Islam in Italy: A series of videos

In the past week or so, RAIR Foundation along with our translators and editors have been preparing a series of 4, and then 7 videos from Italy on the facts of Islam in Italy and the surrounding region. The material is shocking for those not familiar with the invasion of Islam in this century and just before, and refreshing in terms of how frankly it is dealt with by this Italian TV station for those of us that are familiar.

The entire series is not done yet. But here are a few of the videos. Each is a stand-alone and doesn’t require the previous ones for context, although they do all form a context together. The only question that remains of course, is would these videos be legal in Scotland, where 2+2=4 is now a counter-revolutionary statement.

Christian Migrants sound alarm on the true nature of the Islamic ones into Europe and Italy in particular

There are a couple of videos on how women within the Islamic community in Italy are treated. This is one of them.

An Italian mayor has to live under constant protection for attempting to preserve some elements of Italian law, culture, and religion in an area which contains enough Muslims to tip the balance

Muslims in Italy explain what conquering the world will look like, starting with Italy. “First we kick out the Jews, then…”

Italian Journalist gets beaten in Islamic area of Italy. A ‘no-go zone’ as they are often referred to.

There are more at RAIR. Click through to any one of the links and hit list view at the top right and scroll down. We will post the new ones as we get them here as well and of course, at Gates of Vienna.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

3 Replies to “Islam in Italy: A series of videos”

  1. Quite a few arrive in our lands to escape Islam only to have Islam follow them in their new lands.

    This is carried out through many extensive mosque networks that have followers working for Internet providers. When a new Muslim family arrives in their area, the mosque admin is made aware and they send their crew to knock on the new arrival’s door.

    I’ve seen this more than once, up close and personal.

    The result is women wear their head garments, the husbands enjoy their new supremacy, and often, the kids are radicalized through Muslim student associations.

    And slowly, the process of pushing out the native population in an area sets in.

    There aren’t many solutions to stop the Islamization of our lands because the Human Rights associations protect them.