Excerpts of depressing Swiss documentary on the state of Europe today.

Hermes watched the whole 55 minute documentary for us and translated about 7 minutes of it which we titled and posted here. Here is a link to the whole documentary for anyone who would like to see it all (in German) and although the idea was to only include the translated bits, there was a short segment showing Greece’s Golden Dawn that, while not translated or subtitled, I couldn’t resist including as it pretty much settles any dispute about their ideological roots.

Thank you Hermes and Gates of Vienna for all the work involved in this.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

22 Replies to “Excerpts of depressing Swiss documentary on the state of Europe today.”

  1. That was enlightening, it’s much worse than I thought. No wonder people are rioting, they can’t afford food or medicine for themselves , yet the government which can’t afford medicine for the hospitals is forced to feed & clothe illegal aliens who are exploiting the system,mostly people who have never contributed to the country and never will. This is what a host overrun by parasites looks like. Pay attention folks, this is our future.

    The illegal aliens claim they are being exploited but they are gobbling up a majority of the money spent and refusing to educate themselves, integrate or find a way to train themselves for viable jobs. They prefer to whine and refuse any responsibility for their own plight. If anyone is exploiting someone, it’s the immigrants exploiting the system.

    There are some solutions but they aren’t pretty. !) Get out of the EU. 2) Deport & repatriate all muslims 3) Remove all pro-immigration politicians from office and anyone who does not believe in nationalism and the national culture as superior. 4) destroy all beachheads 5) Close & seal the border and allow only limited , targeted immigration.

    When you’re dealing with people who breed at will and accept no reproductive responsibility but actually encourage reproduction as a means of taking over other cultures, you have to do things you normally wouldn’t. Harsh but true, it’s you or them. Choose.

  2. I agree with you WPF. IF they want to breed, they should stay in their origin countries. Those selfish and grasping Asians and middle easterns, africans have no consideration for Europe or Europeans or white people.

  3. Well said WPF, I concur.

    The great experiment has failed, and the reasons are threefold: Immigration; Islam; Socialism.

    Immigration must first be stopped, then reversed and, one way or the other, Islam must be removed from the West – in its entirety.

    Thus will Socialism die of its own accord having run out of the votes of the imported parasites and predators just as it is now running out of the native inhabitant’s money it uses to temporarily sustain its totalitarian utopia.

    However, none of this will come about without blood, toil and tears and whether or not we National Identitarians have the numbers, the stomach, the will and the determination to put a stop to our ethnic cleansing and bring about this reversal is the ultimate moot point.

    Either way, Philippi draws closer.

    Seneca III

  4. WPF is right, appeasement and decency does not work with muslims, at the moment this is a silent war but it will not be long until it is a real war, The West has been here before and thrown them out – once more unto the breach dear friends!

  5. Remember…they were brought there by Leftists, are maintained by Leftists, and will not be dealt with realistically by the Leftists who are and will remain in charge.

  6. Perchancetodream: But who will participate in that real war? We the moderates, who condemn violence and aggressive factions like Golden Dawn? We the moderates, who believe in moderation and despise any kind of radical thinking?

    Seneca III: Look: http://www.aina.org/news/20070606133713.pdf
    I think that there is no possibility to reverse anything here. Instead, perhaps one should think of saving what can be saved and has not been infected by PC and socialism, and start from the beginning. Look around and you’ll see that there is little to be saved, though. Perhaps we could talk about reversals if the situation were not as bad as it is, but the illness is far too widespread. The house of the west is decaying, the pillars are full of cracks, the beams have been devoured by the marxist woodworms, poisonous red mould covers all the walls. Perhaps we’d better take away with us all what is dear to ours, and start building a new house, once the old has fallen to pieces.

  7. Not to be a downer but what alternate universe would you go to do this?

    The very global statists who have presided over the murder of the West have, at the same time, secured to themselves so much land, wealth and self-defense resources that they would come through anything short of absolute anarchic collapse with as much authority as they now wield…more so, in that circumstance. It would truly be a return to the feudalism we only now glimpse, with today’s statists as tomorrow’s lords and ladies.

