Reiner Fuellmich speaks with lawyer from India about Covid rates, deaths, and the fight for Ivermectin

From today’s webcast by Reiner Fuellmich.

The take away points in part:

The fight for Ivermectin in the courts had mixed results but better than in Germany.

There is deceit in Covid death numbers in India as well as everywhere else.

This is the entire segment with the Indian lawyer. We edited out the German translation bits for brevity, and replaced them with a clock-wipe transition to indicate missing time.

Direct link to video:

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

3 Replies to “Reiner Fuellmich speaks with lawyer from India about Covid rates, deaths, and the fight for Ivermectin”

  1. Is there any public database of the appeals Mr. Fuell.mich and others have filed to courts? Do we know anything about the status of these appeals, are they successful? What are some of the reactions of the targeted courts / organizations / judges / authorities etc.? Is there already a legal blueprint that could be applied in national cases? These video-interviews are good but I miss hard data on the progress of the war. Call me paranoid but is anything really happening?…

    • I think there is. There are actions in Canada and other nations which are on public record. I think Pauline knows the links to some of those. If not ill see what I can find.