Saturday’s Mega-march for global communism bearded by Hamas in Ottawa

Please do watch this video and read the short article at RAIR Foundation for the plot twist on this one. Just in case you thought these demonstrations where about Israel and the victim narrative of Palestinians.

A different kind of look at the anti-Israel marches taking place across the West

All of us have seen many, hundreds perhaps, of videos one might put in the category, ‘Muslims behaving badly’. Stories, and therefore views, are driven by conflict. So it stands to reason that would be what people would publish in terms of protest videos. For the moment, ;et’s call those tactical videos. All of them are clear indicators of what groups of people are willing to do to achieve their goals and to a degree, what those goals actually are. So yes, they are important much like knowing what the weather is before you get dressed in the morning.

Our look at the Sunday protest in Ottawa on November 12th one might consider strategic. It indicates the goals, who is doing those goals, who their alliances are and should one bother to investigate the philosophies represented, why those goals exist.
Perhaps the only surprising thing about this video was that it didn’t start with one of those land claims pledges everything from a sports event to a school picnic seems to be obliged to start with these last several years.

A couple of photographs from the event:

One of the groups, the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada, was well-represented at the demonstration.

The 415 represents the OPSEU Local 415, which is the Algonquin College Faculty Union. PSCA is a major Canadian government union

The alleged Palestinian flag with the communist revolutionary fist in the middleF

The communists back the play of the Muslims for reasons that should be obvious by now. The leftist term for it is ‘Intersectionality’. Or any group that can be used to topple Western civilization will be joined as it meets the meta or strategic level goal, the utter and total destruction of Western Civ along with it’s view of the individual as a sovereign being with rights, and reason and logic as its primary agents for policy.

The Islamic word for it would likely be Lenin’s term, useful idiots. After all, they know how this worked out in Iran. And it will work out that way in Canada. It is unlikely a communist inculcated leader like Trudeau could mince his way through a post revolutionary Canada where the only people willing and able to use collective force is Islam. After all, it isn’t like the Shah of Iran had no military.

For several more photos detailing exactly who these groups are, please click through to the story at RAIR Foundation

The dialectic Jew, a useful idiot for the MSM

The dialectics is strong with this one

A photo from today’s anti-Israel demo in Ottawa

We have a great deal to say about today’s demonstration in Ottawa. For the moment, see what you can learn from this one photo.

So about that symbol on the flag. This is a screen grab of the front page of the site it relates to:

As a point of interest, one of the most expensive looking and curious graves in Ottawa’s Beechwood Cemetery is this one created as a sort of cenotaph for the founders of Canada’s Marxist Leninist Communist party.

More from today’s antisemitic march in London

1. Muslim thinks Hitler knew how to deal with the Jews

2. Khybar Khybar yada yada hud

3. Now in Waterloo Station

4. British politicians reap what they have sewn

5. Oops

6. Piers Corbyn seems to be as bad as his brother after all?

7. Very interesting photo from the UK today

Check Hurry up Harry’s Twitter feed for more.

Also Tommy Robinson New Era

Check out the responses to the ludicrous and dialectically opposite to the truth, statement by the police

It’s the replies you want to read.


One federal MP suddenly notices CBC’s narrative agenda

The CBC has moved far beyond mere government propaganda. Propaganda by definition is usually recognizable as such by even the most mildly sophisticated observer. It’s usually a bit clumsy and obvious.

CBC on the other hand, is a dialectic engine of destruction. A coordinated attack on Canadian norms, culture, laws and the bulk of its people. It seeks an agenda of destruction of all Western thought and systems and does so by fashioning narratives that are, and I too am sick of the word, the dialectic opposite of the truth. And by this I mean, not necessarily the opposite of the truth, but narratives that seek the opposite of informing people in a way that lets them make the best decisions for themselves or the country.

CBC controls the Overton window. And it does so with sophisticated disinformation techniques. Not ‘disinformation’ the way CBC uses the term. In other words, material the CBC does not agree with. But disinformation as it is actually defined. Weaponized information intended to damage a target and misdirect them.