  8. WPF Seneca you are right, we are watching the disintegration of civilization, events are playing out the way many have been seeing for a long time, and when we talked about what we saw for the future we were condemned. The ordinary people in Greece are banding together to do what the governments no longer can, they are rediscovering self reliance and working together. The other European nations will follow suit as the situation worsens, people over there are already talking about not being able to afford to feed their families, how are they going to react when the grain shortage caused by last summers drought starts?

    Think about that food riots in European cities, the turmoil this will cause will force the European neighborhoods to unite in self defense groups, and the civil wars will become open and violent.

  9. Gorgo: It would not be about going anywhere, but looking forward to the collapse, and gain strengh to start again from the beginnig, once the storm has calmed down.

    Yeah, the statists… just like the king and the noblesse in France, living their colourful and pleasure-filled life in Versaille, while people starved outside. But nobody remains immune forever to their well-deserved fate, not even the richest and most powerful, that I assure you.

  10. Richard: Prominent critic of Islam Lars Hedegaard, quoted by Bruce Bawer in While Europe Slept takes a dark view of the future:

    “‘If there’s any hope,’ Hedegaard suggested dryly, borrowing a line he knew I’d recognize from 1984, ‘it lies in the proles.’ Yet we both knew that the ‘proles’ — if they did take over the reins from the elite — might well lead Europe back down the road to fascism. He did admit that he was glad to be living in Denmark and not elsewhere in Western Europe: ‘If there’s any place where there’s hope, it’s got to be this country.’ But Hedegaard didn’t hold out much hope even for Denmark. ‘Unless they build up a cadre of intellectuals in Europe who can think,’ he said, America ‘can kiss Europe good-bye.’ The Continent’s future, he predicted, ‘is going to be vastly different than we imagine. It’s going to be war. Like Lebanon,’ with some enclaves dominated by Christians and others by Muslims. There will be ‘permanent strife,’ and no one will have the ‘power to mollify or mediate… It will be more gruesome than we can imagine.’ When the horror comes, he warned, the journalists who helped to bring it about will ‘wag their heads and flee — and leave it to those who can’t flee to fight it out.’“

    The massive concentration of Muslims in major European cities will have dramatic consequences, some of which are already visible. If it is allowed to continue, it will destroy the coherence of society that is necessary for our legal systems to work. Increased urban insecurity means that the state is not able toguarantee the security of its citizens. If ordinary citizens feel that the state is no longer able to guarantee the safety of their loved ones, then perhaps native Europeans will create groups and “clans” of their own, to counter the Muslim clans. The result will be a re-tribalization of our countries. The downfall of the nation state, if it happens, will be chaotic, painful and bloody. Can it still be avoided? Only time will tell.” End of quotation.

  11. @ WPF…….

    Below…in a collage of paragraphs of an earlier email…..is answer and further to your astute observations…….forgive my trademark moments of incoherence…

    Let me ramble……..

    You are right, there is no room in this world for islam save for a few countries, a few dark, savage and barbaric corners of the world, a sort of geographic version of solitary confinement for the world’s lunatics, a Devil’s Island if you will.

    I have said before and will say it again, and as the weeks pass the inevitable reality becomes clearer and clearer……the muslims have no place amongst us and must be removed from our midst.

    Personally, everyone knows where this is headed……and I say the sooner we get started the sooner we get it over with and reintroduce some peace and quiet into our lives.

    Now, I want you to ask yourselves a question……

    Of all the ethnic groups, the different races, the different religions….please name one of them which has brought the endless amounts of demands, of duplicity and deceit, of divisive action, of sowing of dissension, of constant distraction, of destruction and finally of the endless need for superiority and domination…….MUSLIMS!!!!

