Germany: Syrian “Youths” Attack Couple, When Wife Refuses To “Show Respect”

An original translation from Lausitzer Rundschau:

Mayor Shocked After Knife Attack

January 14, 2018
Cottbus. Without any apparent reason, in front of a shopping centre, three youths attacked a married couple with a knife. Mayor Holger Kelch (CDU) is shocked.
By Rüdiger Hofmann

As police announce, Friday, just after 4 PM, a 51-year-old and his 43-year-old wife from Cottbus wanted to visit the Blechen-Carré on Karl-Liebknecht-Straße, when they were attacked by three Syrian youths aged 14, 15 and 17. They demanded precedence, says police spokesman Ines Filohn. They also demanded that the woman should show respect to them. When the woman refused to do so, the youths attacked her husband.

Two of them physically attacked the man and tried to push him over. Another from the group produced a knife. In this moment, a brave passer-by intervened and helped the husband. “With his courageous help, the man prevented worse from happening” says Ines Filohn. The security staff who were called seized the three suspects and held them until police arrived.

Mayor Holger Kelch is shocked: “It is appalling, and not tolerable for us as a city, and a state under the rule of law, what happened in these first days of January in Cottbus. Violence is not a way to encourage or resolve conflicts. My sympathies are with the aggrieved parties, I hope they get well soon and will be able to get over these experiences.”

Kelch and the police hope that the courageous passer-by will get into contact to support the investigations as a witness. “As a witness, he can call the phone number 0355 4937 1227 at the Cottbus police office, or any other police inspection“, says police spokesman Ines Filohn. According to our enquiry, as of Sunday, he has not yet contacted police.

“The lawful state will have to bare teeth, even if some lawsuits can be arduous and tedious”, says Holger Kelch. “I have appointed a meeting of the responsible administrative sectors, to discuss the situation. If we are responsible for the custodianship, we will do everything in our power, to make it clear to the youths which values and rules prevail in Germany and in Cottbus, and that they have to adhere to them. We will also contact the parents, to make it clear to them that their children’s behaviour will not remain without consequence”, says Kelch. “We will not have our city’s progress ruined by such incidents.”

In the meantime, witnesses were found, and surveillance recordings and the knife secured. The 14-year-old is already known to the police as a violent offender. The youths were handed over to their legal guardians. Criminal police begun investigations for dangerous battery. As the three suspects are minors, they will be tried under youth criminal law.

In general, attacks by foreign fellow citizens seem to become more frequent lately. “At least, this is the felt sense”, says Ines Filohn. “For exact numbers, we will have to wait for the analysis of the criminal statistics, which we will have in spring”, says the police spokesman.

Blechen Carre shopping center in Cottbus


12 Replies to “Germany: Syrian “Youths” Attack Couple, When Wife Refuses To “Show Respect””

  1. Of course they wanted to go first, they are Islamic and the couple are Kuffar that means they are second class citizens. Anybody looking at the attacks in Germany over the last week or so will see that pattern played out in every case. We are Kuffar so we are suppose to let the Islamic go first and our girls don’t break up with their boys, they submit as the Koran says they should.

    If the Europeans aren’t willing to live under those rules they need to man up, kick their corrupt politicians out and then kick the Moslems out. Those are your two choices, the delusional will try for a third or fourth choice but those are imaginary not real.

    • I know, and they keep everyone occupied talking about “moderate Islam”, that elusive magic pony.

      • When push comes to shove I hope you have an eacape and evasion path to Eastern Europe all planned out. I hope but don’t think you should tell me.

  2. Nothing will change until, when these terrorist events happen, unexpected numbers of local passersby suddenly cluster up and ensure that the festivities include placing whatever perps in the nearest Intensive Care Unit. Preferably without their tackle fully attached.

    Perhaps the local citizenry might wish to consider wearing (rolled up) Balaclava helmets as default apparel. After all, nothing says “respect” to these Islamic thugs like gradually returning to consciousness and discovering that they’re singing soprano in a body cast and hooked up to a ventilator with an IV drip.

    After this happens a few hundred (or thousand … or hundred thousand) times, perhaps these little Muslim turds will think twice about demanding “precedence”.

  3. Signs in Germany are exceptionally bad.

    The way I figure, G-d has Jews living in Germany today for only one reason:
    __To serve as canaries in the mine shaft.
    They start having problems, they have a place to go and help to get there. Don’t worry about them, He’s got this.

