Germans using children to make climate hysteria propaganda. Again.

Before you watch, there has been so much blow-back from this that the German TV station that aired it attempted to walk it back by saying it was parody. Miss Piggy found documents proving that in fact, it was anything but.






On Saturday, 05 October 2019 the WDR Children’s Choir of Dortmund will sing at the closing event of “Plant for the Planet” in Königswinter Bonn.


At the same time the singers will be trained as ambassadors for climate justice by other children. “The topic of climate change is on everyone’s lips right now and with “Fridays for Future” it has also become a topic of the younger generation. In addition to the activities of Greta Thunberg, there are also many other very exciting and meaningful projects on the subject of climate, such as the organisation “Plant for the Planet”.


This organisation trains children in a one day academy to become “climate protectors” and plants trees with the children in cooperation with a forester. Many hundreds of thousands of trees have already been planted in this way.”

Within the framework of this project there will be a WDR report.

(Communists are at least consistent. Trying to make sure that children do not see their own family as loving protectors and reliable sources of information is perfectly in sync with communist regimes throughout history. I wonder how many steps it is between this and Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge? They seemed to use children quite effectively.)

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

9 Replies to “Germans using children to make climate hysteria propaganda. Again.”

  1. I wonder how many steps it is between this and Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge?

    Not many, the exact number depends on the base culture. The Soviets and the Nazi’s had kids that turned in their parents for thought crimes and the Soviets had some kids that turned in their parents. The more the base culture values individualism the fewer kids turn on their families.

    In Germany the kids all went to government camps during the summer and were indoctrinated in the Nazi lines of collectivism, free love etc. After a summer of this many girls came home pregnant and turned in their parents for objecting to Middle School and High School girls getting pregnant. Yes the Nazi’s started the free love movement, partially because they wanted the girls and women to stay pregnant to give them more male kids for the military and female kids for the factories. The wives of high ranking Nazi’s insisted that their family not participate in such activities.

    • My Russki puts it a little differently.

      Parents didn’t say things in front of the kids because kids repeat what they hear without discretion. They just babble. So you have to be very careful: don’t use a second language figuring they won’t understand; code words have to be unique; gestures can be more revealing than speech, etc.

      The adults working with kids, like teachers and sports’ club leaders, are almost always operatives. They pay close attention to babbling babes, quiz them about what’s going on at home. They’re trained for this, they get promoted for reporting “antisocial elements”.

      • Mine is academic knowledge from reading, his is practical from living, because of this I will surrender to his greater knowledge and experience.

  2. Richard. You stole my thunder. My comment was going to be “This is two or three steps behind where the Khmer Rouge were with their children when the killing fields started”.

    • There is a reason the parents feared their own children. It’s all the same. Hitler also used the same strategy. We also see it with lower-level Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood.

      Eventually, everybody becomes subject to surveillance through children. The State no longer needs spies, they have the kids.

      In my opinion, it is the duty of all parents to spend all the time necessary every single day to find out what their kids are learning in school and in extracurricular activities. Failing that, they will pay the price.

      Germany: Never twice without thrice.

  3. That threatening little Greta Thornburg clone at the end of the video is as frightening as only a self-righteous thoroughly brainwashed supremely over-confident little girl can be. They had millions of threatening little girls like that in the “Cultural Revolution” in China and they all looked like Greta Thornburg, only Chinese instead of Swedish. Those kids in the video appear to me to be dangerously close to reaching the point where they would be willing to inform on their parents if they thought they were “Old environmental pigs”. The new left are a bunch of Nazis…