Videos from yesterday’s press conference on the March for Life today in Ottawa

Please see the detailed description for each speaker at RAIR Foundation 

Ruth Robert:

George Buscemi:

Jack Fonseca: (If you only have time for one, please make it this one. This one deals with the censorship being applied to those who have counter-abortion views. Once the state takes this power for one issue, well… ah… Covid. Right? Anyone even remember what happened to people who tried to warn against lockdowns or the vaxx when it still mattered?

Josie Luetke:

Pete Baklinski:

The videos are presented here in the exact opposite order that they spoke (in the pouring rain) Yesterday on Parliament Hill.

We could write an essay about how with the left the point is never the point, the revolution is always the point, but no time. In point form, once the state has taken the power to limit your rights, either for the collective good or for health reasons, then that is a power that will become the new normal for all issues where the state has ambitions against the public’s interests and rights. It is never about the issue, although they may seek the desired outcome of the issue as they spin it.

Start listening to Mark Carney and how he uses climate and net zero to obliterate Canadian industry when he is made PM. And he will be. And he will do it.


Canadians upset about the total end of liberal democracy, 25 – Muslims and communists upset about Israeli self defence, 12,500

Last Saturday on Parliament hill, a dedicated freedom fighter who has been protesting Trudeau’s communist measures, especially the vaxx and Covid mandates nearly every day for years now, organized a protest with speakers on parliament Hill with a 1984 theme. He managed to get just short of 25 people to come out and hear the speakers and make their voices heard on Trudeau’s parade of communist authoritarian laws.

On the same day at the same place, the usual varied communist groups along with Islamic groups rallied something over 10,000 people to demand the total destruction of the one Jewish state in the world, and stuck in the middle of Dar al Islam. By this I mean Israel of course, although increasingly the same could be said of Brooklyn.

The Commies bussed in protestors from Montreal and Toronto, and from the look of it, even a hundred or so Potemkin Jews from New York.

Incidentally, we had massive audio issues that day and a lot of the videos we took and no, or distorted audio. So we added the Israeli National Anthem as audio track to the short video below because we know they would appreciate it so much. Well… we do anyway.

For a proper description of who these guys are, please see the full write up at RAIR Foundation.

[For all the rumble videos, please click the little gear at the bottom right of the play window once the video starts and select the highest quality for best detail]

Again, check RAIR for who these guys are. Context is everything with those guys. For people familiar with Jewish customs, they might ask themselves why the anti-Zionist Jews are carrying signs and traveling on the Sabbath, what they do with their kids when they are traveling on the Sabbath, and a dozen other tells that suggest that just maybe…

Here is a look at some of the protest by the Death to Israel crowd:

Lemme tells ya, it was LOUD. Audible from several miles away.

Meanwhile, a few people actually concerned about the country they are in tried to speak to the massive fraud against our own people by one David Frisman, and about new regulations concerning property which may have quite the impact on… well anyone owning or living on property of any kind. Those videos below:

Regina Watteel Ph.D.

Maggie on destruction of property rights in Canada

Christine McPherson, Ottawa head of the National Citizens Inquiry on what happens next:

Some short clips from the Comuslam protest

Special thanks to Howard Kwan who organized the event, and to all who stood out in the rain for 2 hours to express their concerns and hear these excellent speakers.

A small related item.

At a protest the commuslims, Muslunists? held on Wednesday this week, it was nice to see that the Marxist Leninist party of Canada has actually merged their flag with the anti-Israel cause. Some nice solid intersectionality there. If you are looking for a reason to get annoyed with the people that still think the left is about a more fair system, this might be it.

Ottawa Canada Special event: NCI presents Regina Watteel as she exposes the Covid Fraud created by Canada’s answer to Neil Ferguson, David Fisman

Ottawa Ontario Canada: On March 22, 2024  the author of Fisman’s Fraud, Regina Watteel Ph.D. statistical analysis, will present the basis of her book on the deception played against the Canadian public by David Fisman. This should be a ground breaking event with solid evidence showing the government knew the truth about Covid and the mRNA shots, but created a false report to justify measures and mandates that should never have been implemented in a democratic society.

There will be a Q&A after the presentation, so science minded people, bring a pen and paper.