    Its the only group….not the Hindu’s, not the Catholics, not the Atheists, not the Buddhists, not the Coptic Christians, not the Christians, not the Vietnamese, not Italians, not the Slavs, not the eastern Europeans, not the Asians, not the French or the Germans or the British or the Scots or the Swedes or the Norwegians or the Finns or the Russians……….NOT ONE GROUP, SAVE THE MUSLIMS, HAS BROUGHT SO MUCH TROUBLE, SO MUCH HEARTACHE AND FEAR, TO THE CIVILIZED WORLD….NOT ONE!!!

    Its not about the “assimilation” of muslims…..they have absolutely no intention of assimilating…..its not about equality as they have an equal footing in this country from day one and besides, they don’t feel equal anyway…not to us……to say they are equal to us is to them, a grievous and injurious sleight……..its not about their rights, they have the same rights as each and every one of us………simply,its about their desire to dominate, to be superior and to have their wishes, their desires, their petty sensibilities and their haughty, incessant demands trump all others……..and anything less than our full capitulation to their simpering, conniving and hostility becomes “racism”….and “a hate-crime”…..what a farce.

    Now we see our freedoms and legal protections under attack, the very foundation of our open, free and civilized society is being hammered away at.

    The freedom of speech is now on the block……imagine that, to speak the truth of the madness of islam, of the sickness of the child molesting psychopath the muslims worship, muhammad, is now a “hate-crime”. Next in line is the destruction of our legal system with the implementation of Sharia Law, and in the face of this our elected officials sit idly by, sullen and indifferent. This was predicted a few years ago…..and now it has come to pass.

    Well my friends, the time has come and the writing is on the wall…..our future in these next few years can be found in the reflection of Europe this very minute…….the time has come to deal with our muslim friends very harshly….to respond to them and deal with the muslim/islamic problem in a manner that is severe and unswerving…..to provide an effective solution that speaks of an unmistakable sense of permanence and finality.

    Every single non-muslim in this country, save for the Leftist Useful Idiots, knows this cannot go on unless we desire to see our country destroyed at the hands of these lunatic worshiping provocateurs…….so let us move forward….let us begin the process of dealing with our muslim friends. Let us do what those men and women we elected refuse to do.

    Unfortunately there is little solidarity amongst the opponents of islam, we are a fractured group, torn along religious, political and cultural lines with a smattering of victims of conscience thrown in for added colour and confusion, and adding to that lack of solidarity, we have our enemies in the form of the useful idiots.

    We have the likes of Romeo Dallaire, a battle fatigued, drug addled general, now Canadian senator, whose good intentions and sensibilities are grotesquely perverted by the faces of the dead that haunt his dreams.

    We have the Leftists like Justin Trudeau, Libby Davies and Olivia Chow who find good in the quintessentially evil. The ravages of the cancer of Leftism permeate the halls of power and its echoes can be heard in virtually every courtroom, schoolroom and government office. Evidence found even on the street level as our police constables, schooled in the “new reality”, turn a blind eye to the excesses of our muslim friends based on “cultural differences”.

    We have the theological equation whose infatuation with the teachings of Christ have them, after being murdered, rent and torn, turning the “other cheek”, and in fact the other cheek is not enough as they offer up their own children to these madmen. Witness Bishop Fabbro, in spite of having the ability to strip the charter from a Catholic School, he stood idly by as administrators of the Mother Theresa Catholic School in London, Ontario, opened a muslim prayer room right in the school!!!

    We have the Devil’s advocates who sweep into courtrooms on wings of black and give stirring orations, excusing and mitigating the monstrous actions of their clients, all whilst the beneficiaries of their passionate defences sit lurking behind them, smug in the knowledge that the objects of their hatred are burdened with blindness and a boundless stupidity, smug in the knowledge that they will be set loose once again to pluck from the flock at will.

    We have an ocean of ignorance, apathy and cowardice as reflected in the majority of the citizenry. Legions of the unwashed, the unemployed, the uninformed and the uninspired, men and women whose lives revolve around their genitals and stomachs with the occasional belly laugh wrought from some intellectually bankrupt sit-com. Obscenity found in their gullibility, as, having lost the power of original thought, they have abdicated the stewardship of their lives to the State.

