Please examine this 2013 article by Daniel Greenfield in the torch light ofTurkish riots across Europe this week

There is a concept that Daniel introduced me to in this article that haunts me.

It is the geopolitical tool of Military Colonists.

Here is his article and yes, while it is 100% applicable to the Islamic migration invasion of Europe which is easy to see, and the one in the US Obama engineered and the one Trudeau engineered for Canada, which seem harder to spot in the media but far easier on the streets, this article screams to be read in the more traditional use of the term, as Turkish expats flex their muscle across states not fully obedient to Erdogan’s will.


About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

13 Replies to “Please examine this 2013 article by Daniel Greenfield in the torch light ofTurkish riots across Europe this week”

  1. Says it in a nutshell:

    “… Islam embodies expansionism. Its directives of male violence and female subjugation have no other end. They protect the tribal imperatives of endogamy and violence, of inbreeding and the feud. It has no ideas except to get bigger and that makes its followers into ideal military colonists.

    Daniel Greenfield, Sultan Knisch: one of my favorite writers !

  2. This may be the most important read, likely suppressed, a must copy for personal files off internet, a most important read, very important. Disseminate to all, I know 500 you know 500 they each know 500. Do it even though it may seem too late. This is about two incompatible cultures, never will be compatible, never have been compatible, with a 1000 year history. One culture is at relative peace with it’s diversity. The other culture is tribal warfare within it’s self and would destroy any other culture not in alinement with it’s precepts,,or dogma.

  3. _There is no diplomatic solution_

    That’s the motto of my favorite farrr-rrright Israeli blog.
    It refers to the “Two-State Solution” fantasy that Israel and “Palestine” can be divvied up – then –
    ~~peace will reign forever and ever, tra-la~~.

    “Palestine” is an artifact of Arab Muslim duplicity. Israel is to be sliced up in ‘peace-offerings’ like salami. Till it’s small enough to be utterly destroyed.

    Not gonna happen.

    Israelis – except for fringe leftists, leftist journalists, and enemy-funded NGOs – have learned the hard way. And get “refresher courses” in daily terrorist attacks. There are NO degrees of separation, every family knows PTSD, up close and personal.

    Think Düsseldorf every day, Berlin Christmas market every few months. Population size, incomparable. Defense spending relative to GDP, incomparable. International pariah status – only Victor Orban has a clue.

    Tex-Mex gang-banger illegals, ok bad hombres. But Muslims, even legal “moderates”? That’s a whole order of magnitude different.

    It’s a paradigm shift. The problem is Islam. Here, there, everywhere.

    Face up to it. There is no diplomatic solution.

    • Face up to it. There is no diplomatic solution.

      Permit me to amend that just ever-so-slightly.

      Face up to it. There is no diplomatic solution to jihad.

      Liberals continue to think that there is some way to productively negotiate with an enemy whose triumphalist, supremacist doctrine canonically sanctions lying (i.e., taqiyya), forbids any enduring peace (see: ‘Hudna:’ Neither a truce nor cease fire), and openly advocates violent global genocide.

      Regardless of how these same Liberals avidly support Feminism and gay rights—even as they routinely turn an intentionally blind eye to Muslim misogyny and homophobia—it is their fundamental refusal to recognize Islam’s treacherous and virulent agenda that marks them as mentally deficient. In an age of nuclear weapons (and WMDs in general), it is no longer possible for Western Civilization to afford itself the luxury of tolerating this sort of flagrant incompetence and hypocrisy.

  4. Richard on said:

    One difference between the historical military colonists and the current crop in North America is that the former had military force from their homeland to call on when everything went south. The current crop of military colonists in the US and Canada have only themselves, Europe may be different but I really don’t think Turkey has enough military force to put down any violent resistance of the invasion.

    The way things are going in Europe and the US it won’t be long before we discover if the military colonists are capable of keeping the lands they have occupied. My bet is that in the long run they can’t.

  5. Richard on said:

    FYI the descendants of the serfs the Russians used as military colonists became the Cassocks of legend, these military colonists organized and became the military force needed to protect their settlements.

  6. the descendants of the serfs the Russians used as military colonists became the Cassocks of legend

    Yes indeedy, those Russian serfs sure could stitch up a storm.

    Whereas, those violent, colorless, fashion-challenged Cossacks were a drab and dreary lot, now weren’t they?

  7. Dutch voters should be made aware of the following prior to this weeks election:

    RT Tweet:

    Merkel, Rutte agreed refugee quota in deal with Turkey, did not tell other EU leaders – report

    Contressman Steve King tweets: “Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies”

  8. “Jihad” the process, is the breaking down of the enemy’s will to resist. The enemy will be made to not trust his leaders, their word or actions. Imams and “red hats” stay in the background pushing opposing factions togeather until all is ungovernable. Then jihad leaders, red hats, come forward offering to bring peace, of course in the name of the false prophet. But, here is the hook, you must believe and subscribe without reservation, absolutely, upon your death for deviating from the Karon and its interpreters, only then will they resolve your conflict instigated by the jihadist planning 10s of years in advance. Their ,”true believers”, surrogates, will by then have positions of leadership from which to guide the general body of government of which you lost the will to control.