Please come to KS on the Keys for 6:00 on March 22nd. There is no admission fee, but please feel free to buy yourself a meal and a drink to help cover the room cost for the venue. The presentation will begin at 7:00 and will be filmed.

Copies of her book will be available for sale there, and this is not one to buy and put on the shelf. This is both an entertaining and important read. We need this information to go viral in order to get some real legal action as a result of Regina’s revelations on how Covid was handled in Canada, and we can all make that happen by going to this event. So anyone who can make it to this event in Ottawa, please do.

On the commemoration of the 2nd anniversary of the state attack against the fraudulent covid measures and coerced vaccines

On Parliament Hill February 17th this year, around 2000 people gathered to commemorate the horrific and illegal attack by the Trudeau Government on the Freedom Convoy. If there is one thing a tyrant doesn’t like, its open defiance at his front door. Especially when its festive, loving and unifying like no other experience in Canada’s history. If you compare the Freedom Convoy to the communist hate-fest colour-revolution riots of BLM that took place a few months earlier, it is a pretty stunning contrast. But Trudeau revelled in those ones. He actually came out to the front grounds of Parliament Hill and took a knee with the marxists even though the lock-down laws where in full force at the time.

There is a write up and details at RAIR Foundation on the event this month. For this site, here are three videos. A general look at the commemoration but not the march. That was the most populated part of the event where some reports say upwards of 2000 people. We weren’t able to be there then. But before and afterwards.

Interestingly, Brian, The Trucker Who Never Left was one of the first to speak in the morning. Most of his talk was introducing Gena Watteel. A Ph.D. in statistical analysis who wrote the book, Fisman’s Fraud. A book I am reading right now and cannot wait for the day when it is introduced as evidence at the Hague for the prosecution in the crimes against humanity charge that must be laid against Trudeau, Ford and a hundred other captured politicians and scientists by the COMINTERN.

Gena herself didn’t actually make it to speak on the Hill till about 4:00 or so. So if you are wondering why the light doesn’t quite look the same on the video of her introduction and her brief talk, its because they were about 5 hours apart.

Gena Watteel. her talk was unexpected and totally extemporaneous. But keep your eye out for a speaking date when she will present a full detailed look at her book complete with charts and proof of her assertion that the Canadian Government knowingly perpetrated a fraud on Canadians, in no small part, using a bogus study by a certain Fisman.

A general look at the events of the protest. As usual, please select the little gear at the bottom right of the play window when it starts to play and select the highest quality for best enjoyment and clarity of the details.

Grandmother at Freedom Convoy anniversary explains why she is there: Protesting the Sexualization of primary school children

For the story details, please see RAIR Foundation.

Yesterday was the second anniversary of the attack on the peaceful, actually joyous would be the more accurate word, protestors against Trudeau’s full on attack against Canadian citizens and their rights. From bodily autonomy as established by among other laws, the Nuremberg Code which Canada signed on to in 1950 as law, to the right of exit and return, the fundamental freedoms of Canadians are being attacked by the Trudeau viceroy govt. for the COMINTERN and the Convoy was a miraculous effort by everyday Canadians to try and demand those rights be restored.

On February the 17th, 2022 we all know what happened. And yesterday on the Hill, around 2000 people at peak attended the anniversary. The spirit was good on the Hill. Several speakers and a lot of music acts were available.

One woman was holding a sign with the FBI published symbol for pedophile organizations next to one for the Trudeau Foundation. So we asked her why she was there.

(As usual, if you want to be able to make out the details of the people, flags and insignias in the background, please click the little gear, bottom right of the play window, and select quality and go to the highest one available.)

ACORN joins the collection of communist groups parading in anti-Israel marches in Ottawa

As usual, please click the gear bottom right of the play window and select the best quality to see the details in the flags, signs and insignias. And indeed, the devil is in the details. Please visit RAIR for the story details on last weekend’s anti-Israel march.

This is actually another excellent example of the leftist tactic of, ‘the fight started when he hit me back’.


Videos and details on Monday’s massive Stand with Israel demonstration on Parliament Hill Ottawa

Please click through to RAIR foundation for the details on who these speakers are and the details of the event. I’ll post some of the videos here below, but the RAIR post is much more complete.