    And what of the State? Smirking politicians and the legions of Leftists able to win elections and sway public opinion through manipulation of fact and the use of peer pressure and the latest polls. Imagine that, the ship of state powered by the dull witted whose focus and vote rest on the very mechanism used to determine the palatability of soda pop and potato chips. It boggles the mind.

    These are our enemies, these are the impediments to dealing with the cancer of islam, our task made exponentially more difficult by the efforts of those who despise themselves, despise truth, despise their heritage; delusional, collaborative, arrogant fools wrapped in cloaks of the self loathing.

    I take great exception to the assertion that we will make great strides against the advance of islam in the next decade. That assertion is defeated simply by looking at the advances the islamists have made in the shadow of what was once the World Trade Center.

    Imagine for a moment if Clifford Olson were to set up shop across from a playground, or if Robert Picton were to open a rape crisis center. This, in essence, is what the muslim community did when they tried to open the Ground Zero Mosque, an endeavor so obscene, so injurious……yet look at the uphill battle the handful of opponents to that mosque faced. A battle made a virtual war through the ignorance and willful blindness of New Yorkers, New Yorkers still rubbing the dust of two collapsed skyscrapers from their eyes, New Yorkers still picking from their persons bits of flesh, all that remained of over 3000 souls.

    The grand entrance of the Good Muslims….

    Witness this past Remembrance Day, the young muslims screaming their derision and obscenities at those who had gathered to honour Canada’s war dead…..witness the muslims who threaten and spit upon young boys and girls selling poppies…..and all we do is turn our backs and shuffle away.

    Look at the recent “film” demonstrations in downtown Toronto where estimates have the attendance ranging from 1500 to 2500 persons. This is not a small gathering of bald guys with beer guts and funny tattoo’s in southern Alberta singing their rendition of “You’n’ Me and Zyklon B”………this is 2500 persons, shadowed by 50 to 150,000 of their more timid counterparts who stayed at home, openly calling for murder and mayhem. Notice the children amongst them, the next generation of Jihadists, carrying signs and calling for murder.

    I want you to think about that number my friends…..here in Canada….2500, not 50……..2500 not 250…..this was a wake-up call, an echoing of the same wake-up call heard from Dearborn Michigan, USA.

    These are the “good muslims”.

    Where were any of these people when muslim women and girls were murdered to satisfy the sensibilities of muhammad? They were nowhere to be seen. Where were any of these men and women when the terrorists among them stood trial in Toronto? They were nowhere to be seen. But called out to deny the truth of muhammad’s madness and they come out in droves. They bluster, threaten and intimidate at the behest of self righteous provocateurs.

    Further on the issue of the “good muslim”. The apologists state that the many “good muslims” simply are afraid of conflict. I think otherwise. These men and women are the part of the muslim equation that is, to our considerable detriment, being ignored.

    These are men and women who are quietly biding their time waiting for the balance of power to shift. Where do you think all the muslim sensibilities will lay once they have that balance of power firmly in their grip? Do you think them still to be staunch defenders of democracy, freedom and of human rights? No, they will simply fall on the side of the islamists.

    Think of it, will a timid muslim who now refuses to confront his peers for their excesses turn and oppose them when they are in positions of greater power and influence? No he will not for to oppose them now may result in a few slashed tires or broken windows, but to oppose them when their footsteps echo throughout the halls of power will be nothing less than suicide. There are no “good muslims”, that is a myth and a vicious lie.

    We have only to look to Europe and the blossoming of the “Arab Spring” to see what Canada will become in these next few years.

    The Egyptian “Arab Spring”, spreading like gonorrhea in a brothel, has now become the carnival of Middle Eastern psychopathy with side show of minding numbing sexual deviance thrown in for added colour. No candied apples, sugar floss, corn dogs and games of whack-a-mole to be had along the midway of renewed islamic fervour……nay my friends just severed heads, mutilated vaginas and the rotting corpses of all who dare oppose the love of allah.

