New Brunswick Premiere talks the right talk on SOGI but… Links post 12 for May 25, 2024

1. Premiere of New Brunswick pushes back on crimes against Children a little.

Please read this short article in full, after which I offer our commentary on actions of the Premiere.


[…] Several hours after our story broke, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs released the following statement on social media:

“A number of concerned parents have shared with me photos and screenshots of clearly inappropriate material that was presented recently in at least four New Brunswick high schools.

To say I am furious would be a gross understatement.

This presentation was not part of the New Brunswick curriculum, and the content was not flagged for parents in advance. My office has been told by Department of Education officials that this was supposed to be a presentation on HPV.

However, the group shared materials well beyond the scope of an HPV presentation. The fact that this was shared shows either improper vetting was done, the group misrepresented the content they would share… or both.

The Premiere of NB is by far the most counter-revolutionary leader in Canada. And we all appreciate seeing this rebuke. But lets get freaking real here for a minute. 1. The material was presented under a false pretence. There has to be grounds for civil action there. And mostly 2. It IS A CRIME in Canada to subject children to sexually explicit materials. The people who did the presenting, and any adult in the schools that knowingly invited it, and teachers who failed to stop it once they saw what it was, are CRIMINALLY LIABLE. Either evacuate, or leave the outhouse.

PUNISH these people! We are facing an existential threat to every component of our identities as Western peoples. SOGI etc. is nothing less than an attack on our children and families and has zero redeeming features as education.


2. The Chuck Schumer video where he agitates for citizenship for “ALL 11 MILLION or however many” surfaces.

3. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban Seeks Exit from NATO Conflict with Russia

The position of Hungary in the Ukraine vs Russia conflict has been consistently pragmatic.  Ukraine is NOT a NATO country, and when the USA essentially demanded that all NATO member states join in a unified mission against Russia, to promote the specific interests of the United States, it never made sense.

Hungary has maintained a consistent position that NATO is a defensive partnership that should not seek conflict and war outside its member state boundaries.  However, the USA has previously used its leadership role in NATO to pressure member states to join in conflict outside the NATO boundaries, ie. Iraq and Libya.

In the modern era (since Obama), the former left-wing peacenik movement has reversed position and are now the leading advocates for global war. Democrats, leftists, globalists and various trade union organizations, who have supported the merge of government with corporations, now advocate for all positions that advance war and general international conflict.  As a consequence, NATO is now an offensive weapon; that’s the contextual background. […]

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungary will seek to opt out of any NATO operations aimed at supporting Ukraine, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said Friday, suggesting that the military alliance and the European Union were moving toward a more direct conflict with Russia.

Orbán told state radio that Hungary opposes a plan NATO is weighing to provide more predictable military support to Ukraine in coming years to repel Moscow’s full-scale invasion, as better armed Russian troops assert control on the battlefield.

“We do not approve of this, nor do we want to participate in financial or arms support (for Ukraine), even within the framework of NATO,” Orbán said, adding that Hungary has taken a position as a “nonparticipant” in any potential NATO operations to assist Kyiv.

“We’ve got to redefine our position within the military alliance, and our lawyers and officers are working on … how Hungary can exist as a NATO member while not participating in NATO actions outside of its territory,” he said. (read more)

4. The following is part of a general strategy being used by the US govt. since Obama, Trudeau, and most likely Merkel and other COMINTERN aligned ‘leaders’. Certain NZ and Australia.

This is perfectly consistent with the US office of the CVE (Countering Violent Extremism) which was created under Obama, dismantled under Trump, and rapidly reinstated under Biden/Obama3. There is also a report generated under the Biden admin called the TEVUS report. It uses fairly familiar dialectical methods to make any act of terrorism as motivated by White Supremacy. This includes and perhaps was intended to deflect from Islamic terrorism. Reading the articles in the links above, especially the links dealing with the CVE will give a lens that makes a great deal of this clear as crystal. In a nutshell, this is one of the many ways the COMINTERN or revolutionary leaders are criminalizing all counter-revolutionaries.

5. This is a series of videos and an article on the Russia Ukraine war. To me, it seems to lean a bit towards Russian propaganda. But facts are facts and there are facts in the article and which are presented in the videos. The leader of the UK is bailing as he “doesn’t want to be a war time leader”. NATO has provoked Russia for years by violating its post cold-war deals by encroachment and now, it appears that NATO, which is a proxy for US Foreign policy, is playing nuclear brinksmanship over issues which have no effect on Western or American security or prosperity. At least in no way close to the way China actually does. So being an admitted low-information writer on this situation, I look forward to the comments on this one.

Thanks for checking out this site.

As a post script: Ottawa Public Health is pushing the mRNA shots. Again. This time to the elderly. Which is where it started, innit?

While some consider COVID-19 to be in the rear view mirror, it continues to cause severe illness, even death, in some Ottawa seniors. That is the population — along with others considered high risk — who are being urged to get vaccinated now before cases begin to increase again.

Some 130,000 Ottawa seniors, or 70 per cent of older adults in the city, haven’t received COVID-19 vaccines in the past six months. That makes them eligible for a COVID-19 as part of a spring vaccination campaign aimed at the most vulnerable.

Well, its probably less painful than MAiD. And vulnerable? Well I read it differently I guess, than how they intend it to be read.

But we do learn they are still poo-testing. Which of course means nothing other than that they find some kind of trace of the virus in poo. But if they aren’t registering sicknesses or deaths from Covid, then the only point of the vaxx would be to make less positive results in sewage water. Which doesn’t seem like much of a good use of medical resources.

After a long lull, Ontario wastewater readings are beginning to increase slightly, suggesting COVID-19 is circulating in the province and case numbers could rise. Some countries in Europe and elsewhere are seeing steeper spikes in infections.

Even during this spring’s lull in COVID-19 cases, some people continued to be hospitalized with complications from infections, with about 85 per cent of them being 60 or older. Some infections have resulted in deaths.

The common cold also kills the elderly if they are sufficiently fragile.


About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

One Reply to “New Brunswick Premiere talks the right talk on SOGI but… Links post 12 for May 25, 2024”

  1. 3- I see Hungary sliding off the east-west fence it has historically straddled, and through no fault of its own. It will be interesting to see how it keeps from falling east through this problem. It is a real pain in the ass for the EU, NATO, and the U.S. I wouldn’t be surprised that it’s invitation of Red Chinese and German investment is a tactic to overweight foreign investment in it, thereby possibly enhancing the protections such investment may provide.

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