As always with our original videos, please do click the little gear and dial it up to the top quality for the best viewing experience.

The Israeli Ambassador to Canada was refreshingly blunt on the issue.

A Rabbi from Montreal spoke to the crowd, and also did not mince words. Which is more what one might be used to until recently. These speeches smacked of defiance. And that was refreshing.

Gotta say, the vibe was great. And VERY different from the communist-Muslim protests against Israel.

A 95 year old Holocaust survivor.

There were two parents of murder victims from the music festival who spoke, as well as a couple of members of the federal parliament of Canada. Those can all be seen at the RAIR link above.

Saturday’s Mega-march for global communism bearded by Hamas in Ottawa

Please do watch this video and read the short article at RAIR Foundation for the plot twist on this one. Just in case you thought these demonstrations where about Israel and the victim narrative of Palestinians.

Interview with the lone counter-protestor at Sunday’s anti-Israel rally

There is a famous photograph that has been circulating amongst our friends since people started to wake up to the fact that the West is largely communist now. In it, A large group of people are raising their arm in a Roman salute to Adolph Hitler. All except for one man who refuses to raise his arm.

It turns out this man’s name was August Landmesser. And this photo has made him a folk hero in freedom circles and rightfully so.

On Sunday at Parliament Hill, I met his spiritual twin. Amongst 5000 people screaming for the total destruction of Israel with chants of “From the River to the Sea”, and the current iteration of Heil Hitler, “Allah hu Ackbar”, there was a single man who stood amongst the crowd answering the calls calmly with facts. When the crowd chanted, “Free Free Free Palestine” he would answer: “From Hamas!”.

He also wore a Star of David on his coat with the German word, Jude in the centre. So no one could mistake what side he was on. It didn’t take long till he was surrounded by taunting leftists, police and at least a few people, likely Muslims, wrapped in the now-fashionable Palestinian scarves that Yassir Arafat, the first actual Palestinian in fact, made so famous.

Please listen to him tell his story below:

There is a great deal more detail about who this extraordinary man is at RAIR Foundation.


Some first hand videos and photos from yesterday’s event in Ottawa

The story details can be read at  at RAIR Foundation along with the full complement of videos and photos published so far.

Here are a few of the videos just to give a sense of what went on yesterday on Parliament Hill and the march around the Downtown core area.

This is the back of what could be called a teeming throng of people walking down Elgin St. I liked the guy with the Wokeism is Marxism sign. I think I did an interview with him. Will look and see if I can find it.

ike with all our Rumble videos, please click on the little gear on the bottom and select the highest quality bitrate offered to get the best look.

Here is the second interview with Kamel El-Chiekh we did after he noticed a few hundred union led, rabid leftists had arrived to counter-protest. The first one is available at the RAIR article linked above.

Here is a look at the crowd of protestors coming back to the Hill from the South West up Wellington. Also the leftists on the South side of Wellington. Try and compare these videos with the Maoist narrative attack materials the MSM spews at us about this and all related events.

A woman dressed in the manner of a religious Muslim, suggested her two sons come and offer me an on camera statement. This is the older of the two boys. He was very impressive. You can see both at RAIR.

Over the next few days hopefully we will get a chance to see more video from the MSM and do a more in depth expose of the nature of media in the United Socialist Provinces of Canada. To be clear: At this point the media is not even just enemy propaganda anymore. It is in fact dialectical weaponry. Very sophisticated engines of political warfare. We see it in the way they report, lie, misrerpresent, but mostly in the language they use to frame an issue. They do this in such a way as to even be able to show a person they wish to discredit speaking their own truth to a degree, while framing it in language to make him look like a Nazi camp commandant. Sometimes subtle just to create or confirm a prejudice in the mind of the observer, and sometimes more bluntly, getting an interview to follow which does it for them.

There is more on this and it will be published as the need arrises. The Laura Lynn interview with CBC mentioned in another post as an example. Please do leave your own thoughts and observations in the comments. Both if you were at one of these events, but also if you have seen some or a lot of the MSM reporting on the events and what impression you got from it.