    Across the Middle East a smothering blanket of darkness, barbarity and lunacy, the manifestation of the sick mind of a psychopath who wandered the earth 1400 years ago, the sick and decayed mind of muhammad, is drawn across the land. Women are now forced to cover up and shuffle, as frightened mice, along the alleyways of cities across the Middle East. Universities now turn away women, murder and intimidation is the order of the day, religious police now number in the thousands……….muhammad has come to call!!!!

    The first sale of an Egyptian woman as a “sex slave” heralded the “The New Islamic Dawn”. The passing of laws allowing an Egyptian muslim man, in a last injurious and insulting act of islamic male adoration, to mount and defile the rotting corpse of his dead wife as if to say…. ” Oh my sweet Muslimah, after a lifetime of living as little more than my little piece of human garbage, I now subject you to one last act of domination and humiliation…..”

    Egyptian muslim fathers kill their daughters with venomous snakes. Laws being passed rolling back the age of consent for a little girl to 9 years old thus providing fodder for legions of grunting, drooling muslim pedophiles who, in accordance with the example set by muhammad, can now, in an act of islamic marriage, legally rape and sodomize those same little girls.

    Lovers sitting too close to each other in public are butchered. Women, shopping for their families without the required black bodybag, run a gauntlet of groping and vulgar propositions through the marketplace. Honour killings of women are now filmed as the new islamic reality shows……and they are my friends….the new islamic reality.

    Now, we see, with virtual impunity, muslim criminality abound across Europe……as its citizens, raped, murdered, tortured, robbed, cowed and set alight, are swept up in the passion of muhammad. Now, we see, with virtual impunity, as the hard won legal charters that nurtured and gave foundation to the light, intellectual freedom and advancement of Western civilization, are battered and torn down by muslims bearing the ominous weapon of “Multicultural Tolerance and Understanding”.

    Look to France as Mohamed Mehra, in addition to killing soldiers and a rabbi, killed 3 little children. Holding one little girl to his chest, he looked into her face, smiled, and then, placing the gun to her head and pulling the trigger, blew her brains out. Mehra’s father and the French equivalent of Khadr’s lawyers like Dennis Edney and Brydie Bethell are now suing the French government for wrongful death in the killing of Mehra during his arrest.

    Islamic leaders are now calling for the beheading of German politicians and citizens and the widespread publication of those beheadings so that Germany will feel “the power of the sword of islam”

    The islamic call to prayer will now, blasting from minaret’s at 5 a.m, reverberate across Sweden as the Swedes are “made to feel themselves subdued”

    Oslo’s non-muslim women are raped, and in one two year period all 48 rapes were committed by muslim men from North Africa and the Middle East.

    Malmo’s Jews have all but fled with the remainder now fearing murder and bombings. Across Europe and the Nordic countries Jews are terrified and on the move. This and, over the sound of bags being packed and moving trucks loaded, the echoes of Auschwitz can still be heard.

    Across Europe the citizens, the descendants of those who brought light and civilization to Europe, are now abandoned by those men and women they elected to protect them. In the hand wringing and self serving simpering of islamic apologists can be heard the hammer blows that are forging the shackles of islam that will be worn by Europeans for the next ten thousand years.

    ………Muhammad has come to call.

    And still there are those who stand whimpering and whining and speaking of peaceful discourse, of compromise, of capitulation, all while those they speak to, the muslims, stand leering and sharpening their knives…..did we learn nothing from Neville Chamberlain?

    I have no illusions as to where Canada is headed should we not deal decisively with the muslims……it will be madness and madness the birth mother of chaos and vigilantism.

    As an example consider the following:

    In a small town the local dog-catcher has rounded up a half a dozen mutts. Dogs with distemper, rabies and dispositions that have resulted in several attacks on local denizens. Sitting in his chair one evening he ponders the fate of the dogs; warm and fuzzy little creatures with begging eyes and whimpering that tugs at his heart strings. Overwhelmed with sentimentality, he swings open the doors to the cages whereupon the dogs immediately run amok in the town, badly mauling several children and killing several senior citizens.