CBC maliciously maneuvered millions upon millions of Canadians into taking MULTIPLE injections of the experimental mRNA/DNA gene therapy injections without any representation by reputable people who questioned its wisdom. And as more evidence rolls in that these shots can be lethal and more often, debilitating, CBC works harder to make opponents of the shots appear to be an unacceptable fringe, anti-science minority who are a threat to reason.

See? The dialectical opposite of the truth. Reason itself is the enemy of the CBC.

One federal MP seems to have noticed CBC weaponized language attacks as it crosses the bow of her own interests:

On the same subject, when Hamas and Ikwan (Muslim Brotherhood) affiliated leaders called for a global day of jihad on Friday which resulted in several stabbings in France and one in Japan, and most likely also the killings in Belgium yesterday by religious muslims, and these are just the ones we are permitted to know about, CBC reported it as “a day of protests”.

For those who have not seen Rodney Palmer, a veteran CBC Journalist with a decades long career at CBC, testify at the National Citizens Inquiry, now would be a great time to watch him. This video was from Ottawa:

Earlier in the series of hearings in Toronto:

As to agenda, this is easier to explain than it is to believe. First, check out this site: 

Canada is planning, without asking a single Canadian, to triple the population of this country by the end of the century, and is well on track to do so ahead of schedule. They are doing this, not like Hungary, by encouraging families. Quite the opposite. While making abortion an actual sacrament of the neo-Marxist state we endure, and now making state assisted murder suicide easier and easier to receive, Canada is tripling the population by bringing in migrants from African and Middle Eastern countries, primarily Muslims. This shows us that more than one CBC narrative is a dialectic opposite. Because each person moved to Canada from a hot country multiplies their ‘carbon footprint’ by four. So we can say we know for a fact that whether global warming is real or not, the government of Canada and the United States does not believe it is. But back to the main point.

Canada intends to destroy Canadian culture, peoples, history, legal systems and democracy, and frankly already has. But with this tripling of the population it will be unrecoverable, even by the most dramatic means. So any lip service to Jews in Canada who are being threatened by Muslims, or any lip service to Israel after a major attack means less than nothing. It would mean nothing if Trudeau said the right things but wasn’t actually doing anything to work against the Jewish people and Israel. But in this case, its a linguistic device. An anaesthetic so people, Jewish people especially, can sit back in their lounge chairs imagining that Trudeau and the Government of Canada, is onside with liberal democracy and preservation of the safety of all people, Jews included. Because that is so much easier to than to look away from the TV and out the window instead, and see what is really going on.

The Jewish population of Canada is almost exactly 1% now. And the Islamic population is between 5% and 10% depending on where you look.

This is by design. Trudeau is doing a Holocaust by proxy. And the CBC is the chief weapon.

This time though, it won’t just be the Jews. It will be all people with a Western mind set. Don’t forget how the current major ally of the Islamic activists, the far left think about the problems in the West:

To point out another classic CBC device, when reporting on an event like this, the CBC would likely not call these views ‘controversial’. But someone suggesting that a man is not a real women just because he declared himself to be one, that is controversial.

So along with the Rt. Hon. Mellisa Lantsman, we agree. Defund the CBC. Then let’s treat those who made the decisions at the CBC and those who carried them out with the same methods we did at the Nuremberg Trials. Hearings to see who did what and then legal consequences. Defunding only would be an insult to the dead.


Who watches the Watchers? Well in CBC’s case, CBC does. Here is an article CBC did today about how Lantsman and other MPs wanted to have CBC people in front of a Parliamentary committee and the motion was blocked by Trudeau’s Liberals.

The explanation:

CBC News language guide says use of the word terrorism ‘can leave journalists taking sides in a conflict’

is risible. CBC uses the illusion of objectivity to push one side always, and always to the left. They would present 2+2=6 as one side, then show a counter point as 2+2=8 in order to seem reasonable suggesting it must really be 7.