A few random clips from the cross-Canada anti-SOGI marches today

It was a hell of a day on Parliament Hill. Thousands did show up. And many hundreds of the usual communists, union leaders and what not, as well. Not as Muslim heavy as one may have thought. It was about as diverse as Canada is overall at this point. Maybe a tad more Muslims than represented in the overall population. There will be a lot of videos and interviews up on RAIR Foundation later tonight I hope so keep a look out. Meanwhile, here are some videos from around Canada as live streamed by various people. The police did a magnificent job. They managed two to four thousand people or more protesting against the critical-sex theory materials in school with many hundreds and possibly a thousand counter-protestors. There was the one disrupter there screaming at police as he always does, attempting to cause friction and make the freedom side look bad. There may be video of him somewhere. You can certainly hear him screaming in the clips with the police horses. Overall it was an amazing event.

I hope to have our own footage up soon on RAIR and then here. Check periodically on


Hamilton Ontario:

Kitchner On.

London Ontario:

Montreal Qu.

GBN News on these marches:

According to our source who put all these links to us, nothing on CBC or CTV or Global news as of 1:40 PM today. Yet already on Australian media. I did see CBC TV interview Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson who came in from Vancouver for this. It will be interesting to see if they broadcast it our represent it honestly. We have a full video of the interview we will produce if they do what CBC pretty much always does with material they want seen dialectically.


Sensational fake news headlines followed a protest march in support of Parents Rights (Education over Indoctrination) in Ottawa Ontario, on Friday…

But what really went on?

A guest post from an attendee of the protest in Ottawa Friday, Christine on June 9th, 2023 at Carling and Broadview

“Supporters of trans rights rally against anti-LGBTQ protest in Ottawa” ,
“Tensions flare in Ottawa over anti-trans protests”

Anti gay? Anti Trans? Really?
The full footage from the Counter Signaland Viva Frei shows the true story.

I’m gay/lesbian and I support Billboard Chris”

CBC “5 arrested at tense faceoffbetween group protesting ‘gender ideology’ and counter-demonstrators”

In an email, a spokesperson for the OCDSB said schools should not be the target of political protests and extended thanks to parents and police for their support through the demonstration.

Hate is not welcome here. To 2SLGBTQ+ students, staff, and community members, please know you belong and deserve to feel welcome and accepted to be who you are,” the email said.

In the crowd of counter-protesters was Lyra Evans, chair of the OCDSB board of trustees, who felt it was important to be in attendance, despite the school board’s statement from earlier in the week.

Evans felt the demonstrations were far enough away from the board’s two schools.

“It’s really important that LGBTQ people see themselves represented in protests,” said Evans, a transgender woman.

CBC “”Part of the reason why we’re countering in public spaces is to show them that we vastly outnumber them, that their opinions are not only vile, but a minority,” said Emily Quaile, who helped organize the counter-protest and is a parent of a student at Broadview Public School. “And if we don’t, if we let them take up public space, they are free to spread that rhetoric and recruit more people.”


Global News:  “Ottawa protest over ‘gender ideology’ met with hundreds of counter-protesters”.

Global –a “microcosm for the rising hostility facing the queer community…”,police making at least 5 arrests in a FAR RIGHT event outside at least 3 schools…” “counter protestors outnumbered anti trans protestors” “push back against transphobic and hateful message”

growing hostility against trans ppl”


CTV—“we saw yelling, fighting and at one point a man spitting at counter protestors”…”tensions flaring between police and protestors” McKenney “hatred against trans kids in front of a school, growing hatred towards LGBTQ community”……….”activist has a history of aligning with and spouting hatred against LGBTQ2S+” “hate has no place here”

Really? Hostility? Vile behaviour, tense face offs? Hateful messages? Maybe so but not from the protestors. The police and news refuse to release details of the 5 arrests made but we have some images of those arrested, they don’t look FAR RIGHT.

Ran away from the protest?? Ran away from the protest?
No, Josh and many of the protestors ran down Carling Avenue and up a side street in an attempt to get around (and avoid a violent clash with) the angry mob of counter protestors blocking their protest March to the school, which they properly planned and had a permit for. CTV had to do some incredible editing; cutting out a hundred followers running behind him to make it look like Josh was “running away”. But then again CTV was there all day, and when Josh and his supporters popped out behind the counter protestors it was apparent he did not “run away”.

