Ezra Levant a victim of the real state of communism in Canada

This is my talk in Pembroke in August, attempting to explain how our various institutions of state actually work:

Ezra wins the Tweet of the day

More from the Director of the CDC. Only because people now try to claim “they never said it would block transmission, only that it would stop severe outcomes”. It doesn’t do that either. It may do the opposite.

Tucker Carlson segment on April 12, 2022: Trudeau’s communism now extends to licensing journalists

Anyone who remembers Canada before it was communist should probably write down all those memoirs on paper and bury them somewhere safe.

Full show:

Please watch the opener for the show. The look at Twitter and Elon Musk is very important and well done.

Worthy Ezra Levant thread

Many important observations in this series of tweets

ONTARIANS: Know your rights with the new mask “laws”


Related: Ontario lawyer files lawsuit against feds, province & CBC over Covid-19 measures & masks

Rocco Galati recently discussed the upcoming lawsuit against members of the Canadian Government, the CBC, as well as the topic of mandatory masking. Galati is a constitutional lawyer in Ontario and has been practising law for 31 years, he began his career with the federal department of justice.

During a July 17 interview with Amanda Forbes he said he has filed a constitutional challenge in the Ontario Superior Court on behalf of his clients seeking declatory and injunctive relief against Covid19 measures.

Galati said that both the federal as well as provincial governments have “effectively dispensed with parliament and are ruling by royal decree as it were which is unconstitutional.” He is especially concerned about Ontario’s Bill 195 in which the government can implement executive orders on an ongoing basis with the extension of emergency measures possible for years to come. Galati said this is “unheard of.”

A stunning display of hypocrisy at a “freedom of speech” conference

It is established that Twitter has agreed to conform to Pakistani blasphemy laws.

It is stunning that at a free speech event, RT is banned but the CBC and BBC are not although the reasons for banning RT (presumably) apply more to the CBC and BBC.

The Rebel managed to attend but they clearly attempted to stop Ezra from asking the only question that mattered. This was a stage managed event and no dissent was to be permitted, and the Pakistani censors must not be challenged.

This is a truly outstanding moment by The Rebel’s Ezra Levant, equalled perhaps only by his appearance as a defendant at the disgraceful Canadian ‘Human Rights Commissions’.

Freedom of speech is dying all over the world and the UK appears to be the vanguard of the new totalitarian push against freedom of speech.

H/T Oz-Rita


Toronto has a “Covington Jewish” school. Who knew!

And remember, while this was going on inside, what you see below was going on outside: