Will Free Gaza implode due to anti-Semitism scandal?

It was always clear they were a left wing neo-Nazi group and greta berlin particularly, is a Jew hating witch.

10/11/2012 04:20

Analysis: Critics slam Movement founder for posting on Twitter blaming Zionists for Holocaust.

Greta Berlin Photo: Reuters The Free Gaza Movement, a pro-Palestinian group that seeks to break Israel’s legal blockade of the Gaza Strip, is embroiled in an anti-Semitism scandal that has produced rifts within the group as well as intense criticism from Middle East experts.

Greta Berlin, the US co-founder of FGM, posted on Twitter in late September that “Zionists operated the concentration camps and helped murder millions of innocent Jews.”

the rest here: www.jpost.com

9 Replies to “Will Free Gaza implode due to anti-Semitism scandal?”

  1. Head bolt in the nut factory comes to mind! And to make matters worse, the hard left is full of em!
    Oh how terrible It must be for them that the Jews unlike the Christians throughout the ME are able and actually willing to fight for their own patch of land!

    Wonder what is happening with the tiny minority of Christians in Gaza these days?

  2. Rob, the Jews didn’t get aid from the Americans until after the Yom Kippur war (KIssinger wanted them to fail) The Jews will fight on regardless; the Americans get that and admire that, but the Europeans, who contribute only to the Islamists (who’d love to conquer the Eurotrash! lol), seem perversely obsessed with the Jews, and have come to the oh-so comfortable conclusion that it’s Israel’s fault and if she went under the Muslims would play nice with the Euro-cowards. That ain’t going to happen! But the Eurotrash will keep on playing the Danegeld and directly their anger towards Israel when it really should be the Imperialist Muslims.

    Eurotrash girl, London (will be emigrating to the real West very soon!)

  3. Oh, and Rob, you Irish are currently living off the German working classes (not a smart move, lol), and attracting money and Islamic bonds from Saudi and the gulf states, places whose main objective is to spread sharia…lol…whoever said the Irish weren’t bright!

    Eurotrash girl, london

  4. Free Gaza Movement: same acronym used for something equally unpleasant, Female Genital Mutilation.
    How apt!

  5. Molly: Sorry to disappoint you pal, but why should anyone including the Euro-trash give a flying hoot about the Palis -other than the self interest groups? Do their Muslim brothers care? No! They keep them in refugee camps and then use their plight to justify the harassment of Non Muslims in the ME and also to justify the Islamization of the West, Europe in particular! Sorry again but why should the Euro-trash be obsessed with the Jews? Are the Eurotrash obliged to always hate or luve some group or other so that the like of you can label them as Euro-trash or worse and then claim victim-hood by proxy? How about dropping the conceit- the opposite to hate is not luve- but indifference. Painful and all as it may be, but most the Euro-trash are indifferent. Deal with it, pal!

  6. Molly during every war but the war of independence the US has sent munitions to Israel, sometimes it was covertly and sometimes overtly but we sent it.

    Rob that depends on how much ammo has been stockpiled and how hard the enemy fights, pray we never find out the answer to your question.

  7. So this woman is a Jewish hating and Palestine has to pay for her folly? I dont have a problem with Israel or Jewish people (I went to school with kids from Israel here in Mexico City and they are like any other human) what I have a problem with is people from Israel thinking it is ok to attack civilians for whatever reason. First: they didn’t like it when they did it to them back in WWII and second because that creates martirs and gives extremists an excuse to attack Israel. From what I heard people in Israel and Palestine want peace. Besides Europe frowns upon Israels actions Nd the Us

  8. The Us is becoming more educated and starting to learn about Israel’s atrocities. Lets not kid ourselves.. Israel needs the US to fight. And just a side comment: I am from Mexico (I await your stupid racist coments with delight) and idk why but there is a lot of Israeli comandos or soldiers working for the cartels down here and despite the fame of the Israeli man as a strong fighter, they always get killed by the army and police down here. Then why are they so deadly.when they mess with civilians in Gaza? Just a thought.