“I’ll take a punch for queer and trans youth any day:”Ottawa MPP punched in the face at rally supporting queer and trans youth
Ottawa MPP attacked while attending rally attempting to keep trans and queer individuals safe”

Joel Harden Yahoo
Harden estimated around eighty anti-trans protestors at the rally, screaming and coming close to the young people in an attempt to start fights. Although he wasn’t comfortable sharing some of the things said, he did say some of them were “absolutely vile”.

CTV: “Trans-friendly counter-protesters stand up to activist outside Ottawa schools”

Stand up to a journalist, they mean?

In the midst of a disturbing rise in hate crimes targeting the LGBTQ2S+ community across Canada, another violent incident has left everyone shocked.

Anti-fa and far LEFT counter protestors being arrested? Shocking……

(To see this, go to the Counter-Signal video linked above and watch from 40 seconds.) ottawa-mpp-punched-queer-rally-153800694.html This is absolute madness. The far-right mob is not even at a school anymore, they’re just standing in the middle of a residential street in Westboro chanting nonsense in the direction of random homeowners to “leave our kids alone.”

Who’s actually blocking the streets? The planned protest was a short March to the school; the counter protestors blocked the street by their own admission so the protest could not go ahead as planned.

The Counter protestors (NOT the protestors) blocked the street, as Joel Harden mentioned in the Yahoo News article “”We held a part of the street far away from schools as we did not want to be protesting in front of schools, so we gathered near where they said they would gather,” Harden said.

Friday’s demonstration against the mutilation of children, and the Marxist counter-demo in Ottawa

What is obvious at first, is that had the usual suspects in Ottawa’s far left extremist community not bothered to show up, Billboard Chris and Josh Alexander’s march would have been 10 minutes up Broadview and ten minutes back, maybe a few speeches and everyone off in time for lunch. The media could do what it does second best and ignore the very real concerns of people who think children too young to buy a beer or cigarettes shouldn’t be persuaded by teachers to have their genitals mutilated and become sterilized for life. Instead, the media does what it does best, and foment conflict and then present it in exactly the opposite way that it really happened. Just as an example, and this happens nearly everytime ANTIFA or its sympathetic groups are involved, the media reports that there was X number of arrests, but usually fails to mention they are on the side of the left who typically initiate violence at these sorts of things. This goes back to pre BLM demonstrations but was common during all of those. Watch older Tim Poole videos from when he used to go out and actually report on demonstrations for court worthy evidence of exactly this.

First, a few words about Marxist tactics and why the “trans’ thing is such a big deal when just a few years ago, there just wasn’t any.

It was a non-issue. A very tiny number of people felt they would be better off being surgically altered into the other sex, and did it. Some where OK with the results, some less so. But today what we have is quite something else. Johns Hopkins actually stopped doing trans-surgeries until very recently because they noted, it never actually alleviated the symptoms for which the surgeries were supposed to cure. Obviously the reasons for resuming the practice is likely more political than medical. Such is the nature of a communist state.

Here is a possible explanation:

Those who have read this site for a few years or more, or Gates of Vienna, or Robert Spencer, or Bill Warner, or Stephen Coughlin and many others, might appreciate how Islam uses mosques as beachheads. The way it works is a clever inversion of the concept of defence. They build a mosque in a place symbolically important to the enemy, either after conquest in the traditional sense, or taking advantage of the enemy’s tolerance and building it as if it was the same as any other religious building. Then, they consider it Islamic territory, and then any objection to what they may say or do in or around that mosque becomes grounds to “defend religion” as Koran instructs. We see that across Europe, although not many new videos have surfaced recently, but we have published many where near a mosque, there will be Islamic patrols harassing homosexuals, people with a drink in their hands where that is legal on the street, and women who are dressed immodestly as Islam decides at that moment and place what immodest may be.

Islam spreads out from the mosque that way. At least in Theory. But its no accident that mosques are built on strategic locations. The Temple Mount for example, is the most sacred place to Jews as it is alleged to hold the Arc of the Covenant. The Muslims are in complete control of that area as its right next to a mosque they use as a beacchhead to justify claiming Israel is somehow legitimately Islamic. The same with the Cordoba mosque in Spain, which is what they named the Islamic Centre built as close as they were able to the Twin Towers in NYC after 911. That also is not a coincidence.

