Excerpts from Mark Carney speech in April 2024

So Carney started off relating to Canadians well. In the first few minutes he spoke knowledgeably about Hockey. Something Trudeau could simply never do. Then he united the country by disparaging the Maple Leafs, the Toronto hockey team the rest of Canada really dislikes. To see the whole speech, click here. We removed the Uncle Mark parts at the start and the bits of French he did. But the bulk of the speech is still in there.

Either before, during or after listening to who we think is going to be anointed as the next PM more sooner than later, please do read this article from the National Post about this man. A man who is at the front of the Great Reset. Who cant string two sentences together without talking about carbon as if its a pollutant.

We did add a title or two in the video. One is a link to the article above, and the other an excerpt from that article. Just so people can know where he is coming from.


About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

2 Replies to “Excerpts from Mark Carney speech in April 2024”

  1. The line between fact and fiction is sometimes indistinguishable.

    Mark (King of the Shithouse) Carney clearly has many of the traits that enable little men such as him to kill millions of people for the “greater good”. This one never seems to get tired, does it?

    The tragedy of the single death versus the statistical inconvenience of mass murder does not slow the psychopath. In fact it likely compels him to double and triple down, as it did Stalin when he purged Lenin’s accolytes from the military ranks, before going on to cull the greater population. But is psychopath too strong a word to apply to the King in waiting?

    He is a self-appointed visionary. He is a Marxist. He is of and from the ruling class. He has excellent rhetorical skills. He is superior in his attitude. He admits to the raw pain he must inflict to achieve his mission. He is a Canadian globalist, which is to say he endeavors to infect himself on a world without borders, because the world needs his disease. He admires Lenin, father of the Comintern.

    Was it not just a matter of time until this country produced a value-added finished product in the form of a world-class dictator? Obviously, inferior rough-hewn Pinnochios such as Trudeau remain raw in their state–in human terms unwanted, ridiculed and unmarketable. Trudeau will go down in history as Carney’s fluffer.

    Carney is another matter. He will slickly sell himself to weak-minded Canadians. Predictably, 20% of this country’s population will push back. Already we can put some shape to the thing. It will be like the plandemic again, but this time paid media will sell the man and his message. (In ice hockey they say the home town crowd is worth another man on the ice. How many men is paid media worth?) The message will try to elevate Canadians to a noble status where they are not only saving their country, but the planet, too. It will attempt to create a non-nation of martyrs sacrificing all for the greater good.

    Pierre Poilievre, for his part, identifies successfully thus far as being a member of the 20%, except he does not oppose the mass importation of sub-prime human capital nor the mass-killing mRNA injections. For the sport of it, then, I chuck this baby out with the bathwater and deem him controlled opposition.

    Carney will skate to power under the coming world economic crisis. Real capital will flee the country before currency controls are imposed. As even Carney predicts, there will be blood. His own brand of the greater good shall be served by hook or by crook. Like all who came before him, this collectivist adheres to the tired mantra that communism is great, but simply hasn’t been executed correctly.

    At the end of the day he is an extraordinary Irish gangster, yet just another gangster like the others of his ilk who preceded him:


  2. Ok
    Words as always
    How about stop importing idiots from countries with Muslims ?
    How about stopping the green stupidity?

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