Diana West: The new American Police State

Diana West fact-checks Whitney Webb’s two volume book set

First, what does Whitney Webb say?

Here is an edited down version of a very long interview she did with Glenn Beck. We kept all the good bits, but the whole thing is an entertaining watch and can be seen here if anyone wants to check it out:

Veteran journalist, Diana West takes Whitney up on her challenge to fact check her two volume book, “One Nation Under Blackmail” and gives us a benchmark upon which to help determine veracity.

It’s a very good read and interesting. I would ask you to click through and read it from the beginning. I will just post a couple of paragraphs from a little ways down the page which speaks to many of us here in this community:

I’d like to pause to note that the “corruption of our core institutions” is something everyone (practically everyone) reading these words recognizes, mourns, rages at, all of us trying in our own way to survive what has happened, to our families, to our nation; and to resist it all and fight back. Indeed, it is in this shared tragedy where we might find the mechanism of Webb’s crossover appeal to us “outcasts” — we who already know the government is lying to us, even trying to kill us, and we who have long turned our backs on that government’s indispensable ally, the MSM. Some of us have been counter-culture for a long time; some of us woke up in this camp more recently —  due to the rolling coup d’etat by a sordid union of Intelligence and Organized Government against Donald Trump from 2016 onward (Webb doesn’t want to talk about that one); or the covid hoax, covid tyranny and covid die-off (2019 onward); or the vicious persecutions of the January 6 patriots (2021 onward); or one of so many other convulsions shaking loose the facts to show that We, the People are not sovereign over the State; rather, we are victims in its crosshairs. 

In other words, we can agree with what Whitney Webb is saying: Yes, our core institutions have been corrupted. But — and this is The Big Question — did it happen “in the type of way” the 33-year-old author is telling us?  Namely, by a “sordid union” in the 20th century of Intelligence and Organized Crime originally forged by J. Edgar Hoover and the Mafia? And isn’t there something missing from Webb’s 20th century  — like, um, uh, the sordid union of the KGB, cultural Marxists, things like that? 

Comments welcome.

Diana West review of Mr. Jones

Diana West is a proper expert on the history of Communism. Especially Soviet and American.

Please read her thread on Twitter and spread it. People need to understand how Netflix distorted history for a narrative.

Diana West and Katie Hopkins at CPAC 2018

Dear readers;

There is a powerful lot of interesting and important news links in today’s Reader’s Links post. Please dive in if you have a few minutes. Far more than I have had time to post today, but much deserving of being featured.

Here are two videos from CSP’s event at CPAC that are worth watching. Diana West, and Katie Hopkins, both of whom are worthy of the time.



The Totalitarian Impulse

The latest article on the highly unusual events that have followed the publication of Diana West’s book from Front Page to Gatestone. Please click here to read the whole article on one page.



As mentioned here Tuesday night, an article by Clare Lopez was published earlier that day at the Gatestone Institute’s website and then immediately removed. Since Ms. Lopez had referred favorably in her article to Diana West’s book American Betrayal, and since Ms. West recently had anathema pronounced against her for that same book, it seemed that there might be a connection between the two events.

And indeed there was. Our suspicions were correct.

I just received this information from a source close to Clare Lopez:

In late August 2013, Clare Lopez, then a Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute, submitted an article for publication at the Gatestone Institute’s website. It was entitled “Recognizing the Wrong People”, and drew on the U.S. government’s 1933 formal diplomatic recognition of the USSR as described in Diana West’s book American Betrayal to form an analogy with the U.S.’s present day recognition and/or support of other fundamentally-anti-American entities, such as the AQ/MB-dominated rebel and opposition forces in places like Egypt, Libya, and Syria.

As with all of Ms. Lopez’ previous articles, this one was well-received by Gatestone’s editor, Nina Rosenwald, who praised it as “so far-sighted.” The article was duly published the morning of Tuesday 3 September 2013 at Gatestone and was sent out to an email list of subscribers. Sometime shortly after that, however, it was pulled from the website, with no notice or explanation.

Word spread quickly as regular Gatestone readers realized something odd had happened.

Click to continue:

Two items on the current race to ending individual right to expression and religion in the USA and the world.

Diana West wrote this article on what seems to be the US administrations galloping implementation of sharia norms and the rapid destruction of US constitutional ones.

As I often say to myself when thinking about these subjects, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day. But it was burned down in one’

By coincidence, I happened to have been pointed to the OIC chair’s recent interview on Al Jazeera TV published yesterday and noticed that while he is a very smooth talker, his arguments are rather full of misdirection, lies and logical fallacies, which of course they would have to be in order to achieve the intellectual slight of hand that the OIC is working towards, namely the replacement of actual individual rights to freedom of conscience and expression with medieval blasphemy laws.

Dealing with them all would make a video that would rival The Lord of the Rings so I just chose to address a few of the less obvious ones.

The whole interview is here:

Diana West and Andrew Bostom on the NY Times hit piece on Lars Hedigaard

Diana West excerpt:

The NYT on the Would-Be, Might-Have-Been Assassination of Lars Hedegaard

Feb 28

Written by: Diana West
Thursday, February 28, 2013 4:12 AM 

The New York Times weighs in today (like a ton of bricks) on the attempted assassination of Lars Hedegaard, editor of Dispatch International.

“Danish Critic of Islam Attacked, and Muslims Defend His Right to Speak” (with links from the NYT original)

By Andrew Higgins (photo above):

COPENHAGEN — When a would-be assassin disguised as a postman shot at — and just missed — the head of Lars Hedegaard, an anti-Islam polemicist and former newspaper editor, this month, a cloud of suspicion immediately fell on Denmark’s Muslim minority.

This isn’t a newspaper lede, it’s a framework of Leftist attitude through which the pre-enlightened Timesreader is to view the event.

As such, it’s worth a closer look. Note how the emotional seesaw touches down, first, at the head of Lars Hedegaard — “just missed” by  a “would-be” (hapless) assassin– before lifting again as if burnt by the heat emanating from the “anti-Islam polemicist” (bad) and “former newspaper editor” (what good is he now?). It falls again through a troubling “cloud of suspicion” (cliche evokes *prejudice*) to land, thud, at “Denmark’s Muslim minority.”

Excerpt from Andrew Bostom:

Times Demonizes Hedegaard, Lionizes Danish Muslim Instigator of Murderous Cartoon Riots

February 28th, 2013 (6 hours ago) by Andrew Bostom |


Reporting “worthy” of this man, Walter Duranty

Andrew Higgins’ “inspirational” muse must be the ignoble New York Times reporter Walter Duranty, who deliberately concealed Stalin’s campaign of mass starvation and murder (or “dekulakization”) of 14.5 million in the Ukraine, from 1930-1937 (see Robert Conquest’s magisterial Harvest of Sorrow, pp. 299-307). This travesty was compounded when Duranty was awarded a 1932 Pulitzer prize for his despicably whitewashed, agitprop “reporting”.

Eight decades later, ostensibly reporting on the recent failed assassination attempt against Danish journalist and historian Lars Hedegaard for the New York Times (or more appositely, the New Duranty Times, since the “paper of record” has never denounced Duranty’s illegitimate receipt of the Pulitzer), Higgins demonizes Hedegaard as a purveyor of “ anti-Muslim bile and conspiracy-laden forecasts,” while lionizing Copenhagen’s Islamic Society, in particular, its current leader, Imran Shah.

Please click headlines for whole articles