For decades, they have used one device or another to push for the side more left on any issue. We have spoken for hours with one professor of Mens Studies at a Quebec university who repeatedly refused to go on CBC as in each case, the deck was so stacked against the notion of men having equal rights to women in divorce and other legal issues, that he knew accepting would be worse for his position than refusing. And no need to discuss the vaxx or lockdown coverage by CBC. If people cannot remember the insane bias of CBC on that issue, there is no hope.

Here is a video from 2011 on a group of Canadian leftists who pretended there was a blockade of needed materials by Israel of Gaza. In fact, all the food and building materials and other basics where supplied to Gaza by Israel and all that was sent was allowed in. The alleged “blockade” was of weapons. Watching this, it would be interesting to see if anyone can see the unbiased coverage the CBC claims to have.

A reminder about media a mere 9 years ago, and the real relationship between Islam and divergent sexual appetites

Going through some old hard drives, we are finding some amazing examples of how not too too long ago, media actually reported some uncomfortable truths.

The following video is from 2014 and shows how Nigeria was putting four homosexual men on trial for their sexual activities, and if guilty, stone them to death. The BBC clip also does not hide the fact that this is a fundamentally Islamic view. Something we are basically made to think is a hate crime today. That is, to portray Islam as it actually is, somehow has become a hate crime. Islam, as we know, must be seen as a co-victim of White, Christian, Imperialist, Capitalist European culture. Which is why when Muslims lead protests against SOGI and so on, media, and perhaps especially Canadian media, will hide the Islamic aspect of the protests by ignoring them if small enough to ignore, or imputing the motive on far-right-extremists. Trudeau even went as far as trying to talk a Muslim against SOGI that he was a victim of “right wing Americans” and that his belief that his children should not be sterilized by the state had nothing to do with Islam or his own thinking.

BBC 2014:

Canada’s imposed Pseudo-reality

Went downtown today to see what signs of events might manifest themselves here and there. Apparently there was a large Islamic demonstration on Elgin St. protesting Israel. As we were not aware of it, we didn’t manage to see it. But a government building, The National Arts Centre of Canada, which has a massive screen at the front where they advertise coming or current performances within, and should not do politics at all, pretty much always does narrative driven politics but over a veneer of arts. For example, showing a singer with no mask on in front of an orchestra where all the strings wear masks but none of the Woodwinds do. Which is pretty funny. Because if you believe that Covid is dangerously spread that way by the asymptomatic, the only people wearing masks are the ones spraying spit everywhere and the violins and cellos are the ones all covered up. So that’s pretty funny.

The one overtly political thing they have had on their rotation now for a year or more is the photo below, which is on their rotation about once every ten minutes or so. Please keep in mind, this photo was taken today, October 8th, the day after a staggeringly brutal, savage, grotesque attack on Israel with a substantial fraction of the total efforts of the attackers going to kidnapping, torturing, mutilating and humiliating civilians and even infants. Even attacking civilians at a music festival, a rather long distance from a military target. When an attacking force does this, you can remove any notion of military intent from your equations. An attacking force has to be efficient. This was mere barbarity specifically for the sake of barbarity. And once again we are reintroduced to Islam and its core doctrine.

So what we can learn from this, is the various regions of Canada, the nation, the province and the municipalities, are a LOT more afraid of the Muslims they have imported than they are of Russia or Russians. They can pump the anti-Russian rhetoric as hard as they want and impose the Ukrainian Victim narrative no matter what the facts of the conflict might be. But they don’t dare hang an Israeli flag. And that dear readers is the kind explanation. The more likely one, although certainly not mutually exclusive, is that we are an entirely narrative driven society. And what we must believe is what suits the interests of those who set the narratives. The WEF, UN, EU, Bilderberg Group, the COMINTERN. And as we see with Islamic anti SOGI protests, the media and officialdom must never allow it to be known that there is a split in the ranks of the designated victim groups. Sexual deviancy groups however they may be defined and invented, imaginary or real, and Islam must be seen as co-victims of imperialist capitalist Christians and Facts that don’t support the narrative are hate facts and some are going to prison for stating them.

Meanwhile, in a city within the city of Toronto:


DEW and active measures and disinformation

Not knowing what is causing these fires around the world exactly, should lead one to look at what you do and don’t know before you speculate.

