Leftists make threat at AfD speech

Leftist plants in an AfD audience make decapitate gesture at Alice Weidel as she is speaking about the election victory in Thuringia

Direct link

If a conservative had done something like this at a Leftist party event, we know what would happen to them.


How the left uses a crisis to destroy all our rights and freedoms. Now using Halle Germany attack

After the New Zealand attack on a mosque, those of you who followed the issue may remember how quickly all evidence of the video and the manifesto was removed from the internet except for the most protected and adept at finding these sorts of things.

The next thing that happened, was the socialist (read communist) PM of New Zealand  used that attack, while ignoring the thousands of islamic attacks of manifest destiny, even the one that came soon after, killing hundreds of Christians in Sri Lanka, to advance her program of increased power to the state, and the right to send police out to every New Zealander that ever objected to mass immigration policies or Islam in general. (This could be an example of Marcuse’s ‘Repressive tolerance’.)

The tragedy of that attack, was rapidly turned into an opportunity by the state, to dramatically increase its power beyond what democracy allows for, at the expense of the individual, or any dissenting opinion. The state did so by inventing the narrative and opinions of the attacker in a way that was convenient to the state’s agenda, and by doing its best to bury any actual evidence of the real reasons the attacker did what he did.

For example they claimed he was a Trump supporter, even though his manifesto was clearly contemptuous of President Trump.

They made him a “Far right wing extremist” even though he called himself, a “National Bolshevik” in his manifesto. Which is a real thing. A merger of Nazi socialism with Soviet Socialism as far as I understand it. He also had all his weapons and materials covered in names of famous Balkan war heroes who had died fighting against Islamic manifest destiny in Central Europe and played a famous song to the cause of liberation of the Balkans from Islamic oppression.

All of that was well chronicled on this blog as it happened. The videos of the police going to people’s doors in New Zealand was especially interesting from this point of view.

So when a lone, antisemitic nut in Germany went to attack a Synagogue in Halle, we expected something similar from the Merkel government. In this case, predictably that the far right is “Very very very very dangerous, at least as dangerous as Islamic terror.” Try to remember that when you watch the actual attack by this guy, linked at the bottom. A Jihadi could have stabbed 50 people by the time his psycho gave up his general failure.

Direct link:

The next thing we expected was that the Merkel government and her puppet groups, in this case a “Jewish” group that is a beard for communists to attack the AfD, and has been used before by leftist groups in Germany, would blame this dangerous “very very very very far right” extremist on the AfD, as somehow responsible.

Direct link:

At this point we invite you to see the actual attack video the killer made when he did his little mission. In order to see it, we recommend that you are running a VPN, and have a torrent client installed like u Torrent or BitTorrent. If you have a torrent client and are protected by a VPN, then click this link and it should start the download of the file to your local machine. You may have to find the .torrent file on your machine and click that to start the download of the video. Once you have it, please keep your torrent client open a day or so to help other people see what really happened, and what the German government is saying is at least equal to Islamic terror in Europe.

(Below is the description of the video. It should also be noted that he does shoot two people in this video. The faces were blurred of his victims, and what appears to be his home made black powder produces so much smoke that you do not see much of the aftermath of his shooting. So on the one hand it is graphic, but on the other hand not compared to the average TV show.)

This is the archive of the live stream by the Halle Germany attacker of a Synagogue and Kebab shop.

We are providing this video not in support of his actions. But because modern leftist governments hide evidence of political crimes in order to reinvent the motives, remove the rights of citizens based on narratives, and increase the power of the state.


One cannot have a democracy by any definition without free access to information.


We do not know what inspired this guy to attack. Our concern is that the attack will be turned into a weapon against all freedom loving people, as an excuse to censor the internet and restrict even more of our basic and natural rights.


The good news is, his incompetence prevented much real damage from being done, but he did murder two innocent people.


What is true is that at no point did he appear to endorse any political leader or ideology, other than classical antisemitism. And any attempt to make it look like he did should be met with this video.


One may remember how the video of the mosque attacker of New Zealand was erased from the internet and a replaced false narrative was invented in order to advance socialist control of as many areas of the world geographically, as well as in terms of the intellectual and legal space as possible.


We must all work to prevent tyrannical governments from allowing that to happen.


These two quotes serve as explanation:


“The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.” —-Josph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister


And equally importantly from the side of light:


“…I have sworn upon the altar of God Eternal Hostility Against Every Form of Tyranny Over The Mind Of Man.”

– Thomas Jefferson 1800 AD

The Jefferson quote is our motive for making this post.

Eeyore for VladTepesBlog.

Deep and profound Condolences for the two victims of this attack, and all who knew them.

Dr. Gottfried Curio: “What we need is not safe cities. Its safe train stations and parks”

Dr. Curio is one of my favorite people to subtitle. Its such a joy to read such brave lucidity.

Direct link:


Two videos of the good people of Chemnitz protesting against the destruction of their existence by mass migration



These videos are of a pro-Chemnitz march, where they are pushing back against Government attempts to frame the victims of multiple rapes and murders as evil racists and ‘hunters of migrants’. A dirty plot cooked up by the Merkel government using doctored and out of context video from ANTIFA.

Readers of this site will remember how Merkel removed the head of German internal security for informing the public that the Chemnitz migrant hunt was in fact, anti-state propaganda. What we have come to call, “fake news”. You can see all the videos on that event on this site, or on our d.tube and bit.tube channels, including the reveal by the now, ex-“keeper of the German Constitution” (head of internal security and intel)

Notice how in one of these videos, an ANTIFA activist is spotted who is known for lying about the people of Chemnitz and misrepresenting events there. He is not appreciated, one can tell from the video. His Twitter feed is here.

Communists in Germany agitate against AfD in a very disturbing way

The AfD is in fact the only non-far left option for Germans. It is classically Liberal and even a former leader of Mossad endorsed them and wished all European nations had an AfD option. The AfD are essentially just what nearly all politicians were for the past hundred years or more in the Western, Greco-Judeo-Christian world.

This rhetoric against them is intended to cause the useful idiots of communism to start murdering people. This is an astonishing level of deception and jingoism by the Socialists of Germany.

To understand the dialectical engine of destruction that forms the foundation of this kind of rhetoric, please try and read a few pages a day of this paper by Stephen Coughlin. 

Direct link:



description of event in Germany:

Katja Kipping, Chairwoman of Die Linke, (A Stasi connected East German hard core commie group and member of the comintern that is actually IN the German Parliament at this time), gave a speech at the demonstration “Indivisible” in which she insinuated that right-wing terrorists have connections to the AfD. She also warns that behind every AfD person in a suit there is a Nazi ready to fire a gun.

‘Migrants’ force police to use tear gas as they riot at public pool

Direct Link: https://d.tube/v/vladtepesblog/QmbCZetS9DWfjstsUMRSahzqoAAJtA91KkQjeJPnNw7xP7

Ever since I started watching and documenting islamic behaviour in the west, one of the first patterns I noticed was the behaviour, followed by demands, at public pools. Town after town and country after country, broke their own laws on equality to create women only, and Islamic only swim times. Like public pools are critical to islamic survival. It was likely just the first part of the public space picked for conquest.


Video link

Thank you MissPIggy

C. sent in this related material. It is worth pasting this link into Chrome and having it translated. Yet another long list of data points showing how muslims have a thing about public pools.