Dr. Andrew Bostom on Dennis Prager

Pay special attention to the opinion of both men on the self named, ADL or “Anti-defamation League. In our opinion, a dialectical organization who’s purpose is to use Jewish identity as a vector for replacing liberty with communism. Beyond that, this is an excellent reality check on Islam and its central and historical antisemitism.

Story details at RAIR.

Are the globalists attempting to recreate the conditions of the French Revolution?

If the facts in the video below are correct, then it appears very much that current globalist leadership in every aspect, even if by different names and justifications, are attempting to recreate the exact conditions of the French revolution. From the destruction of modern faming, to massive unemployment, in our case through mass immigration. From the destruction of morality and religion to vast increases in prostitution and pornography. One of the things one notices consistently while observing the controlled (for the moment) destruction of our civilization, is that our enemies, Muslims and communists, seem to understand their history as it pertains to the West far better than we do.

‘If any person present knows of any inaccuracy in the video above, they should leave a comment now or forever strive for peace.’

Naturopathic doctor, Charley Cropley on evidence based medicine and how science became scientism

At last something with at least a positive twist in terms of dealing with the revolution. Over the past few years, a sizeable fraction of the public has learned that they have been living in a matrix of sorts, where medicine to some degree at least, has not been what it appears. Dr. Cropley has been using actual evidence based medicine for some time and offers advice on how to approach many kinds of illness without the dangerous approaches sometimes advocated by doctors who in many cases, are just vending machines for Pfizer and other big pharma. I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did making it. Article at RAIR

Dr. Chris Shoemaker on the discovery of 33% DNA in the Covid vaxx and what what additional threat that makes to the recipients

This interview was done for RAIR Foundation where the accompanying article can be read here.

Just got this link. I have not watched it yet, but thought I would add it to this post as it appears to be directly related. May add a comment or two after I get a chance to see it.

New Dr. John Campbell on Vitamin D and dementia

This is an interesting video by Dr. John Ph.D. But some of the questions he asks at the end of the video and throughout it are answered in the interview below with 15 year veteran MP of the Canadian government who was trying to address these exact issues.

James Lunney interview was done as part of the NCI hearings in Ottawa in May.

On Hitler and the Nazis’ leftist socialist beliefs

This video is 5 hours long. The probable reason is that the left after WW2 did everything they could to distance the horrors of the Nazis from their reputations as representatives of the left. The same thing happened after people learned about the gulags, arbitrary detentions and imprisonment and of course, more deaths than any statistician would be comfortable accurately tabulating lest he become one of them. The left also tried to distance itself from Soviet and North Korean horrors but that wasn’t quite as easy as it was to convince people that the shots are safe and effective Islam is the religion of peace aliens are attacking US military bases, the ozone hole will kill us all, Y2K bug will kill us all, killer bees will kill us all, bee colony collapse will kill us all, global warming has already killed us all the Nazis are somehow “far right wing”.

I have not seen it all yet, but based on his past videos I take it as an act of faith to post this as I do plan to watch it all over the week as his other videos have been very good. He has even found very important errors in James Lindsay’s material but still does recommend Prof. Lindsay’s videos.

I look forward to any and all comments on this video. It actually does matter if the Nazis are left or right wing because frankly, it appears that the Nazis have rebranded and are at it again.

Denis Rancourt testimony at the Ottawa NCI

RAIR wrote up the details here.

Although we posted his testimony before, this brief clip of an interview with him explaining the highlights of his testimony is new to this site.

And the testimony

On the Alberta Leadership debate

The following post was written by an Alberta resident and political pundit, familiar with the candidates and issues of that province and this race. Thank you sir for sending this in!

On May 18, 2023, the Alberta debate between Premier Danielle Smith and Opposition Leader Rachel Notley took place.

The debate was moderated by CTV News and Global News. The moderation was done reasonably fairly, and even the panel that had been assembled to pose the questions was presented quite well as attended by Post Media, City News and CBC Alberta.

The participant’s apparel was interesting in that Premier Smith wore her party’s colours – blue, while Leader Notley wore Smith’s colours … blue! Hmmm! During the debate, Notley addressed her remarks directly at Smith, seemingly scolding Smith, all the while Smith directly connected to her audience through the cameral lens, presenting genuine smiles as she talked about Alberta and the prospects for a bright future.

It was clear from the outset that Rachel Notley was on the defence. On several occasions, questions were asking for specific answers. Smith gave those, while Notley stumbled around saying, “That was a good question” and paraphrased, “We need to look at ways to improve on the problem posed.” In other words, no real answer.

At times, the exchange got into mudslinging, with accusations of law breaking coming from Notley, and levelled at Smith. It should be noted that there is no evidence of breaking the law, or any charges even being contemplated. What is clear is that CBC and others propagated misleading information, something they seem to have a penchant for doing.

There was the normal promulgation and denial of numbers, as comparisons were made regarding job losses and revenue losses during Notley’s reign, and the job returns upon the UCP regaining leadership. What is clear, is that financial conditions deteriorated considerably across many industries including the oil and gas industry as well as support sectors while Notley was in power.

Both candidates made their fair share of projections into the future including both individuals making strong statements about NOT having medical patients being charged for doctor’s visits. This has been a major campaign issue to-date. Varied methods of revenue allocation have been discussion topics, and speculative thoughts have somehow been converted into promises going forward. Reality seems to be on another planet, especially whenever Notley presents her personal and party views.

But Smith, perhaps came up with the best line of the night when she said about Notley, “She doesn’t want to run on her record. And the reason she doesn’t want to run on her record is, it was an absolute disaster!” Record debts had been realized, and the major downturn in economy ultimately cost Notley her position as Premier.

