watch CBC do damage control instead of reporting on potential Muslim false flag op for M103

Notice how they deftly sidestep the fact that the man who called in the anti-Muslim bomb threats is a muslim. Notice how they soften the whole issue until by the end, there is no concern for alarm and the whole thing will bring us all closer together.

Classic CBC.

“This is not news, but it takes you away from reality”.

The new CBC version of Peter Truman’s tag line.

The Rebel’s coverage:

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

2 Replies to “watch CBC do damage control instead of reporting on potential Muslim false flag op for M103”

  1. I don’t know but am willing to bet that CBC is losing viewers the same want the propaganda media are here in the states. You Canadians have no way to know how much the intelligent people in the States pray you will find your Donald Trump,Nigel or Geert. We need our neighbors to remain free as much as you need us to remain free, we got rid of our dictator (for a while anyway) and with luck you will also.