around 2008.

French Intel officer explains how France will be Islamic in 2 generations, plus analysis from French TV and it’s surprisingly NOT PC

The details of who these people are can be read at RAIR. They are bona fide and these videos may have consequences.

Excerpt of interview with French intel-officer

TV panel does analysis of the interview above:

Muslim soccer player and social media guy defines rules for his (future?) wife

Details at RAIR Foundation

Three bearded men savagely beat medical professionals for not treating their friend the way they wanted

Multiculturalism is working out exactly as they expected and wanted it to.

Details at RAIR

Muslim rapper in France explains how he plans to deal with everyone

Story details over at RAIR

What they teach in Islamic schools – exemplar: The Netherlands

Story details can be seen at RAIR Foundation

To be clear, any Islamic school teaches Islamic scripture. Islamic scripture is in essence, jingoism against the unbeliever. Motivating pep talks to kill, conquer and impose sharia law. So these kinds of videos are problematic only in that it allows people to think they are “extremist” or in some way an outlier. This is Islam in the Netherlands, and everywhere.

VOX Deputy Rocío de Meer speaks the plain truth about Islamization of Spain. Except for one thing

What a shame that even by her own admission, it is too late to do anything about it. On the other hand, that is a lie. There is always something you can do. It’s just that the longer you wait to solve a problem, the more draconian, expensive and unpleasant the solution becomes. So one wonders if her use of the word, “unstoppable” two times in this video isn’t really a kind of predictive programming. She didn’t say the solution would be difficult. She said there isn’t one. That should ring alarm bells in the rest of the VOX. After all, in political warfare, you beat the enemy in no small part by disinforming them.

And it should be clear to all by now, that Covid, the Vaxx, and a larg number of other narrative attacks including multiculturalism have been political warfare attacks by what appear to be our own governments against what are our own people.

Story details at RAIR