The first thing we can say we know, is it is not from Global warming. We can know this from many obvious and less obvious reasons. For example, most of the Earth’s history has been much warmer than it is now. So if global warming is the cause, then there should be no forests left on Earth. Secondly, in all places where there was massive forest fires, there has also been many arrests for Arson. I think Greece has the record for arrests, but Canada and other countries experiencing this round of fires have made multiple arrests of arsonists that appear to be involved with, what has to be a coordinated effort to create these disasters. In California years ago, it was ANTIFA activists who were caught setting fires in that state.

Another thing we can say about why the fires happened, is due to a policy change that has to have been in order to create the conditions to create and sustain large fires.This site documented the major fires in Australia a few years ago, which were the result of a curious change in law that forbade people from cutting back the underbrush that was well known to be what prevented major fires in Australia and elsewhere. Probably especially Hawaii. I don’t know if that same law was applied there, but it would be meaningful to know. In Australia, many were arrested for Arson as a result of those enormous fires, which happened a year to after people were no longer allowed to cut back the undergrowth that had always been the custom in order to avoid fires. At that time, the Islamic State magazine, I think it was called, Dabiq, called for a fire jihad. We did an interview with Brad Johnson on that at the time. (Cannot find it at the moment though) Here is a Tweet showing one of those arrested for arson in the massive fires in Australia.

We also know that we are fed a steady diet of BS from the MSM, and a different kind from social media. The social media flavour of disinformation appears to be on our side, but adds untruths or out of context truths enough to thwart our goals or actions, divide us further within groups who have common counter-revolutionary purposes, and or leave us in a state of confusion. The following video may have that purpose. After all, it is on YouTube. But that doesn’t mean it is by necessity false, it just raises concerns considering how fast they remove counter-narrative materials that are solid. Dr. Peter McCullough’s early videos for example. I think it took an afternoon till they disappeared, and that was peer reviewed solid science showing the dangers of the vaxx.

There is a lot of truth in that video, but as Stephen Coughlin once said, if you want a sniper to miss his target, you just need to have a guy he thinks is his friend next to him who nudges the barrel 1MM and the shot will miss the target by yards when it’s far enough away.

As noted last week, the fires all began a short time after what we think was a COMINTERN dogwhistle by the UN chair, stating that “we have moved to a point of Global Boiling.” This felt like calling the next move in the revolution to us. So why the DEW as a possible active measure? The more confusion around the cause of the fires the better. Like the vaxx, there were many people injecting ludicrous adverse effects of the vaxx in order to throw shade on people with genuine concerns. Claims about the vaxx setting up a home network inside people by building circuit boards in the blood, or claims that you can get a bluetooth signal from graves of people who have died and were vaccinated, presumably prior to that. (Although one can never be sure these days.) These injected narrative attacks serve several purposes. One of which is to make people unwilling or unable to look at each claim, dismiss all claims of adverse events as fiction or conspiracy theories.

This works very well. disinformation campaign against Ivermectin was a spectacular success. Just last week someone referred to it as taking cow medication in a conversation with me. Pointing out that it won the Nobel prize in medicine for human purposes may or may not have made a difference. But the slight buzz the person got from launching that disinformation narrative attack on me is more satisfying to them than hearing what was my calm, carefully worded response.

Then there is an article which I can no longer find. How annoying is that, right? Sorry. But it explained how you don’t need DEWs to create these firestorms. That conditions can be created that cause what they referred to as, The Bellows Effect. That you could through more mundane means, cause strong winds to feed oxygen to fires they set that would do the devastation we saw all over the world in July.

That doesn’t mean that DEWs do not exist, or even that they were not used. But like the vaxx, its important that we stick to what matters and not the details that cause division and ridicule.

The fires were deliberately set.

Government and government agencies acted in ways that were the enemies of the people in the affected areas. They made the problems worse. (Water turned off in Hawaii for reasons of equity)

How seems less important.