    What do you think would happen to the dog-catcher after the townsfolk had regained their senses? I can absolutely guarantee you that, if he survived the enthusiastic beatings he would get from the townsfolk, he would suffer a withering course of criminal indictment, incarceration upon conviction and a blizzard of civil actions that would leave him penniless.

    So then, consider the actions of dog-catchers like Romeo Dallaire, John Norris, Dennis Edney, Brydie Bethell and Nathan Whitling, as their vigorous defence of an unrepentant terrorist, Omar Khadr, has now returned him to Canada and will, possibly within months, see his 40 year sentence for murder and terrorism eviscerated and him walking the streets of Toronto on paths of rose petals strewn by thousands of his admirers, strewn by thousands of “good muslims”.

    In the days that follow the “liberation celebrations”, little Omar Khadr’s disciples, ever the busy little bees, are working overtime to bring to the attention of the filthy infidels, the error of their ways. Christ and Christmas reviled by Khadr’s Kid’s, they select an appropriate time of the year. The bomb detonates at Toronto’s Royal Winter Fair, the explosion turns the surrounding area into a maelstrom of razor sharp glass and shrapnel, shredding flesh to bone. Those close to the center of the blast evaporate, others turn to jelly. Blood runs rivers and the screams of the dying, piercing the air, shred the sanity of the survivors. The will of allah and muhammad is done and Omar Khadr, flanked by his poisonous mother and siblings, turns to mecca, kneels and gives thanks to his God.

    The city is terrified and the long black line of cars bears the victims to their final reward. Another page in the book of Western understanding of islam now written.

    Now comes the ability to hold those responsible for the loosing of hyenas’ amongst the sheep to account. Unfortunately, the penalties levied against the dog-catcher are not available as mechanisms of redress and accountability in dealing with those whose litigious contortions set loose madmen.

    The Mainstream Media grinds into action its game of “Distract and Dissuade”.

    Politicians will rise in legislatures and Parliament and, with hand on heart, gripping the latest poll numbers, whilst dabbing crocodile tears, give fiery speeches and eulogies….merely self serving exercises in hypocrisy.

    In the darkness of living rooms, men sit and, fingering the photographs of dead wives and children, look, through the fish-eyed lens of tear stained eyes, at those faces they will never see again. They hear the echoes of the voices of those they will never speak to again. And, awash in grief and comfortless agony, they know who is responsible for their loss and the darkness that surrounds them.

    In the light of this, I ask you this question; for right or wrong and knowing it is a criminal act, would not the men, now widowed and having buried their loved ones, abandoned by the politicians elected to protect them, abandoned by the courts, abandoned by the avenues of redress held out to them as their only alternative, would not they be justified in hunting down the self righteous dog catchers and killing them?

    Right or wrong, the actions of the men would be condemned as criminal but understood as just by millions of Canadians.

    I have no illusions as to where Canada is headed should we not deal decisively with the muslims.
    We are in grave danger and yet those who are charged with our protection are blind to that danger……this is what Breivik wrote about……and this is what is giving rise to millions of Breivik’s who are sitting, patiently waiting for the line they have drawn in the sand to be crossed.

    The clash we will face in the coming weeks and months is a clash of cultures and political ideology…… but if you think this will be just a warm and fuzzy debate over coffee and biscuits think again……this is going to come to blood and much sooner than I anticipate I fear.

    The reality is there are those amongst us who are realists and as such know full well that sooner or later people are going to die as a result of this clash.

    Then there are those of us who prefer to live lives of quiet desperation on their knees, the sum total of their lives little more than grotesque and sullen obedience in the face of islamic tyranny.

    Do you think it bothers me that I may be viewed as a threat to those who seek my enslavement?….it bothers me not.

    Do you think it bothers me to use my real name when I write and send what I write to every Member of Parliament in Canada knowing full well my political position will cross the desk of the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service and the RCMP, sent to the same by Leftist liberals, senators and the NDP……it bothers me not.

    Do you think it bothers me that my enemies, the muslims, may know who I am?….it bothers me not.

