Protest videos for Germany and Austria on the weekend of January 15/16 2022

As usual please check the COMMENTS on this post for all the videos and news. But to start you off with a proper understanding of events, those who choose to peacefully protest against unconstitutional Covid measures and ‘vaccine’ mandates, are now ENEMIES OF THE STATE in Germany.

Protests in Austria and Germany for January 8, 2022

As usual, please look at the comments for this post, to see the news, videos and updates. Remember, Austria just conned all of its obedient citizens. Instead of getting some small portion of their rights back for taking the double shot, they are now all classed as “unvaccinated” with the total loss of rights of those they were trained to hate from the start. Namely those who chose against the shots. So one might expect some protests today.



Austrian police go hunting for the unvaxxed in retail stores

This is a week or so old, but its still a pretty important data point on how the Austrians are demonizing those who chose personal medical freedom over those who sacrificed to the collective-state.

Please see the story at RAIR

Rumours of forced vaxx in Austria, and why disbelieve it?

Anyone have a solid reason to think this could be untrue, other than sheer disbelief? Which at this point would be a degree of naïveté which is near fatal.

Germany Preparing to Impose Austria-Style Lockdown on the Unvaccinated

Germany is preparing to follow the example of Austria by imposing new lockdown measures that will exclusively apply to the unvaccinated.

As we highlighted yesterday, Austrian authorities are enforcing the new measures by having police patrol supermarkets and highways, stopping people and checking their vaccination status.

Similar scenes could now be about to unfold in neighboring Germany.

The Guardian reports that the COVID situation in the country is worse now than it was before the vaccine was introduced.

Unelected Austrian Leader Announces Indefinite Lockdowns For The Unvaccinated Starting Monday

We have video of Austrian police hunting for the unvaxxed in stores with machine guns. That will be posted soon.