On Hitler and the Nazis’ leftist socialist beliefs

This video is 5 hours long. The probable reason is that the left after WW2 did everything they could to distance the horrors of the Nazis from their reputations as representatives of the left. The same thing happened after people learned about the gulags, arbitrary detentions and imprisonment and of course, more deaths than any statistician would be comfortable accurately tabulating lest he become one of them. The left also tried to distance itself from Soviet and North Korean horrors but that wasn’t quite as easy as it was to convince people that the shots are safe and effective Islam is the religion of peace aliens are attacking US military bases, the ozone hole will kill us all, Y2K bug will kill us all, killer bees will kill us all, bee colony collapse will kill us all, global warming has already killed us all the Nazis are somehow “far right wing”.

I have not seen it all yet, but based on his past videos I take it as an act of faith to post this as I do plan to watch it all over the week as his other videos have been very good. He has even found very important errors in James Lindsay’s material but still does recommend Prof. Lindsay’s videos.

I look forward to any and all comments on this video. It actually does matter if the Nazis are left or right wing because frankly, it appears that the Nazis have rebranded and are at it again.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

3 Replies to “On Hitler and the Nazis’ leftist socialist beliefs”

  1. One of my standard replies to people that call me a NAZI because I don’t comply with the current Narratives is; ” I’m not a Socialist ”
    The confused look, in most of them – except from the most vile of their breed -, is quite funny.
    Shows me every time that their bluster is just another outlet for their stupidity.

  2. HITLER AND … CONSERVATIVES? In popular culture and in the media, Nazism is often presented as an extreme form of conservatism. But this political movement was, on the contrary, revolutionary, and destructive of faith and traditional virtues. In fact, it was some of the most conservative corners of German society that sought to overthrow Nazism from its inception.
    Nazism is often depicted as some kind of extreme “conservatism” when, as history shows, it was essentially radical and destructive of traditional freedoms and faith. In fact, from its very inception, some of the most conservative elements in German society fought for its overthrow.
    Hitler’s Socialism: The Evidence is Overwhelming
    You must understand that the Left HAS to create Right-wing villains… because all the really evil dudes in the 20th Century were all Leftists. Do you think Hitler LIED about the “Socialist” part in the acronym “NAZI” meaning “National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party”?
    THIS is why the Leftists need to deem Hitler to be a Right-winger.
    Remember that ‘Progressive’ is a euphemism for Liberal, which is another euphemism for Socialist, which is another euphemism for Communist.
    The Russian’s Communist Socialism was about Class, whereas the German’s NAZI Socialism was about Race.
    Hitler rose to power just like Lenin (promising freedom but knowing it would be a dictatorship) (Guess who burned the Reichstag?) The government took away the citizen’s guns… rounded-up Jews and Gypsies for slavery and extermination… took control of businesses… established a quota system for agriculture… murdered opponents… thoroughly indoctrinated Arian children to be good Party Members… attacked Christianity and sent Christian resistors to the same Death Camps… the State became all-important and omnipotent… the voiceless, defenseless citizens suffered. As Left as Left could be.
    Much of this was the same with Mao’s China and Mussolini’s Fascist Italy.

    Hitler’s party and Mussolini’s party were of the far-LEFTIST kind – as their names unmistakably state:
    1) Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei = German National SOCIALIST Workers Party.
    2) Partito Sozialista Italiano = Italian SOCIALIST Party.

    But today’s Leftist academics preach that they were the OPPOSITE.
    Then please explain why Russia was the “Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics” and the NAZI’s were the “National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party”?
    “Oh, well, never mind that… the NAZI’s weren’t REALLY socialists… it was just a different kind of socialism… it was, Ummm… say… did you see the ball game last night??”
    Nazism is an abbreviation of “National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party” and for decades, Mussolini was a socialist until he learned that Italians would respond to collectivism better when associated with Italy rather than the “International Proletariat”. There is not a penny’s difference between Communism, Fascism, and Socialism except Fascism is nationality-aimed, and Communism and Socialism are internationally aimed. In the end, it does not matter. They ALL want to rule your life.
    As simple as it gets:
    RIGHT: Government exists to obey and support the goals of The People.
    LEFT: People exist to obey and support the goals of The Government.

    Note that Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Il Duce, Castro, Mao, Pol Pot, and others were all Leftists, Socialists, Communists, or Fascists, and all of them were atheists. Not Conservatives or Christians, they never ran a Republic or Democratic form of government. Just because you might be “allowed” to “vote”, when there is only one person to vote for, the outcome is a foregone conclusion, your being able to “vote” means nothing!
    What we don’t want are more concentration camps, death camps, gulags, genocide, Gestapos, KGBs, and the rest of the apparatus of state terror.

  3. Liberal is not left. Yes, the commies have hijacked that word and even conservative talk show hosts have been suckered into using it, but liberal is the philosophy that the individual matters and has rights and the government’s duty is to protect those rights.

    Thomas Jefferson was one of the greatest liberals of all time. Liberal-libertarian… but yeah it has become another word for communist as another trick of the left.