It is questionable whether the hardliners on either side might be convinced otherwise, but a significant part of the fence-sitters might be swayed one way or another.

In the end, it will be a debate worth the record, to evaluate whether promises come true.


LIVE: 1500 ET Science & Data Roundtable – Rose, McKernan, Stephanie Seneff, Couey, Girardot, Beaudoin

Stephanie Seneff alone is worth the price of admission.

Never Again is Now: 5 part docu-series

Haven’t seen much of it yet, but so far, it’s every bit as good as everyone who has seen it says it is.

Part I: Here we go again on steroids

Part II: Anyone who wants to start a war has to lie

Part III: Breaking the Veil of the Real Conspirators

Part IV: This time around, we’re all jews

Part V: Never give in – Never give up

Solving the problem by defining the standards

The following YouTube video is one of the most enjoyable experiences I have had standing up. Beyond its face level meaning, there is a lot to take away about how things have happened in the past few years and even into earlier efforts this site and its colleagues have made against other government lines of effort to destroy our culture, and we as a people.

Remember how the word, ‘vaccine’ was redefined to allow for the inclusion of mRNA shots that in no way whatsoever acted like, or was made in the manner of, or in any other way fit the definition of a vaccine? The same could be said of using the PCR test for a diagnostic tool, and adjusting the cycle threshold to give the desired results. Actually for more than the last few years, governments have been manipulating definitions to get the results they want in order to justify whatever policy they want.

Anyone who follows the banning of guns knows this to be true. Legal gun owners have a lower violent crime rate than the general population. Especially homicide rates.

Homicide rate for PAL 0.67 accused / 100 000 ppl . Average Canadians 1.22 /100 000 ppl . Keep in mind 80% of Pal licensees are men aged 18-40 and the homicide rate for men aged 18-40 in the Gen pop is much higher

But it goes back much farther even with the current efforts. Remember the “Religion of Peace”? That wasn’t exactly a lie. In the book, Milestones, which is the foundational document of the Muslim Brotherhood right after the Islamic war-manual, the Koran, it is stated that once the whole world is subjugated to Islamic law, it shall know peace. And therefore, Islam is the religion of peace.

Examples of these kinds of what seem to be childish linguistic tricks are actually quite common and are among the more powerful devices being used to destroy Western Socratic civilization.

But it seems that the problem goes back much farther.

Please watch this video, which claims to be a banned Ted Talk, on how science has been practiced for centuries. We might think after seeing it, that in a way, yes, Anthony Fauci IS INDEED science. Science as its actually done, not as it is intended to be done. Science as practiced, not in theory. When one watches this, and examine Fauci’s life through the lens of RFK Jr’s book, one gets the sense that Fauci is acutely aware of the principles in this video, and applies them to his work, which means to all of our lives. Some of them much shorter and much much worse as a result.

As an aside, presumably after this lecture was recorded, but before the date of upload, the James Web telescope has accumulated enough data to put the Big Bang theory into question.

[This post may be updated and corrected over the day as people point out aspects which do not present as intended.]



German video on upgrading the human being

To be fair, if one watches this one could have an entertaining debate with oneself about what constitutes a problem and what doesn’t

We could, should we choose to be Devil’s Advocate on this, ask if getting a cavity filled is an upgrade. Ok then, how about dental implants? Fake breasts on women, and increasingly these days, on men.

When we alter our diet for better health, are we doing an upgrade? Is it problematic? What about taking steroids and other performance enhancing drugs?

If we take this back to the GMO food debate we have a better analogy.

When Gregor Mendel found a way to genetically enhance food plants by selective breeding and developing plants by grafting one on to another, he most decidedly changed the world. And that was in the Nineteenth Century. There is probably not a food plant left on Earth, not changed quite fundamentally by Mendel’s work. Then came direct genetic manipulation of plants. The results are a mixed bag. If it wasn’t for Norman Borlaug, a lot of the world would have starved to death and most of the world would not have been born. Borlaug by the way, was a Malthusian. He felt he was buying the world time to feed its teeming billions while we figured out a way to reduce the population of the world. Nonetheless he did create the tech that does feed the world. And he won the Nobel Peace Prize for it, back when the prize meant something. For those interested, find the episode of Pen & Teller’s Bullshit called, “Eat This”. They discuss Borlaug a lot and related issues of food snobbery, mostly “eating organic” as it was back when the show was made.

So it isn’t really that simple to draw the line on what constitutes a harmless procedure and what is playing God. One could, if one wanted to argue it, say that a woman that had silicone breast implants might attract a mate that she otherwise would not have, and bear children that she would not have had she not had the upgrade, and therefore has changed the genetics of all future generations of her offspring in an unnatural way. Sorta kinda.

It does get easier to pass judgement when it comes to volition though. When you have no choice in the matter. When the consequences of the upgrade are unknown beyond a reasonable amount of risk. (like the mRNA shots) When it is intended to change fundamentally your capability of agency, and when it changes your germ line for all time.

One could say that the problem with Fentanyl and Carfentanil etc. is its destruction of your will. It isn’t so much its health issues, as serious as they are. It is that once you use it even once, you arguably have lost your free will to chose not to take it to a degree that must be staggering given what people do to get it and how many it kills. Very few people will sell sexual services to strangers for example, for a pack of cigarettes. But opioids? It would seem so if the movies are to be believed. And if the upgrades remove your agency, it has made you into slaves.

The video below does deal with changes that do affect the germ line, or the DNA in your sex cells which are then reflected permanently in future generations issuing from those who may have had these upgrades. And I think that is a safe place to say where a line is crossed. If you want to do crazy things with your own body, as a libertarian its hard to say not to do so. But the future of humanity might be argued to be a collective right in so much as there is one.

Please read the story details at: Rair Foundation USA