Before you spend $300.00 on a ticket for Jordan Peterson “get the damn vaccine”

For a guy who has become a total rock star on essentially opposing state power and its brutal and intense invasion of every single aspect of our lives, even where it is anti-constitutional in many countries, he sure talks out of both sides of his mouth on the issue of submission to irrational authority on the matter of masks and experimental gene-therapies.

Even though its yada yada wuzza wuzza submit. And even though I wouldn’t force it, “get the damn vaccine.”

There is no “Look into the data and look at the obvious lies and make up your own mind.” Instead, its “suspend judgement for 6 months”.  I wonder how many people died of myocarditis from that advice. Or got permanently damaged. This was direct advice to submit to authority who was obviously and clearly lying to us all. We know they lied because we know they could not know the things they claimed about the gene-therapy because they had bypassed all the testing procedures our own governments had created to make sure things are safe enough for the public.

In this video, he is using the same trick as the government. Which written out is roughly, ‘use the precautionary principle and take the vaccine and wear the mask as if the virus is as they say it is, then this is a safer course of action than standing on principle and not doing so’.

I say it’s a con or a trick because the precautionary principle actually works better the other way.

Government is clearly lying about the severity of the disease, and telling us to do things that they are also lying about such as injecting a brand new technology into people that has never been used before without proper testing so the cautious approach would be, don’t go into crowds and don’t inject anything that the people lying about everything, tell you to inject.’

For that matter, the precautionary principle is always a con. It is in effect, Pascal’s Wager in pretty much all circumstances. Pascal’s Wager is a con because it is inherently a logical fallacy where the costs are hidden in one of the choices.

When Dr. Peterson came out against Canadian government diktats on forced use of language, in this case pronouns but it clearly won’t stop there, he did an incredible service to Canada and the World. He woke many up to the totalitarian threat facing the West.

He did his damndest to get us all to read Explaining Postmodernism, which Dr. Peterson explained, is his source on the issue. And it is an amazing read/listen

But his being a Pied Piper to dangerous and totalitarian authority on the vaxx issue, the most permanent and dangerous choice facing individuals in the last many many years, if not ever, makes one wonder. Not to mention it is a hard flip from the sanctity of the individual to the total sacrifice of the individual for a collective good, as defined and determined by ‘Die Parti’!

For those who wish to see him on January 30 in Ottawa, here is a chart of tickets that range from $90.00 to $300.00 in a stadium that holds 18,000 people.

Oh yeah and this:

The following analogy should be clarified by people more knowledgeable than me. But I can’t help but wonder if there isn’t an analogy to Matthew 12:21:13 here.

Jesus didn’t swap out his Roman money for Israeli to get inside and sell bibles. He threw everyone out of the temple and explained that this was unacceptable behaviour.

Right or wrong, Jesus was sticking to his principles, was he not?

Jordan Peterson and his scheduled struggle session

Today in Toronto is a protest around noon for Dr. Peterson. Here is a post with the details. Meanwhile last night some activists made it clear how they felt about it.

Outside and against the wall of the College of Psychologists:

Here is Gad Saad on the matter:

Probably the bit to pay attention to is around the middle. NONE of the complainants were or are patients of his.

On Meagan Kelly, they discuss the terms and conditions for Dr. Peterson to ‘redeem’ himself. These terms should make it clear that this is a Struggle Session requiring self-denouncement, and that Canada increasingly is a Maoist communist state.

So. About Mao:


It is time for all who love Freedom to come support Jordan Peterson, Toronto, January 11th 2023

If anyone is in or near Toronto and able to attend this protest tomorrow, this may be the time to throw your hat in the ring.

In our opinion, Canada has been transformed into a Maoist revolutionary state over at least the last decade. All depending on when you want to start charting it. Michael Hansen’s movie from 2019 called Killing Canada has several sections in it which now look a little different than they did then. More in focus. Then it was horrifying political correctness and punishment for wrong-think. Now it looks like a well planned Maoist revolution. Pay special attention to the parts with the comedian who was taken down by the “Canadian Human Rights Commissions”. Perhaps the first places to be captured by the communists. See Michael’s movie in full at the end of this post.

Please read the details for the protest at RAIR Foundation

Killing Canada

Dr. Jordan Peterson banned from Twitter for insisting on reality and rejecting Die Partei imposed pseudo-reality

At the risk of appearing to be hubristic, I would like to simplify what I think is the reason that Jordan Peterson was banned from Twitter.

The formula for why certain things happen to certain people is actually pretty simple. The first rule is:

Anything which is pro-revolution will be rewarded and if massively criminal, like insurrection with guns and so on as we saw in the various “Autonomous Zones”, will not be punished. Anything which is counter-revolutionary, even when totally within the laws and dead centre of the norm, will be punished, either by a warping of law to include the action or words as a crime as previously defined but not applied this way, or punished extra-judicially by ostracism or intimidation or harassment or many many other means we have seen deployed by the Left and leftist weaponized ‘journalists’.

Secondly the crime itself, as the revolutionaries see it, is the resistance to an enforced pseudo-reality. Saying there are no differences between men and women and one can become the other by saying so, (Alchemy?) or surgical procedures which may or may not make a person look like the other sex, but certainly will sterilize them, is one example of the pseudo-reality which must be obeyed.

Jordan Peterson himself went from an anonymous college prof. to an international star because he was a kind of Rosa Parks on the grass near U of T, refusing to engage in forced speech. Refusing to use pronouns people took for themselves which are not accurate, and which the government passed a law to make people say. Jordan Peterson, as a person of authority and influence, was immediately punished by the left, as they determine who to act against by their degree of influence. In this one case however, they received the full force of the Streisand Effect, and Dr. Peterson became more famous and influential than ever.

One could almost summarize Jordan’s whole video with this short clip from the movie version of 1984:

Jordan Peterson five minute summary of Canada and the Trudeau government

“Fundamentally equivalent to a totalitarian encroachment”.

Video above removed from YouTube. We believe it is the video below.

Jordan Peterson puts it all together

This is exceptional. I haven’t heard Dr. Peterson this good for a long time. He actually points out that feminism’s alignment with Islam is actually a wish for brutal male domination.

This of course is logical and a fun interpretation. And at an individual level, which a psychologist would find interesting, it may even be true largely. But the fact is feminism is merely a vector of communism’s attack on Western civilization, and its alignment with islam is because they share the same goal. Each imagines they can work out differences once European thought, history and people are out of the way. But overall, he is very, very good.

Dr. Jordan Peterson on the cost of speaking Vs. the cost of not speaking