    I prefer to live and die on my feet, looking my enemies in the eye and spitting in their faces. How rich that I am now made to shuffle away from those who have washed up on the shores of my country with their hands out……how rich that I am made to defer to those who were offered kindness, generosity and hospitality…….those very guests now bite the hands that were extended to them in genuine welcome.

    And I should apologize for the rage that burns inside me for their injurious demands and their ingratitude?…….I should smile and choke back the bile that rises in my throat every time I hear their shrill voices screaming that I am not giving them enough or that what I have given them is not to their liking?…….

    I think not my friends……., I think not…..

    As for my politics, I do not favour murder nor vigilantism but I am a realist and know that the stupidity, treachery and treason of the Whitling’s, Bethell’s, Trudeau’s and Dallaire’s are the crucible in which islamo-fascism is forged….the same crucible that forges vigilantism.

    And should this lunacy in our courts, our legislatures and our Parliament continue it will fall to a group of men and women to free us from the inevitable results of that lunacy.

    It will fall to men and women I greatly admire.

    It will fall to the likes of Missak Manouchian, an immigrant, a poet and a man who spit in the face of the Nazi’s.

    It will fall to the likes of Flame and Citron, respectively Jorgen Haagen Schmith and Bent Faurschou-Hviid, members of the Danish resistance group, Holger Dansk.

    It will fall to the likes of Paul Revere, George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, all members of another small resistance group.

    It will fall to the likes of the men and women of the Free French Forces, patriots who bled rivers to free their country from the grip of murderers and tyrants.

    It will fall to men like Abba Kovner, a Jew, a poet and the resistance leader in the Jewish ghetto of Vilna during WW2.

    I trust it will not come to that……..but if it does……..then count me amongst those who can be counted on.

    Regards, Don Laird
    Edson, Alberta, Canada

  12. Gorgo: It would not be about going anywhere, but looking forward to the collapse, and gain strengh to start again from the beginnig, once the storm has calmed down.

    Yeah, the statists… just like the king and the noblesse in France, living their colourful and pleasure-filled life in Versaille, while people starved outside. But nobody remains immune forever to their well-deserved fate, not even the richest and most powerful, that I assure you.

    * * *

    I truly hope you’re correct but please revise your comment after factoring in two things: (1) Most European citizens have long been disarmed; too few are armed well enough to defend themselves when The Collapse comes, much less mount a revolt against those who caused it; (2) Those who caused it have – I assure YOU – calculated the fate of prior royalty into their plans and have planned for it. They are going to be far better armed and better staffed, plus will have the same degree of geographic mobility…all three of these things were elements King Louis did not have at his behest. They do, and they will.

    Not trying to be a downer but this is a totally different game. The global statists have been playing to win here in the U.S. for decades and with this month’s election, I do believe they have finally won, for good. Our Republic is dead.

    Your global statists have been playing this game longer than mine have, and they’re much nearer their goal of utopia (for themselves and their families, not for you and me…that was never the plan, it was just the selling point).

  13. Hermes you can tell that he is European with the idea that the elite must lead the masses and prevent their fall into disaster, he is ignoring the fact that the current mess is one that was created by the “elite” and that the only ones who are working to correct the problem are the masses.

    His comments on war between enclaves is correct as far as it goes, where he is making his mistake is in thinking that the ordinary Europeans are going to be satisfied with living with violent neighbors who are seeking to subjugate them, they will instead over a period of decades (probably lasting into the next century) force the Moslems into the sea.

    One thing he also forgets or doesn’t realize is that the US needs a free and independent Europe as much as they need a free and independent US.

    As for the fall of the nation state, it was murdered by the left, it grew out of tribalism that shifted into nationalism, it was from the nationalism that the Renaissance grew and created the civilization we use to enjoy.

    I see much the same future he does, but I carry the military aspects out to their logical end, I see the European nations kicking out the Moslems and then bickering among themselves. I also see nations being conquered and disappearing while others split off from their current nations. All of the chaotic mess is how civilization will be saved, if it can be saved. If it can’t we will be in for a long and brutal dark age.

