About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

15 Replies to “Witnes to Muslim gay-bashing in England”

  1. I have no idea who the folks are who are harassing them. The gay fella should have mentioned who they were. Was it the Gingers?

  2. If the government doesn’t stop the vigilantes the ordinary Brits will start their own vigilante groups.

  3. I wasn’t thinking when I made the comment, I should have said that the ordinary Brits vigilante groups will stop working within the law.

  4. The Tower Hamlets council isn’t doing anything about these assaults. Wadda shocker. Well, actually, their calculated inaction IS intentional action.

    This is why we have a second amendment. To prevent the tyranny of the strong and merciless over the weaker or lesser in number.

    I’m not calling for vigilantism but for vigorous self defence*. Muslims only attack those who they think cannot defend themselves. If their gay targets put down a couple of these heathens and they will begin to think twice.

    * Vigilantism wouldn’t work anyway because it would be impossible to identify the specific heathens commiting these assaults.

  5. Eeyore. I know you don’t mean the EDL et al are literally vigilantes. They are POLITICAL activists only. They used the physical fortitude of the soccar hooligans for defence only because they were not afraid of being physically attacked.

    The closest the’ve come to “vigilantism” was to prevent crime during the riots by maintaining a visible presence in a target neighborhood. That’s what the Guardian Angels did in New York. PREVENT crime, not act as surrogates for the police and justice system.

    I originally deleted that comment but it led me to a further thought.

    PATROLS! Concearned citizens should set up patrols in these areas to prevent this criminality. Visible presence alone would be enough.

    Another and more fun option is the use of decoys to flush out fag bashers then arrest them or…

    1. If done by the police then the criminal scum will be arrested.
    2. If done by concearned citizens then other options are available.
    3. If the police are aware people are willing and capable of option 2, they will be more likely to get their thumbs out and carry out option 1.
    Option 2 doesn’t have to atcually be carried out. All that is needed is for the police to understand that it is being seriously considered.

    It’s like the jewis decoy system used in, I think Holland. Jewish people were being insulted and assaulted by, ya you know who, in Holland so the police finally started setting up stings. They would have a visibly jewish person walk around followed by plainclothes officers. When some muslims inevitably did what they do- they would get busted (HA HA!).

    There is a “superhero” vigilante club in New York that did just this with a visibly gay decoy. I don’t know if they ever beat the tar out of any fag bashers though.

    It shouldn’t be the EDL. The visible presence of gay ex military patroling the area would be enough to put a stop to this.

    Any thoughts on this EDLBuck?

  6. The head of the Brighton EDL chapter is transgendered LGBT. Perhaps they might know how to contact homosexual veterans.

  7. No offense but just because your gay does not mean your not a man.Get some balls. The next time this happens, get the ‘girlfriends ‘ out the pub and reverse the situation from ‘ fag’ bashing to ‘paki’ bashing!

  8. Why do people keep saying Muslims only attack those they can beat. This is a fantasy to make you feel safe perhaps. They will attack any and they are not afraid . You not been watching Afghanistan – they kicked the Russians out and now the USA . I am making this point to really wake people up because Muslims will attack. Will bomb and kill. Thinking they are weak is very danderous and gives them more time to organize themselves I toe enstronger groups. If they were so weak Islam would have died years ago. Instead it has spread like cancer. They have nothing to loose if they are killed- they go to heaven and get 72 virgins- and they seem to believe it.

  9. Hktony, it was President Reagan forcing them to spend money on anti-missile defenses that drove the Russians out of Afghanistan, and as in Nam it is internal politics that are pulling us out. They haven’t won militarily and can’t’ if we decide to fight to win, since that isn’t going to happen we are better off pulling out. The same type of people in the States (in come cases the same people) forced us out of Nam are forcing us out of the Middle East, unfortunately for them the jihadists will come over here after us, something Charlie didn’t.

  10. Truthiocity, I have many thoughts on how to flush the buggers out, but wouldn’t feel safe talking about them online, don’t want to tip the enemy off-loose lips and all that. I know a few hard as nails gay blokes, and some feirsom disel dykes who would rip these cockroaches a new one after buggering them to within an inch of their worthless lives. Man would that be some thing to film, hang on I think I’ve discovered a new sub genre of porn, retribution porn LMFAO. 😉

  11. Gay bashing accomplishes nothing good. After a while the gays will just become tougher. Then the bashers will be bashed & it will be karmic.

    May be these Muslim should understand why people become gay such as competition and such. The gays always say straights make them. they assume it is thru sex & it is their DNA. It is more like the rough & tumble of competition for resources. This has been shown by economists. Like any thing that is complicated (people) there is more than 1 failure mode. That is there is more than 1 reason people are gay.

    Beating someone up side the head won’t get you anything except bashed back eventually.

  12. Hktony

    Most Afghans had given up by early 1986. Only battlefield successes of 1986 encourage the bulk to come back to the battlefield. The Stinger was introduced at this time.

    The Afghans were tough, but in the end they are simply people. Sooner or later you can grind anyone down. The Russians almost did it.

  13. I like the Decoy system. So long the courts can take the case load so the police’s work is not in vain, this is great.