Freedom of Expression is so yesterday! If you post hate,your children can be taken away

An original translation by Nash Montana 

From this German website

Article 5 GG in the Constitution
(The right to freedom of expression)

Born: 5.23.1949 Died: 9.27.2015

The Pack of the Federal Republic of Germany”

“Until the last day you fought, and in the end you lost the war anyway.

If you speak the truth in today’s age, or if you point your finger at the disgraceful way the refugee crisis is handled, you’re not only facing contempt from your family and friends, no, you hazard the possibility of losing your place of work. But that isn’t good enough by a long shot. The drunk on tolerance Gutmenschen in this country come up with the craziest ideas to forbid a citizen his right to utter his opinion. For instance, the German Police Union (DPolG) demands you to turn in your drivers license, should you post so-called hate comments on Facebook. But the bounty hunters of political correctness think that doesn’t go far enough. There has to be something new and something even more harsh. And so, the self proclaimed “hate speech investigators” have put their sights on: Parents!

From a report in DIE WELT:

“Whoever posts xenophobic paroles and slogans on Facebook, is essentially gambling with their own children. There doesn’t even have to be a concrete criminal offense for a court to judge the welfare of the child as endangered.
In that sense it is of course irrelevant if a parent is committing a criminal offense. “The ‘Umgangsrecht’, (right access law), is for the welfare of the child, and parents have a duty, according to paragraph 1684 Absatz 2 BGB, to see to that welfare”, says the Ulm Attorney-at-law Viola Lachenmann.

If it is determined that there is an existing endangerment to the welfare of a child, the ‘Umgangsrecht’ (right of access law), will first be severely restricted. As in, organized chaperoned visits with the child for instance, where a child care worker will be present, and can intervene should there be a need to.

In straight talk, this means that if someone is agitating against “minorities” (refugees, foreigners, muslims, homosexuals etc), then said person has to expect the consequence that at some point, child protective services will knock on their door, and they will remove the children from the house, or how else is that to be understood?

Most of all: Who gets to decide when a comment is a hate comment?

In the internet there are plenty of self appointed ‘detectives’ who have made it their sanctimonious duty to seek out hate comments on the internet and to hunt down the writers of said comments and eliminate them!

There is the example of David: He doesn’t like that thousands of Facebook users are writing against refugees. That’s why he reports them and informs their employers.The headline in the link boasts “This Man Exposes Racists”:

Then there are Christopher and Frederik: These two are posting snapshots of Facebook user comments on the site “Perlen aus Freital”, which they deem as “hate comments”. They post the commentaries so that everybody can see who, what, and when these comments were written. Although they distort the images of the authors, but names are clearly visible! It is doubtful that in a judicial sense this is even lawful.

Such ways and means are abused to intimidate and discourage people who dare to open their mouths and criticize the current abhorrent asylum politics.

You really have to wonder, have these people lost their collective minds?!

Admittedly, there are some comments which really come from the bottom of the barrel and should be deleted, but do these lapses in judgment have to lead to losing your drivers license, your job, and your children? Does it have to ruin your whole life, and subsequently you families life? Why can it not just be reported to Facebook, and that’s it? Why is it necessary to make witch hunting spectacles out of these instance and inform a person’s employer and lay it all out in the public square.

It is questionable whether these Megalomaniac Gutmenschen even understand the consequences of their actions, when a person loses their job because of something like this. These things have a way of getting around, and soon the person may lose their rental home as well. Families split, that’s a fact. Alcohol, drugs, depression and violence are reasons for these splits. But when a person is already beaten down, along comes a Gutmensch and takes away the children of these parents on top of it all.

Why don’t we just directly paint crosshairs on a person’s forehead, or force them to wear a “Pack-patch”, just like when the Nazis forced Jews to wear the Judenstern, the star of David.



About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

4 Replies to “Freedom of Expression is so yesterday! If you post hate,your children can be taken away”

  1. We have come some way since the Austrian Hans Asperger diagnosed the German racial trait he called Autism, and whereas Hitler convince them they were all the Master Race, he had diagnosed: “”a lack of empathy, little ability to form friendships, one-sided conversations, intense absorption in a special interest, and clumsy movements” and should have and worked in IT and Jet propulsion industries.

    “Those abilities are being put to good use by a German technology company called Auticon, which exclusively employs people with autism. The company’s owner, Dirk Mueller-Remus, founded the Auticon when his own son was diagnosed with Asperger’s. He says, “Our guys have a lot of skills in concentration and analytical/logical thinking. And we are sure the IT (information technology) industry will have benefits.”

    Therefore, we need to diagnose those of, “a lack of insight, little ability to form real friendships, two-sided conversations with themselves, intense absorption in a special interest group, and affected movements”

    Then put them in the government and media industries.

  2. “Most of all: Who gets to decide when a comment is a hate comment?”

    Mmm, that chicken and egg question, were the Socialists or the Islamists offended first?

    Well, Socialism makes all women into choosers and the men beggers, so that would be the ova… but then Islam makes men choosers and the women battered, and that would be the chickens.

    I think Socialists get to decide because, admittedly, they the best at being offended – because they really believe they are insulted to their very core; whereas the chickens only pretend that they are upset to gain victim-points and sympathy-favors to gain status among each other. “Look how proud I am, all my 10 children are dead fighting kuffar.”

    Furthermore, anything can be created out of the ova, (that Communists only periodically cull to remove the intelligent semen); but the chickens really are dumbasses, and will in-breed from their top, top thugs down to little, little thugs who kill their daughters, and only use blonds for sport and boys for riding, until everyone is stupid enough to suicide-bomb for The Ultimate, Perpetual-Sex Motion Vice in Heaven, or live a short life of illness on welfare-dependency and never utter the words, “Algebra is Greater!”

    [Normal service will resume tomorrow].