The Guardian. Another reason for Pat Condell’s criticism

Check this absurd article in today’s Guardian, a near complete synthesis and I can tell you this for a fact, the EDL despises Breivik more than most and his actions have in fact set groups like the EDL back a long way. In any case, this video by Mr, Condell now makes sense for another reason. The Guardian’s propensity to manufacture facts and create false impressions as opposed to reporting the news.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

12 Replies to “The Guardian. Another reason for Pat Condell’s criticism”

  1. I remember around twenty years ago, during my misguided left-leaning youth, I always bought the Guardian newspaper believing it to be a pillar of truth. However, even while still slightly leftist, I noticed some absurd predictions made by the newspaper that over the years had failed to come to fruition, including massive global warming catastrophes appearing around the early twenty-first century, huge property price drops resulting in the collapse of all global capitalist systems, and complete press censorship by corporate moguls leading to World tyranny. This stuff just didn’t happen! The Guardian was and still is full of nonsense and Leftist wishful thinking. What makes it worse is that it now resorts to blatant lies, hate-mongering and multi-culturalist, Marxist propaganda.
    The newspaper is a joke, but nevertheless, it is still a fashionable read amongst middle-class liberals, unemployed socialists and lettuce-munching, tree-hugging morons!

  2. the article is a typical example of the type of reporting that happens in ALLLLLLLLL newspapers throughout Canada, USA, Britian, etc and the type of bias that CBC reveared by a majority of Canadians, filled with left-liberal supporters, uses for mass control, mass thought, they are the prime focus responsible for the support in Canada for palestinians and the upsurgence of anti-semitism.
    Three cheers for Condell
    An uphill battle with all mass media,
    let alone educational institusions and curriculum writers,
    status quo behavior, thoughts, attitudes,
    Yes, Pat, very few make the connections with anything,
    I live in a province now, where apathy, complacence, and generallly non involvement,
    tolerance to everything, is and has been conditioned for decades through media, and most importantly the education system, years of programming out any semblance of
    critical thinking, saying anything against the status quo, you know the routine, and the implciations of this type of mass programming to create paradigms from which every day citizens live their lives…..
    stick it to those imbicles
    EDL EDL EDL and Pat Condell xoxoxoxoxox

  3. Fortunately Guardian’s sales are plummeting. Soon, what they write will be of no concern to anyone but the remaining few journos in its employ.

    Quite a different issue when it comes to the BBC./ The Guardinistas, like frogs, realizing their swamp was drying up, decided to move to the BBC. The BBC being state funded, meant that they no longer had to worry about the customer. Besides the BBC had a worldwide reputation for trustworthiness.

    The BBC has been for a long while now, the most pernicious broadcaster in the last 25 years. For over 15 years I have stopped giving any credence to the BBC, whenever it came to any matter involving Islam. Israel is just a sub-set of this.

    This bias is perpetrated in various ways, some subtle, others quite blatant.

    1. Omission of facts as in the so-called ‘Jenin massacre’.
    2. Highly tendentious camera angles to prove a point. Re: ‘Jenin massacre’.
    3. A derogatory tone when interviewing Israeli politicians while a deferential tone for Palestinians.
    4. Making enormous publicity of alleged Israeli misdeeds but when proved wrong, the retraction aired in as inconspicuous manner as possible.

    The BBC also makes sure, that Guardian opinion pieces are always given far greater airtime then any other newspaper.

  4. The BBC and the Guardian are bent over forwards whilst the disease-ridden dick of Islam stands behind them and lifts their collective shirts!
    I sincerely hope that the TV license fee is pulled in Britain and we can watch the BBC wither away to nothing. It will be sad to see a once great institution go, but it’s corrupt and has no further place in a free society.

  5. I guess I’ll have to stop using The Guardian in my birds’ cage. I certainly don’t want to insult my budgies . . .

  6. Anders Breivik thinks that he is some kind of Knight Templar and has the uniform to prove it. In the old days they called guys like that lunatics. In fact, when they wanted to depict a nut-case, they used to always show a guy with his hand tucked into his shirt like Napoleon Bonaparte. Isn’t that what Anders Breivik is?

  7. He is ok but I am not so concerned as he is. I sometimes read that rag called the Guardian and just laugh at their bias. What a bunch of losers. Anyway it does not have a huge circulation. The main papers in the UK are totally not PC. The Sun for example is happy to use the world Bastard on its front cover.

  8. “lettuce-munching, tree-hugging morons!”
    Nothing wrong with lettuce and nothing wrong with tree hugging as long as one is not some environmental tyrant. Love trees, Love life, Love Lettuce. Hate environmental tyrants who want to force taxation on you for their mad schemes to save the planet. We need to be saved from tyrants like that. Now that is something I will sign up to but will continue to eat healthy greens and love God’s green earth with it forests and animals as long as I can do it without a leftie coming round wanting some money for his office expenditures. It is sad how the left even taints a healthy lifestyle. I always contend that it is the left which is the main menace and Islam is only its support act.

  9. Nothing wrong with eating greens either, but I’m sure you know what I meant. I was being a little tongue in cheek. It was my way of describing the Lefty, Marxist, food nazis who are more concerned with the planet than they are with people.