  14. I see much the same future he does, but I carry the military aspects out to their logical end, I see the European nations kicking out the Moslems and then bickering among themselves. I also see nations being conquered and disappearing while others split off from their current nations. All of the chaotic mess is how civilization will be saved, if it can be saved. If it can’t we will be in for a long and brutal dark age.

    * * *

    I’d bet on an entire gov’t converting first, or somehow allowing Islam a preferred status or something to that effect. Look, nothing short of armed revolt will uproot the leftists and uprooting them – not dealing with Muslims, that’s only secondary – is the first step toward any real reform. Without it, nothing will happen, and elections won’t work anymore. Historical pessimist that I am, I believe they’ve already made allowance for just such an event…it would probably involve a combination of U.N. (foreign) troops combined with Islamic forces to quell any already under-armed uprising, setting an example for all the rest, as the patriots who are quelled are depicted to the world as Muslim-hating Nazis bent on genocide or some such nonsense. In today’s media climate, it will be believed.

    But make no mistake: I hope I’m wrong just as much as you do.

  15. Riots, massive and wide scale riots will cause any government to fall, all you have to do is get a large enough percentage of the population either rioting or supporting the rioters. Yes some governments will resort to authoritarian rule, but this will just make the fall more brutal and their future very short. And you have to ask you self how many of the police and soldiers will support the government when they will be fighting their extended families?

    Will the changes happen quickly, yes, no, maybe. It will depend on how far down the nation collapses, Greece hit the bottom of the barrel and is slowly solving the problem without the government involved. You will also notice that when Golden Dawn starts attacking the illegal immigrants the police and military turn their backs and leave. You know that not all politicians support Golden Dawn and the attacks but the lower level police and military refuse to confront them. Look for this to happen more and more around the world as nation after nation falls into chaos.

  16. pff, especially that last guy. They are in europe and get free money and stil they manage to cry racism. This type need there “human” rights violated!

  17. Gorgo: ” Those who caused it have – I assure YOU – calculated the fate of prior royalty into their plans and have planned for it. They are going to be far better armed and better staffed, plus will have the same degree of geographic mobility…all three of these things were elements King Louis did not have at his behest. They do, and they will. ”

    I am pretty aware of this. Here is their army: http://www.eurogendfor.org/

    But nevertheless no regime nor govt remain strong enough to keep power forever. If not provoked by external forces, then the decomposition starts from inside. Internal fight for power, too much confidence in their own strengh, etc.

    This elite will fall, as other regimes fell before and will fall in the future. It is only a matter of time.

  18. I don’t know what the negativity is re Golden Dawn here. Whether they are fascists or not, they seem to be the only ones with enough compassion and determination to help their fellow Greeks. Just recently, GD voted down MPs expenses and wages because they don’t think it fair that they should have so much when the ordinary Greeks have so little – good for them. How many politicians in other European countries – whether left or right wing – would put themselves out of pocket to save their country’s economy? My guess if very few if the expenses fiasco in UK is anything to go by – “line your own pockets lads and lasses and sod the rest of ’em” seems to be the attitude. I had no idea that Greece was in such a bad way. I hope the integrity and loyalty of GD to their people will serve the Greeks well in the long run. If I were Greek, they would get my vote.

  19. Gorgo, I think enough of them do to create a force the lesser committed will rally to.

    Hermes if riots leading to civil war start in 3 or more Europeans nations the euroforce will be overwhelmed with way too many jobs and not near enough people to do them. This isn’t to say they won’t try and in some cases succeed in shutting down the rebellion for a while.

  20. It is going to be very difficult to remove Muslims from Europe. The way forward is that Muslims remove themselves.

    How? The economic situation in Europe is getting worse by the day. It is quite likely that what we see in Greece today, is going to be the norm in Europe. When that happens, as is happening in Greece today, parties like Golden Dawn as going top be the force. Coupled with Austerity, the problem will solve itself, without recourse to tactics that will destroy our claim to civilised values.