Where angels fear to tread. U.S. politics.

I really do try and avoid certain matters of US internal politics unless it crosses the threshold of irrational leftism or Islam and its incursion and infiltration of the west.

Well frankly, under that criteria, Obama can’t send his laundry out at this stage without being within my areas of interest, given the Ikhwan near total infiltration and effective influence ops on the executive branch.

Even so, I did want to avoid this issue, although it could be said to be within the prevue of irrational leftism. The bigger reason I want to avoid it, is I do not know enough about it to have any kind of opinion anyone should listen to, or even know enough about it to know what to post on the issue. I do think some kind of federal health care plan is good for business. I know for a fact that Canada, specifically Ontario, won contracts for major corporations like Toyota to build plants here as opposed to the US for the simple reason that Toyota could pay employees more in Ontario and it would still cost less as they would’t have to cover the health-care costs of those same employees. So it is a hell of an advantage when dealing with business at that scale. Beyond that, I would rather say nothing.

Even so, here are a couple of videos with SUN TV’s take on it.  Also, OxAO posted this link which also seems to shed some light on the facts behind this decision. The article is quite good. Please do give it a click.

I hope this information proves valuable.


And while I am riding roughshod over my own rules, one on contempt of congress by Holder. This has John Robson’s analysis. Prof. Robson is someone I have had the privilege of hearing speak live on constitutional law and was lucid on the issue.  He has a video of his analysis of Obama Care. His is an opinion I would accept as likely worthwhile.

And on Holder:


Discrediting discrimination

The one thing I disagree with, or perhaps more accurately, would express differently than Mr. Robson who I very much admire, is there is an impression he gives that Canada is such a great place almost as a kind of accident of geography. Of course it is a great place because of the culture of the people who have been dominant here for centuries. What makes a nation a wonderful healthful place or not, has nothing to do with longitude and latitude. It is about the values of the people and the government. More so even than the system of government as people are starting to realize due to changes in Egypt, where a military rule can in fact be much better for human rights than say, oh an Islamic theocracy which it now has, even if the new president hasn’t admitted it out loud since his election.

Back in the day, we used to refer to astonishingly stupid people as “unable to tell the difference between shit and shineola” This of course meant he did not have the most basic ability to discriminate and couldn’t tell excrement from shoe polish. This is what the new left wants for us. So that we can polish our shoes with excrement and feel morally superior doing so even while holding our noses. If allowed to even do that of course.

John Robson reacts to the Shafia murder trial guilty verdict.

I hope all who are able in Canada are having a few drinks tonight to celebrate the fact that Islam was not a mitigating factor, and in fact, was not a factor at all in the Shafia murder trial. Canada is probably the best country in the world to live right now because of this.

Here is to you all. Cheers. And profound sympathies to the daughters, all of whom clearly were on the path to being excellent Canadians. They shall be remembered.

John Robson: Motives to the foiled Iranian plot to attack Saudi Arabia and Israel embassies in DC

I disagree with Mr. Robson (extremely rare) on some of the minutia of this analysis but overall I think its superb as well as brave. The Iranians want to start a war for supernatural reasons. This is very hard to grasp for all of us, and triply so for a man as rooted in Greek thought as John Robson. The Iranians are attempting to start as large a war as they can in order to free a boy trapped in a well. The ‘hidden imam’. No more absurd than communism or Nazism really but potentially more lethal. In any case, I remain grateful that Canada both has a mind like Mr. Robson’s as well as a venue where he gets to share its product.
