Obama ‘Using Israeli Paper to Foil Iran Strike’

Israel National News:

Makor Rishon: IDF identifies U.S. “preventive action” against Israeli attack in collusion with Israeli pundits.
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By Gil Ronen

First Publish: 8/24/2012, 11:55 AM
Obama, Israeli media (montage)

Obama, Israeli media (montage)
Reuters, Flash 90

The United States is colluding with a top Israeli newspaper to stymie Israel’s efforts to strike Iran’s nuclear weapons program, and the IDF knows it, according to a leading nationalist pundit.

Writing in Friday’s edition of Makor Rishon, one of the Israel’s veteran journalists, Amnon Lord, paints a picture of intense U.S. meddling in internal Israeli political and security-oriented processes in an effort to prevent a successful Israeli strike on the weapon program meant to make it extinct.

“From a technical military point of view, Israel does not require any kind of coordination with the Americans,” writes Lord regarding the plan for a raid on Iran. “There is a concern that the Americans will learn of the date for an attack and try to prevent it in different ways. The Americans have not given the Israelis a feeling that they are true partners in the operative arena, in the past two years. On the contrary, the IDF has identified preventive American activity against an Iran operation.”

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About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

12 Replies to “Obama ‘Using Israeli Paper to Foil Iran Strike’”

  1. And yet, many people STILL haven’t realised that Obama is a snake that is working against Western interests!

  2. Softly Bob wrote: And yet, many people STILL haven’t realised that Obama is a snake that is working against Western interests!

    They have been doing so for a long while.

    Who forced Israel to accept Arafat and his PLO gang, far away in exile in Tunisia, right into the heart of Judea and Samaria? This unleashed years of savage bus bombing and general war within eretz Israel. From this base, the PA is now able to campaign for even greater territorial demands.

  3. Back in the 1970s the far left took over the Democrats, people refused to accept this fact and continued to support them, Bill Clinton took office in 93 and started kissing the Moslems butts, he did this despite the screams from the Jewish supporters of the Democrats. Now Obama is openly working to destroy all of western civilization and still people refuse to accept this fact.

    I have said many times that Israel can’t wait until we have a new President, they are in the position of damned if they do and damned it they don’t. Attacking Iran will probably start a war that will probably grow into WWIII and may include the destruction of Israel. Not attacking Iran will lead to the destruction of Israel when they are attacked by Iranian nuclear weapons and Syrian WMDs under MB control. If they attack Iran they have a chance to survive, if they don’t they have none.

  4. Richard I agree with you wholeheartedly.

    One thing that Israel has never understood, is that America’s influence with the Islamic world rests on the assumption, that it is the only country that has influence to extract concessions from Israel.

    Two things points from this

    1. The more Israel gives away, the less it will have, and thus less influence it has with America.

    2. The more America forces Israel to give, the less influence it has with the Arabs as well as Israel. America loses.

    It is therefore not in the interest of America to force Israel to give anything.

    If Israel shows its displeasure at the one sided concessions that America always demands from Israel, and walks away, then America has no hand to play, and the Arabs know it as well.

    Another thing. Obama is desperate to show the Arab/Muslim world that he is their true friend. The corollary is that he is no friend of Israel. Therefore there is no need for Israel to do any favours for a man who is not a friend of Israel. The more Clinton, Biden and Obama loudly protest that they are true friends of Israel, the more reason there is to be suspicious of them.

    It is therefore necessary for Israel to sidestep Obama as diplomatically as possible. That is, shout as loudly as possible, that America and Pres Obama are very good friends of Israel, and then do exactly what they like.

  5. Clinton sent his people to Israel in the 1990s to defeat Netanyahhu or one of the other conservative candidates for PM in favor of Shimon Peres.

    Clinton & Obama are to fighting factions of the same party. Why Jews in America or Israelis put up with the conniving Democrat party is beyond me.

  6. He then worked on a number of foreign campaigns, including those of Tony Blair – then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom – during the United Kingdom general election, 1999 general election Ehud Barak of Israel’s Labor Party (at the suggestion of Clinton, who had grown frustrated with Benjamin Netanyahu’s intransigence in the peace process) in the 1999 Knesset election – wiki

    The Democrats will work for socialists or peacniks/surrenderists anywhere.

  7. Yeah DP that is what they need to do, now if they can keep their plans secret long enough to carry them out.

    John anyone who takes a hard look at Bill Clinton sees many disturbing things, yes he is to the right of Obama (not much but some) but he has cancer and is dying, Hillary is to the left of Obama, much further left. the big question is how much is Huma using Hillary and how much is Hillary using Huma? Unless the voting machines change the Romney votes to Obama and the Obama votes to Romney, Obama can’t win. That leaves Hillary as the main traitor we have to watch our for.

  8. I think Obama is a QUISLING

    In contemporary usage, Quisling is synonymous with traitor, and particularly applied to politicians who appear to favour the interests of other nations or cultures over their own. In American English, the term is less well known than the equivalent phrase Benedict Arnold.

  9. James the big difference is that Quisling was a follower, Obama is working to become a leader, Arnold is closer to Obama, both have/had a massive ego that makes/made them the center of the universe.

  10. It is my firm belief that should the west survive with her values intact for another 100 years the name Barack Obama will replace the name Benedict Arnold to mean total dangerous traitor to his people from a position of trust and power.

  11. No offense meant but, from your lips to Gods ears. Personally I hope he will also be remembered as the man who was executed for treason.