    That’s His warning to the German people.
    These innocents have suffered enough for the sins of their fathers’ fathers. They can’t ignore this message. The sirens are shrieking.

    ‘The threat of anti-Semitism comes from mainstream Germany’

    • By the way, canaries talk nonsense in German. Completely addled, they’ll keep bashing into the leftmost wall. Israeli-Germans, like this fool, are the worst. A danger to self and others.

      It’s not what THEY say that’s important.
      It’s their IDENTITY that’s being targeted. In contemporary German, Israel is the polite way of saying Juden.

      • WWII and the holocaust was caused because the Germans were to militaristic. WWIII and what will probably be the next holocaust will be caused by the Germans not being militaristic.

        I pray for the Good Germans and there are still a lot of them, enough to make a difference if they could get organized and move to protect their culture and nation. The problem is that the Stasi is strong enough this is probably impossible.

      • Yucki, this is such a weird article. In the introduction, they mention the flag-burning and that Jewish pupils were harassed, but give the impression as if it was from “mainstream Germans”, when it was Muslims.

        Schuster has repeatedly warned against Islamic antisemitism, and I think normally, his view is quite balanced. But I have to disagree with him that it is the influence of the right that makes Germany more antisemitic.
        He says:

        “It is now once again acceptable in Germany to say things that I wouldn’t have imagined 10 years ago, particularly on anything having to do with anti-Semitism disguised as criticism against Israel.”

        but I don’t think this is that new. I have observed particularly Social Democrats doing this all my life. Maybe in the past, people were just too polite to say it to Schuster’s face, and have become increasigly more rude? So he has only begun to notice over the past 10 years?

        • This is bird talk, it doesn’t have to make sense. It’s what happens to the birds that’s the critical indicator for the society at large.

          Some background.
          Israelis in Germany spearhead the BDS movement. They have access and credibility; they staff the massively funded anti-Israel NGOs. Nasty business.

          They might have kids who are lovely people. Think all the right thoughts, express in nuanced German their exquisite sensitivity to the Plight of The Refugee.

          Not only Israelis, but Russians who took advantage of the opportunity to leave the Soviet Union by claiming to be Jews. Some were, maybe, others not-so-much.

          Hundreds of thousands transited through Germany to Israel, like my own Russki. He made his way here after a few years in Israel to be with his brother, one of the earliest refuseniks freed by President Reagan.

          Those who chose to remain in Germany had an eye on the main chance. They were extravagantly compensated, treated with TLC. Communists managed to ingratiate themselves in all sorts of ways. They have skills prized by the government today.

          All of them have families by now. Decent and sincere doctors and academics and whatnot. Plus Jews from elsewhere in Europe who found good jobs in a strong economy. Always Chabadniks serving as emissaries for their coreligionists everywhere in the world.

          Regular Germans who identify as Jews, who can be identified as such. Watch them.

          • This is bird talk, it doesn’t have to make sense. It’s what happens to the birds that’s the critical indicator for the society at large.

            Too right, yucki!

            Far too many Westerners keep ignoring the “canaries in the coal mines”.

            For instance, Christians in the Philippines (the largest population of Oriental Catholics anywhere) are Asia’s “canaries in the coal mines”. Is anyone paying the slightest attention?

            Even though South Korea and Taiwan have whatever Christian populations that continue coming on-board into the demographic profile, none of this means squat if there isn’t some truly significant attention and legal protection given to these non-Muslim people.

            Just sayin’


            • I think Dutuerte is keeping the tards penned up in the south, where their threat to the Catholic population is not so great.

  4. I think Dutuerte is keeping the tards penned up in the south, where their threat to the Catholic population is not so great.

    Ah, yup. Nonetheless, I’m still obliged to wonder how long it will take for people (there and abroad) to realize that Dutuerte’s ultra-hardliner stance is one of the Philippines’ last chances, when it comes to overcoming both the Islamic invasion and that nation’s shabu (i.e., methamphetamine) epidemic in which North Korea has played a central role.

    That said, do I support Duterte’s policy of summary execution? Not really.

    Unlike just about everyone else here at Vlad Tepes Blog, I’VE TRAVELED TO THE PHILIPPINES MORE THAN ONCE, and I’ve been to areas where God’s on vacation.

    Let’s try looking at the “greensward” along the highways in Manila (the Philippine capitol). As in that yardage which spreads alongside