Another counter-revolutionary politician gets the pulp beaten out of him by political opposition

This is an 11 minute interview with an AfD politician, Andreas Jurca days after a major attack on him. The synopsis of the video is at RAIR Foundation

Islam in Canada continues to command its followers to destroy, humiliate, annihilate the unbelievers

Please read the descriptions and details at RAIR Foundation. Meanwhile, some samples of an imam in British Columbia who openly teaches authentic Islamic scripture. Just in case anyone forgot what they actually believe, and some plant to carry out, as he himself exposes with his reference to Samual Patty


The greater danger here is that this imam, who has been well known for quite some time for this kind of rhetoric, authentic islam or not, exposes the state for its dialectical use of the concept of hate speech. If this person does not get arrested and charged with a crime for incitement or hate speech or whatever else, but a guy who makes a joke about a fake country for freedom people going from Alaska to Florida I think it was, goes to jail for months and in solitary confinement, then hate speech has as much to do with preventing speech against a group of people as BLM does for protecting black people from discrimination. Both are fascist weapons against the system overall.

Second muslim protest against a school board over sexualization of children, and no media, no leftists: This time at a Catholic school board

First, the video of the speech by one of what appears to be an organizer for the protest which took place on Monday at the Catholic School Board HQ in Ottawa. The video also has B roll which gives an indication of the size, the nature of the audience and some of the messaging.

We posted an article on the previous Monday’s demo by Muslims primarily at the Ottawa Carleton District School board here. video below:

Imagine if any one of us had a sign that read: “Stop teaching our children your filth”, how the media and leftist revolutionaries would respond to that.

The Friday prior to that, was a demonstration against the trans-narratives on children at grade schools. This was by classical liberals who were demonized by the media and a large and somewhat thuggish leftist counter-protest. Articles and videos on this can be seen here and here and here.

We ask you to go over these materials and make your own determination of what these things mean. This is massive in our way of seeing the world. The most deliberate collusion of a media that operates along dialectic lines rather than being any kind of information service and which colludes with communist semi-state thugs like ANTIFA or Black Lives Matters. Jacobins.

Please offer comments with your thoughts and thank you for reading.

On the US based Muslim City Council banning transflags and serious CyberSec analysts look at the Dominion machines and their vulnerabilities

1. City council which is Democrat, and 100% islamic, bans pride flags on city property. This is as interesting challenge to leftist narrative attacks. But the media manages to maintain its usual dialectic by avoiding the Islamic fact of the city council, by claiming that not flying the Trans-gay flags along side the American flag on government property is not neutral, but an attack on these groups. The lie behind this is too obvious of course. If there was any truth in this, they would have to fly every flag of every group that claims it is a vulnerable or oppressed minority. You would need a flag pole 400 feet high. But, like the growing and impossible list of compulsory pronouns, intended to make aspects of communication difficult to illegal, the minority flags will probably all be replaced with this one soon, just as pronouns will likely all be replaced with “Comrade”.

Dr. Turley explains the Marxist cause behind all this in the video but let us offer our own addendum to it, as I don’t think these groups ever see themselves as oppressed as he explains. These groups are often fictions altogether. They create the belief that they are oppressed in order to use “Liberating Tolerance” in order to destroy us, and our systems of everything. Muslims have been using the left to achieve Global Islamic Manifest destiny since the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1920s. The reverse is also true. The left has used the muslims for the same purpose. We have written about this before as concerns the Ottawa Islamic protest against the school board on Monday. As an aside, there is another one planned for this coming Monday with both Christians and Muslims. It will be interesting to see if the Jacobin-Media complex have a strategy for this one that will allow them to make it public after the fact such that they can maintain their narrative positions that this is not an Islamic point of view, and that all who do not want their children sexualized or made into Eunuchs are somehow hate filled White Supremacists. These Muslims voted Democrat because it was what they needed to do for power in this area and others. Now that they have it, this will be used for Islamic norms. Having said that, thei Council’s argument, that the only pride flag they need is Red White and Blue, is an excellent one. Essentially libertarian. And we can all agree that representing everyone in the context of the organization is the only correct way to do things. This is worth keeping an eye on.


