Matteo Salvini gets a saviour’s welcome in Bassano Del Grappa

I was moved to Bassano del Grappa. I have but one word: THANK YOU. I hope to continue to do always better and more and more to deserve this trust!

Interesting how blue check mark, Matteo Salvini, Deputy PM of Italy, seems to be limited to 2:20 videos on Twitter. Someone should check the various ANTIFA and Islamic terrorist accounts and see how long their videos are.

H/T Laszlo via Gates of Vienna


A Senegal bus driver in Italy set fire to a school bus with dozens of children on board because he hates Salvini

We are working on a lot of material about this from Italian media

A child who escaped the bus contradicts the driver’s claim that he let them out. The child explains that they were rescued by firemen. That video to come ASAP

Here is a news story that details those facts.

Check the Contributor’s Link post for today for a lot of excellent material on this till we get some translations up.