If we think about the Trans thing as the abstract, as the intellectual battle space equivalent, it all makes sense. You CREATE a victim group which is highly corrosive to the host in every way. A threat to their children, to their culture and society, that makes their own educational systems a threat to the children instead of prepare them for life as successful happy citizens of Western Civ, which smashes their taboos, which is the fast lane to perdition as Tucker Carlson observed the other night. You create such a victim group, and then you make it your beachhead. You accuse anyone trying to defend themselves from that artifact-grouup and claim it is an attack on them. You take the moral high ground by inverting the concept of attack and defend. The exact same way political Islam does, and not just with mosques, with all aspects of Islam as it gets imposed in the West. Defending your own culture and norms and even laws, becomes an attack on Islam itself, and they then have the legal right to “defend the religion” as dictated by Koran and sharia law legal texts like The Reliance of the Traveller.

The Trans movement seeks to provoke as much as possible, even creating laws where if a parent tries to explain to a young child that their dalliance with really being the other sex may be just a passing thing that will end with puberty, now is a crime in Canada. They call it, The Anti Conversion-therapy law. A false equivalence of course. But then the communist revolution runs on logical fallacies. Eventually, when provoked enough, some people will react. As nice civilized people do, in the form of a peaceful protest. Then, the job of the communists orchestrating this is to make it less peaceful, and the media will frame it as if the aggressors are those who don’t want their children exposed to explicit sexual material at an age where it is still technically illegal to subject them to any sexual material at all, and frame the revolutionaries as peaceful loving people who are just defending minority rights.

If you watch the video below of the protest, watch for symbols of communism in the leftist counter-protestors. There are a few hand tips there that this is not about kids or trans rights, whatever the slogans may be. It is also important to note that the leftists and media both engage in wholesale Man of straw fallacies. Insisting that the protestors are there to be hateful bigots against a vulnerable minority, trans-kids, and avoiding the real issue of the protest, the making of monsters out of children, and in Josh Alexander’s case, stopping the imposition of men in women’s safe spaces such as school showers and bathrooms in the name of trans rights.

A few signs give away the revolutionary nature of the counter-protest. One, a woman with a “Smash the CIS-TEM sign, meaning destroy a civilization that is based on normal reproductive rituals. Meaning everything about Western civ. And the drummer who has a T shirt with the City of Ottawa Logo, except in red instead of blue, and being held by the classic communist red fist. That one needs no explaining beyond the red circle made of three sixes, being the  official Ottawa logo.

Also very interesting was how many Muslims joined the Josh and Billboard Chris protest. A significant number of Muslims ranging from what appeared to be more or less secular to very religious seem to have about had it with explicit sexual material in the schools of their children, and the preference for sexual practices that are anathema to Islam. The optics of this was a problem for the left. They only have dialectics and so hurling the usual ad-hominems, accusing anyone who  was defending their own rights and cultures and children of being racist and fascist didn’t look as good as they hoped. But when we remember that these terms, white supremacist, fascist, bigot and so on are code words for counter-revolutionary, it all makes sense.

It is also fun to watch the video and see where the diversity is. Was it Josh and Chris’s side against the attack on children in schools? Or was it the counter-protestors. See which side had the most diverse group of people.

Former Conservative Party MP, Derek Sloan offered a few words. Remember that Derek was the one MP brave enough to actually bring real scientists to a presser in Parliament when he sat as an independent, and try and warn the public about the dangers of the mRNA injections.


*In the CTV article linked in the first paragraph, the claim is made that Josh Alexander ran away from the leftist thugs illegally blocking a public roadway. The fact is, after talking to police, Josh and a number of people with him, attempted to run around the block in order to get behind the leftist blockade and do the march as planned. There was a second and possibly a third roadblock at each intersection however. The CTV article also shows kids stomping on a pride flag but doesn’t mention that they were all muslims. This matters because the Islamic component of the demonstration likely had more of a grievance with the issue than the organizers, who strictly are concerned with the sexual mutilation of children and the lack of rights of parents to have a say about it. CTV also perfectly exemplify the point of this article. The issue is fabricated. There is no hatred of gay people, except by those who would convince them as children that they should have their genitals removed and make the rest of their lives a living hell.*