2. This site has of course maintained that the 2020 US presidential election was a fraud. The only issue is how was it cheated to get Joe Biden in as president. The disinformation campaigns at the start were genius. To blame the voting machines in a particular way that is not how it was done. took all the effort, money and attention from how it was. Going to first principles, Hiding the Hunter Biden laptop and claiming it was Russian disinformation would be enough for any Democrat to claim the election was a fraud, had it been done to them. If it was Trump’s son, and showed that kind of corruption and influence peddling. So its a fraud out of the gate with just that. Add Trump being banned from Twitter and Facebook disallowing the GOP to raise funds and its a fix in enough ways to qualify it as a third world election. Add to that, the movie 2000 Muslim by Dinesh D’Souza, a movie which a very reliable Cyber-Security observer we know said that this was the case, this is how it was done, and yes the election was stolen. From our perspective this was a third vector of theft. But now something interesting has happened. Some of the top Cyber Security [CYBERSEC] people in the world are reexamining the Dominion machines. It is possible that the machines did have an exploit which could change the outcome of an election to be other than just counting the number of votes case. Well waddaya know about that.

EXPLOSIVE: Halderman Report Released in Georgia – Confirms VOTES CAN BE ALTERED Through Defective Dominion Voting Machines – Raffensperger Hid This From Public – Garland Favorito Weighs In

Please read this whole thread

Also read this thread. This person has a sterling reputation amongst CYBERSEC analysts. Both these people are worth a follow if this is in your field of interest.

Classic Discourse Theory or dialectic attacks are already taking place against this CYBERSEC analyst. Which means he is most likely on to something. “Election Denier” is the perfect replacement term on the Discourse Theory form for, “Climate Denier”, “White Supremacist” and all the other terms applied generally speaking for anyone who may be making a move that the left would see as counter-revolutionary.

The perfect example of Frankfurt School Discourse theory: Making opposition to govt. policy illegal

At a dinner once, I was given a licence to only say the word, “Dialectic” three times. After that, no dessert. So I learned to save it for the best uses.

This video below is a stellar example of the Frankfurt School’s Discourse theory. The way that works, is that a communist think-tank comes up with a concept they want to force onto the mainstream. They call that “a consensus”. Usually its to impose a pseudo-reality onto the public at the expense of reality. Often really obvious untruths like men can make themselves real women just by saying they are, and any attempt to stop them from all aspects of female life is a semi-crime.

The way this is done, is to make any opposition to the consensus, “hate-speech”. This is a form of dialectics. Targeted use of language and concepts to always force the culture farther and farther to the left. Examples are easy. Critical race theory. Critical gender theory. Global Warming, which if there was any honesty in the left, would be called, “critical climate theory”.

In this case, it was the Spanish Parliament. A VOX member was making the case that unbridled and massive illegal immigration resulted in certain kinds of criminality.

When he made this case, he was reminded by the president of that parliament, I assume equivalent to the Speaker of the House or Speaker of a British style Parliamentary system, that to equate immigration with crime was illegal and he must take it back and not do it again. There is zero consideration as to the truth or falsity, or even consequences to his claim. It’s that it is a claim that may not be made.

This would be because the plan is to flood the West with African and Islamic migrants with no vetting in order to prepare it for the death of all of its concepts of national identity and individual rights and replace it with an authoritarian essentially Marxist Leninist state, as they are preparing us for in Canada as well under Mark Carney and Justin Trudeau.

Normally the use of Discourse Theory is a little harder to spot. Slightly more subtle. Just real enough to make you sort of accept it while you get that increasingly familiar buzzing in your head from trying to accept what makes no logical sense. But this exchange in the Spanish Parliament was deliciously clear cut. Habermas’ Discourse theory perfectly applied in a Parliamentary situation such that no factual reference to the consequences of the massive invasion of Spain can be made. Not even it seems, pointing out that Illegal immigration is in fact, illegal.

Keep an eye on Stephen Coughlin’s Twitter feed. One suspects he will have something to say about this one.

Below, a refresher course on exactly what Discourse Theory is and how it is applied:

Please also see RAIR Foundation’s write up on the Spanish video