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For when you realize you need to sue the city of Ottawa, the province of Ontario, the Federal government, and whoever else is responsible for putting these signs along the 416, also known as “The Queensway”. The main highway through downtown Ottawa.

These signs were plastered all over the highway for months in 2021. We mustn’t let them forget that they did this, or get off the hook for it. It had exactly nothing to do with traffic safety and was actually a distraction on a busy multi lane highway.

Americans show their appreciation for President Joe Biden, Or as they call him, Good ole’ Decoy Joe

And the saddest part is, his dementia and poor hearing means he will never hear or understand the enormous crowds calling his name

Very few presidents get this kind of attention at a New York Major league game

We can see in this video, that Joe Biden really has brought America together in all its diversity to a single purpose. Im surprised he hasn’t got the Nobel Peace Prize yet like his puppeteer did.

Thank you M., Rich.

Canada Wide protests against vaccine coercion

Calgary Front Line Nurses

Calgary City Hall

Calgary’s Olympic Stadium

This is awesome


CBC begins their report with a lie. These people are not anti-Vaccine. They are anti-coercion of this vaccine, which frankly isn’t a vaccine.



We will add videos as they become known to us here in this post for today’s protest videos in Canada