On the railroading of Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus for attempting to solve the cause of deaths of 9 infants

*Prescript: One may find it very interesting, that exactly like the Muslim protests at Parliament Hill, The Ottawa District School Board and the Ottawa Catholic School Board, there was zero media or counter-protest at this hearing. Normally there would be both at anything this important or potentially significant to the side of personal liberty and rights. But the government-media complex, which clearly includes groups like ANTIFA, especially as the leaders are often civil service union leaders and even mark their protests and actions with flags of the union itself, recognize that having media like CBC etc. there, means more harm to their purpose than pretending these events never happened, or making people aware of the nature of the events. This should be factored in to anyone’s thinking on this issue.

In January of 2022, Ottawa Police Detective, Helen Grus, noticed a cluster of infant deaths. Nine to be exact, all at around the same time.

As a police detective who’s specific area of investigation was as a member of Ottawa’s Sexual Assault and Child Abuse squad. SACA It was perfectly within her jurisdiction to examine this curious cluster of nine infant deaths, all within a short time.

In September of 2021, when the Vaxx mandates had just begun, Detective Grus wrote a letter to the Chief of Police asking if the Police force would be held liable for any vaxx injuries as a result of the mandates. This most likely is when the force began to target her.

When Detective Grus noticed the cluster of baby deaths, she contacted the parents to ask for mRNA injection status, as it had come to her attention at that point based on Pfizer data, that nursing mothers could pass on large volumes of spike protein with their milk, and this could have lethal consequences for their children.

At this point, the police launched an investigation of her, including illegal communications surveillance, which go far beyond the old fashioned “wire tap” and included all the electronic communications of Detective Grus and even members of her family.

Today, her hearings began at an Ottawa Police Station hearing room in the West end of the City.

Below, is an interview with a retired Toronto Police Detective, Donald Best, who has followed the Helen Grus story from the very beginning in great detail at his site, Donaldbest.ca

It was taken on August 14th, 2023 minutes before the trial of Detective Grus began:

As Helen entered the Kanata Police Station, a group of her supporters asked her to allow them to have a prayer session on her behalf:

The trial is expected to last until Friday this week at least. And the results will say a great deal about what is, and what is not permitted to be investigated by authorities in Canada, and likely across North America. This is a very important trial, and is about a great deal more than one officer. This is about the very legality of the truth, even when it comes to the killing of children.

For those interested, below is a much longer interview with Detective Best from a few days ago before the trial started. We intend to keep you all updated as the week goes on with what is taking place.

UPDATE 1 for Tuesday Aug. 15 2023 from a friend inside the court room:

Day 2, 15th Aug, Officer Helen Grus investigation, notes from SM

Srgt Guy is called in to be cross examined by defense
– Srgt Guy forwarded the disciplinary case against Grus
– he said – that members of the SACA team approached him that Grus comments/discussions at work about covid were disruptive – that Grus contacted the coroner about a baby death that she was not the lead officer on but no evidence presented – no complaints from victim/families about Grus
– he became very. very beet red in his whole face as defense kept questioning
– became very heated when defense kept asking Guy ‘ Can an officer view RMS of victims and witnesses then not contact victim/witness? Yes or No? ‘
– Guy refused to answer- Guy was ordered to leave room

– Defense – try to establish what it means ” Grus accessed files she had no business accessesing ” , that was Guy’s statement
– asked ‘ were you aware of increase in infant deaths ‘
– Srgt Guy answered “No” but email was read that shows there was discussion
– (me, Stephanie) I don’t understand why Srgt Guy kept saying he wanted to be careful about “scaring people ” , what people? we are talking about private in-house police discussions? scare other officers? this did not make sense to me that he would say that so many times
– established by Srgt Guy reading his own job review of Grus that she was an outstanding officer who met and exceeded expectations (before this covid thing)
Srgt Guy had entered in investigation about Grus that she was talking in office about her children’s hockey playing and that she would lie or find some loophole to be able to let them play, BUT when defense wanted to ask him if he had evidence about her lying, well things got very heated yet again and prosecution called foul (me, Stephanie, if you enter a sworn statement, why can’t it be questioned by defense?)


Please see the write up at RIAR Foundation here.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

4 Replies to “On the railroading of Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus for attempting to solve the cause of deaths of 9 infants”

  1. This case is profoundly important. Will the police be agents of the state, or of the people they are paid by and swear to defend by rule of law? It merits protest of equal magnitude to the truckers’ protest imho.