About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

12 Replies to “Paul Weston on EDL Radio May 24 2013”

  1. Paul Weston is a British hero, but what he has said makes feel that this is a turning point.
    Expect things to get worse – the executioner is now in the doorway!

  2. Ay dinna think David will be acommin’ to yon party.

    Cameron: “There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act. … Terrorism that has taken more Muslim lives than any other religion….

  3. I’m enjoying listening to the EDL show while scanning my links.

    Dreaming of a 24 hr World Wide Western Radio WWWR on which the sun never sets.

  4. Not blaming Islam for its vile deeds has been the order of the day for the political elite since 9/11. It is an ORDER with no exceptions, and was very likely agreed in the year preceeding the invasion of Afghanistan. Now this is truly amazing, as complete unanimity on any political and social issue among the ruling elite in ALL Western countries, has never happened before. Never.

    So I have to conclude that there is something else at play. That something is that we are waging war on Islam, but for obvious strategic reasons, the West has deny it as vigorously as it can.

    One of the problems faced by the America after 9/11 was how to respond in the manner that America is accustomed to. The perpetrators were a motley bunch of 19 Muslims with no state connection or direction, so the normal method was not available. The West had to come up with a longterm strategic plan.

    Phase 1 involved invading and overturning countries using a multiplicity of reasons. This has lasted for round 10 years, and is now coming to an end. The results, depending on your POV is that Iraq, in the heart of the ME, is nor thoroughly destabilised, hundreds killed each day in rival ” eye for eye attacks”, and its future bleak. Afghanistan was invaded merely as a place to destabilise Pakistan. Objective achieved.

    Look at what is happening around the Islamic world. To Muslims it must be obvious that a Crusade is going on, but they do not know how to protest against it. If they do, they are contradicted. The elite of the Muslim world cannot protest, as that would shame them that they cant do anything either. So they keep Mum.

    Phase 1 is now becoming unpopular within the West itself. Besides, it gives Muslims in the West, and their Leftist allies, a reason to protest. In addition, terrorist attacks that have been foiled, or ones that havn’t, Muslims have a ready made reason for their attacks, as they argue that we are waging war on Islam. We of course deny it, as we don’t want to endanger the strategy.

    Phase 2 has now started.

    As of now, no one believes the reasons that were given in Phase 1- WMDs, i.e., bringing democracy and women’s rights to Muslim countries etc.

    On aside of this is that any criticism of Islam in social media will be shut down, as the West does not want to jeopardize its global strategy. They realize only too well that if they don’t nip it in the bud, it will become a torrent.

  5. Note that criticizing any belief system – Christianity, Hinduism or whatever, does not elicit a response from the police. Only criticism of Islam elicits that. That in itself shows that the authorities do not want criticism of of Islam to become a torrent. Such a situation would jeopardize the whole strategy.

    Phase 2

    As of now, no one believes the reasons that were given in Phase 1- WMDs, bringing democracy and women’s rights to Muslim countries etc.All these reasons are totally discredited, and shown to be false.

    So now we have adopted supporting freedom fighters in the Islamic world. It does not matter that the fighters are al Qaeda or worse, and the targeted country was a friend, such as Egypt. The objective is still the same – to destabilise and ruin the little stability and economy of the Muslim world.

    What I see happening in the near future (10 years or so) is that these Muslim Brotherhood countries that we are establishing in Muslim countries, will seek to form a caliphate. The leader of the caliphate has to be Turkey – no other is possible according to Islamic doctrine. This is precisely what we are after as well.

    The caliphate will give the West a proper enemy – something along the lines of the Warsaw pact, but nowhere near as powerful. NATO has been looking for a proper enemy since the USSR folded up its tent.

    The same rules of engagement that were applied to Warsaw pact countries, will be applied to the caliphate – no immigration, even tourist visas. Little or no economic contact.

    As the caliphate has little arable land area and no real organisation to grow food and feed itself, there will be massive food riots and perpetual turmoil. There already are food riots and bombing galore. Muslims will get a proper dose of sharia, just as Eastern Europe got a proper dose of Marxism. In fact worse, as starvation will be the norm in the caliphate.

    Islam rests on the foundations of providing power, loot and sex at the expense of the Infidel. When Muslims find that none of it is available, and they are in fact starving, they will abandon Islam faster then East Europeans abandoned Marxism

    Why are we doing this? The West, particularly the Anglo-Saxon part of it, has never been content to wage war on the basis of revenge, even revenge served cold. Its forces are configured to destroy not just armies but to destroy nations. Its strategic objective is not just to win a military war but to destroy the ideological basis of the enemy, that is total victory. This is what we did to Germany, Japan and the USSR – Nazism and Marxism are now totally discredited.What is going to happen in the Muslim mind, fed with a diet from birth, that he is to be the ruler of the world?

  6. This clown is demonizing Violent Extremists! Hate speaker, David Cameron.

  7. I am increadibly impressed with Vlad on the radio show. He comes across as very level headed. Cool headed really – and that’s extremely important with this subject matter – too many become overstimulated and confounded by how much there is about this subject – and in complete control of the subject matter.

    If this was a one off then Vlad should have a weekly radioblog summerizing the most significant posts of the week – it doesn’t need to be an hour and could be as short as 20 minutes.

    Mr. Weston’s statement about how muslim politicals are engeneering a migration specifically targeted at the “spines” of several European countries was shocking. It explains the Dearborn enclave in the American midwest and makes it extremely worrisome.

    Some video should be made examining that comonality in England, European countries and America. I say this because it sounds like patent nonsense yet that’s what appears to have happened.

  8. vlad..listening to you, geoff & the exciting counter jihad guests on the
    edl radio is what we all need..

  9. David Cameron is a treasonous, duplicitous, gray-faced coward…..the Muslims know it and love him for it…..we know it and hate him for it………

    Regards, Don Laird
    Dogtown, Crankville County
    Alberta, Canada