Simply BRILLIANT video from the Danish People’s Party (DPP)


If ever European political parties stand a chance of halting Islamization by being able to challenge the media blockade of silence and condemnation that surrounds it: this will be the way.

Politically this is a superbly intelligent video that recognizes what a lot of European freedom parties do not: that voters largely do not vote for negatives. They instinctively vote “for” things, positive visions, more than they do “against” things. And if you are a native European, it might actually, just bring a little tear to your eye.

About LeicesterTiger

Leicester Tiger is a European researcher and academic based in the United Kingdom.

6 Replies to “Simply BRILLIANT video from the Danish People’s Party (DPP)”

  1. Nicely done. Too many people equate ‘Tolerance’ with ‘Acceptance’ in the western world. Yes, most democracies are tolerant but no, it does not mean that we accept the onslaught of other cultures. Assimilation is the only acceptance we should tolerate.

  2. You’re right – it’s brilliant. Hope to see something similar soon from Britain. Although this is Danish, the sentiments would apply to the Brits too – and yes, as a British Canadian, this did bring a tear to my eye. How can we give up all that so many of us have fought and died for: freedom of speech and association, equality for all, special treatment for none, separation of religion and state? We need to bring back pride in our heritage of liberalism and democracy – it was hard won.

  3. A solid advertisement, especially when it highlights the threat of Islamic aggression. Other European countries, as well as North American, should use this advertisement as the cultural and political core. I am Britain, I am France, Germany, etc and I will not tolerate seventh century barbarism within my borders.

    Thanks for posting this advertisement.

  4. yes .very good.This message is what it is all about.It is very easy to get dragged into a negative mind set and become aggressive in ones own mind.Positivity and the campaign to make people understand that anti-jihadism is a force for good must lead the way.

  5. Brilliant!

    Have been holding my head higher today saying to myself ‘I am England’, as I pass the immigrants, the mosques, the filth on the streets, the drunk and the dispossessed.

    We are England – once we recognise and accept this, maybe we can unite begin to reclaim our culture, our laws, our freedoms, our heritage, OUR FUTURE.