RPG and munitions found in the woods in Sweden

An original translation by Tania Groth with much thanks!

From this Swedish Website:

A rocket launcher loaded with a projectile has been found tucked away in a wooded area in northern Stockholm, writes Dagens Nyheter.
The police found the gun on Friday night and are very secretive about details in the preliminary investigation – but the finding is important.

“It’s a very powerful weapon and the third-party injury risk is huge when you use it. It’s really a military weapon used to destroy vehicles, “said Emir Gazibegovic, inspector at Stockholm Police to DN.

According to the police, this kind of weapon has not been used in criminal environments since the MC gangwar in the 1990’s.

The police do not wish to comment re. possible suspects in the case though we are told that a technical survey has been made at the site of the search.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

8 Replies to “RPG and munitions found in the woods in Sweden”

  1. I’ve always wondered why some suicide terrorists don’t get their hands on a howitzer, park it a couple of miles from the White House and aim it carefully, wait for the President to speak from the Oval Office, and then simply shoot him with the howitzer as the police rush to the sound of the canon and run into the suicide guards with the machine guns. You could have a spotter with a cellphone on Pennsylvania Avenue going, “A little to the left… A little to the right…”. Hell! Why not use three howitzers if your Saudi backer can afford it.

    I can’t for the life of me figure why that wouldn’t work. And if the President managed to get down to the saferoom, you’d still have the accomplishment of blowing the Great Satan’s house down in one afternoon, so there’s no way to lose, really. And I’ll bet there’s a dozen guys trained to do exactly that kind of thing already hidden amongst the “Syrian refugees…”.

    • I’ve never wondered about such a thing, Chris.

      Nor anybody else on this site or our sister sites, Mr/Ms Censor. Chris is just writing a novel…yeah, that's it…

      • Nobody thought they’d fly 747s into the World Trade Center either.

        There is only one truly important issue on the Planet Earth at this time, and that is the migration of Sunnis Muslims into the Western nations. Taxes go up, taxes go down…whatever…but this immigration issue will have permanent repercussions. As long as thousands of potential terrorists are allowed in stuff like this is going to happen.

        What would happen if an 18-wheeler full of weapons grade ammonium nitrate went off on the Golden Gate Bridge during Friday rush hour? Would that blow the whole bridge down and kill everybody on it? I’ll bet that would have them dancing and handing out candies throughout the Arab World…

        • Terrorism. Values. Customs.

          Not only Sunnis, Shittes also reduce our quality of life. Parades of flagellants, “Haidar! Haidar!”, etc.

        • Weapons grade ammonium nitrate? LMAO.
          Ammonium Nitrate is fertilizer. It does not explode.
          Any truck that explodes on the golden gate for any reason would be blown off with little damage to the bridge. The forces would travel in the direction of least resistance, upwards.
          I am guessing you skipped school a lot.

  2. Weapons grade ammonium nitrate? LMAO.
    Ammonium Nitrate is fertilizer. It does not explode.
    Any truck that explodes on the golden gate for any reason would be blown off with little damage to the bridge. The forces would travel in the direction of least resistance, upwards.
    I am guessing you skipped school a lot.

    • If he changed it to, “High nitrogen fertilizer that could easily be transformed into explosives”, would that work for you?