United Nations, Thought Police!

I don’t remember voting for any of these guys. Does anyone remember ever giving these guys this kind of power via democratic means?

The whole original is here if anyone wants it.

I would enjoy seeing in the comments, the staggering number of Islamic acts of mass murder in the name of jihad that he avoided mentioning in his little list of things caused by ‘hate speech.’


About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

8 Replies to “United Nations, Thought Police!”

  1. This is good example why Europe is falling to Islamic continent, this guy is very dangerous, fight for your countries Europeans, otherwise , game over soon ..

  2. I would enjoy seeing in the comments, the staggering number of Islamic acts of mass murder in the name of jihad that he avoided mentioning in his little list of things caused by ‘hate speech.’

    According to TheReligionofPeace.com, the latest number is: 35,194.

  3. Arbiters of words.
    Hate, hate, hate.
    To glance askance
    Is this a crime?
    To bite one’s tongue
    Will you do time?
    To raise one’s voice above the tea talk
    Stepping past the velvet rope
    Strung around your brain.
    Word cops
    Then syllable cops
    Then letter cops
    Then your silence is freedom
    Or grunt like a pig and
    The world is your oyster.
    I never cared much for “H”, anyhow
    It stinks of inequality.
    –Had an uncle Ziggy, too.
    “Z” goes without saying (get it?)

    Arrogant bastards all.

  4. Thanks for posting this.

    Interesting that the UN would mention Rwanda, in the context of genocide prevention – because they didn’t. They were warned by their people on the ground, Mille Collines was spouting racist propaganda aginst Tutsis, weapons were being distributed, Tutsis were registered. It was carefully planned, An informer contacted General Roméo Dallaire (commander of UNAMIR) about it, he sent the “Genocide Fax” to UN Headquarters. he wanted to seize weapons caches, which was within the mandate, but the UN kept him on a leash. It did nothing to prevent the genocide.

    As for “hate speech”, calls to violence are already illegal in any civilized country, most also have laws against libel and slander of both groups and individuals, laws against insults (also groups & individuals). Some ban political symbols like the swastika or celtic cross, even hammer & sickle are banned in some countries. Some have blasphemy laws, which may actually protect hate speech – islamic scriptures calling for burning gays alive etc.

    The problem is generally not the law, but enforcement. Penalizing speech through intl treaties is a very bad idea, esp when it’s based on such a nebulous concept. It’s bound to be abused for political purposes.