Germany: Agreement Between Merkel and Seehofer

This agreement below, between Angela Merkel and Horst Seehofer, was moments ago handed to the press and tweeted out by the CSU MP Dorothee Bär.

Original translation:

In order to better regulate, control and prevent secondary migration, we come to this agreement:

  1. We agree to a new border regime at the German-Austrian border, which ensures that asylum seekers for whose asylum procedures other EU-countries are in charge, will be refused entry
  2. To do so, we will establish transit centres, from which the asylum seekers will be directly sent back to the countries in charge (refusing entry on the basis of the legal implication of non-entry). We do not want to act uncoordinated, but come to administrative agreements, or establish communication, with the concerned countries.
  3. In those cases where countries refuse administrative agreements, the rejection at the German-Austrian border will be on the basis of an agreement with the Republic of Austria.”

    The original document as it was handed out to the press

Merkel’s part in this agreement is one single sentence: “We do not want to act uncoordinated, but come to administrative agreements, or establish communication, with the concerned countries.” This allows her to save face, while still conceding to Seehofer.

The true issue at the core of this was whether Germany has got sovereign national borders and can refuse people entry. Merkel, who ideally would like for Germany to dissolve into a supranational, non-democratic EU superstate, had, again, denied national sovereignty two weeks ago (“EU law should always have priority over German law”, on “Anne Will” talkshow on Sunday, June 10), which sparked the crisis between her and conservative new Interior Minister Seehofer. The media onslaught that ensued against Seehofer was so strong that nobody really expected him to come out of this alive.

This is an important day in the fight of Germans for their right to national self-determination, and to even exist as a nation.

Angela Merkel on her way to a crisis meeting this morning.

Merkel’s constestor, former Bavarian premier and new German Interior Minister Seehofer.

A new city, populated by welfare recipients, for Germany each year

The German coalition partners agreed to let in “only” 220,000 migrants per year. The folllowing is an original translation of a sarcastic op-ed at Achse des Guten:

Grand Coalition imports welfare city – each year

Katharina Szabo
January 15, 2018

One of the „killer“ obstacles, that was now cleared out-of-the-way in the exploratory negotiations of the old and new government was the question of migration to Germany. The refugee crisis was over, they let it be known today, the government regained control. A situation like 2015 would not repeat, SPD and Union [CDU + CSU] promised.

And they can. The right-wing-populist hellholes Hungary and Austria will, just like in previous years, see to that. At the most, so the reassuring message, from now on no more than 220,000 migrants per year may enter, to forever settle in our social security system.

How did they arrive at this number? Why 220,000 people, one might ask, why exactly this number? „We agree that our society’s capability to integrate should not be overstrained“, declared the future coalition partners the set maximum limit. So this means that our society can integrate this number of migrants each year, without being overstrained. We are a people of roughly 83 million people, so 220,000 more per year should carry no weight. We can do this, can’t we?

Regensburg has about 150,000 inhabitants. Erfurt a bit more than 200,000. Freiburg has got about 230,000 inhabitants. This seems about right.

You can rely on Merkel, Schulz and Seehofer
So, in order to keep up the current status quo regarding inner safety, administration, public transport, housing, education, health care, roads, etc., and to be able to easily integrate 220,000 migrants per year and not only integrate them, but also house them, school them, feed them, and care for them in case of illness, we will only have to do the following:

Each year, we will build a new city, of the size of Freiburg, supply it with housing, hospitals, schools, public transport, police offices, kindergartens, recreational parks, sports areas, social welfare offices and the corresponding staff. We can do this. Our future government will surely have thoroughly thought this through, it can’t be that they made the number up from thin air.

Some naysayers and xenophobes might feel doubts at this point. A city of the size of Freiburg? Inhabited by welfare recipients? Each year? Is that possible? Of course it is. Merkel, Schulz and Seehofer did the maths. How else would they say that the limit of what is possible was exactly 220,000 new arrivals per year, without any sort of overstraining resulting from it?

To claim that the number of 220,000 came about because this was about the number of people who come anyway, with a little bit of room, and that Merkel, Schulz and Seehofer weren’t doing anything while they pretend they were busy –
and to claim that no one had thought it through if it was possible to get a welfare Freiburg straight each year, without having your hut on fire in about 10 years – to say so, even to think so, would be just a malicious assumption. Seriously.

PS: if it stays the envisaged 220,000. The European Parliament wants to change the Dublin rule: family reunification is to be prioritized.

“Wir schaffen das”, we can do this, is a sentence that Angela Merkel famously said on the Federal Press Conference on August 31., 2015, regarding the refugee crisis and the intake of migrants. The sentence, which she repeated a few times since, has become the icon of German “Willkommenskultur”, welcome culture.