Stephen Coughlin: A detailed explanation of leftist strategy to destroy America, and every aspect of our identities

The following is a wild ride with Maj. (Ret) Stephen Coughlin, Sam Dubé and I did a 3 hour and change session with the retired US military intel analyst on the strategy and the history of the strategy which is the overarching method-of-thought of the enemies of civilization. Having more or less focus-grouped this session, I can say with some confidence that it has been watched all the way through and understood by the people who have seen it so far. Also they have expressed a greater understanding of the events taking place today for having seen this session.

All of the jargon which Stephen often uses in his shorter briefs is well explained and examples are drawn by Stephen and the other participants from recent and current events as a way of showing the application of the strategies used against us, that Stephen details.

In the following brief and Q&A with retired Military Intel officer, Maj. (Ret.) Stephen Coughlin, Vlad Tepes and Dr. Sam Dubé go through the detailed analysis of the leftist strategy which defines the tactics they use to not just destroy the West, but manage to get most of us to assist them in destroying the west as unwitting Controlled Opposition.

The following three hours is a riveting conversation and brief with Maj. Coughlin, discusisng how so many of our modern concepts have been cons to maneauver us away from real science and understanding to a place of uncertainty, where reality itself can be “liquified” by the left such that we have to accept whatever narratives they throw at us.

Where real science is a crime, and ‘sceintism’, the kind of language we saw during the Covid pandemic, not to mention global warming and ‘gender theory’ become compulsory, and deviance from these narratives can result in the state use of force against all who resist.

Personally i have been through this three times and working through it again to make a TOC in order to find specific points more quickly in the future. I’ll post what I have so far, but only up to 50 minutes.

RAIR Foundation has a good write up on Stephen with some of the points detailed in this session as well.

Some of the points in the first 50 minutes:

10:00 Stephen’s wife in the pentagon when its attacked on 911

16:30 Islamic Days of Rage from the Danish Cartoons to Pro-Hamas demonstrations today

18:00 President is not really in control. Arguing about Biden’s dementia is maintaining the narrative

18:45 Klaus Schwab along with Biden are people we are allowed to orient against

20:00 Afghan troop suicide rates higher than combat kill rates

20:25 Days of rage explained in terms of Danish cartoon riots

23:00 DEI is an attack on the military

28:20 on Gramsci

29:50 Hegel implemented Plato abstract.

30:00 Hegel coins the term Aufhaben, meaning to create and destroy at the same time and is a violation of the law of identity and is the root of cancel-culture.

38:20 ANTIFA and the Jacobins equivalence

44:30 knowing dialectics is a win and Marx doesnt matter is because Marxism just an application of dialectics.

48 minutes we get into the Gaza pro Hamas anti America protests across colleges


About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

18 Replies to “Stephen Coughlin: A detailed explanation of leftist strategy to destroy America, and every aspect of our identities”

  1. I stayed with you patriots for the entirety. I also stayed up until 3:15 in the morning, watching Foxy News when Donald J. Trump, was so far ahead in the swing states to win the 2020 election.

    Thank you Stephen for your remarkable insight.

    Thank you Sam for hosting and thank you Vlad for just being you.

    I would like to remind Canadians of Maurice Strong, the Canadian billionaire who was an appointment of and friend of Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Strong was a Claus Schwab’s mentor. He was a key promoter of the scientifically flawed theory of man made global climate crisis. He was the chairman of the 1972 Earth Day UN Stockholm Conference. He promoted population reduction and collapsing the economy. He was a corrupt, evil peoplekind.

    I would also like to point out that Justine Trudeau has appointed a Muslim woman as Canada’s Hate Speech Czar and a Muslim man as Canada’s Attorney General and Justice Minister. Canada is at this point in time a Christian country.

    I thank God for men like you.

  2. Excellent and long presentation. I’ve listened up to 2:30 minutes x2. Twenty minutes to go.
    First, I think that Biden is physically feeble but has dementia? I’m not convinced.
    I think he part of the demoralizing strategy. You don’t need much acting skills to pull that one off. Joe Biden – Trevor Loudon – KeyWiki – Left Side Bar – Contents

  3. Maj. (Ret.) Stephan Coughlin mentioned Article IV, Section 4 on the U.S. Constitution
    Section 4 Republican Form of Government

    The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against domestic Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

    MICAH 4,4

    Each man will sit under his own vine or his own fig tree, with none to cause alarm.
    The Lord of Hosts himself has spoken.

    MICAH 4,4 – The Meaning of Liberty and the American Founding
    FEE – 14 years ago

    Ronald Reagan: “I Am Paying for this Microphone” (1980)
    Then President-candidate Ronald Reagan delivers his famous line during the 1980 Republican debate in New Hampshire.

  4. From Xanthippa:

    Wanted to post this important datapoint to your site, but keep getting blocked:

    Note: a few days ago, this site published a most excellent podcast, The 5th Doctor, with an interview of Major Stephen Coughlin. One points Mr. Coughlin made was that one vector of attack was against India in general and the Mohdi government in particular. That is what makes this article important:

    ‘Matter of grave concern’: PM Modi on ‘Pakistan support’ for Rahul Gandhi, Arvind Kejriwal

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday spoke about the endorsement to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal by Pakistan and said it is a “matter of grave concern and calls for a thorough investigation”. PM Modi, in an interview to news agency IANS said, “I don’t understand why some select group of people, apparently those who harbour animosity against us, get endorsements from Pakistan, why voices of support emanate from there, for certain individuals.”

  5. We are corralled, and there is no time, so let’s move on?
    Not so for Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. He’s moving on. Forward 🙂

    “Let My People Go” Interview: Nation-State Vulnerability Expert Jeff Lenberg Details Election Machine “Instrumentation” That Manipulates Results Up and Down Ballots
    by Jim Hoft – May 26, 2024

    You only thought Moses said this … but it is really Professor Clements …
    “Let My People Go’ is a phrase that originates in the Book of Exodus 5:1…
    JovanHuttonPulitzer, August 22, 2023

    David Clements – JovanHuttonPulitzer

    Corralling & Silos – MSM & Alternative Media
    THE UGLY TRUTH Tearing Apart The Conservative Movement
    How It Is Planned and Accomplished
    OFFICIAL Jovan Hutton Pulitzer – Steamed on January 15, 2024

    Jovan Hutton Pulitzer is not moving on. See 🙂
    The Safest Election Ever – YOU DECIDE! The REAL Findings of the Arizona 2020 Audit
    OFFICIAL Jovan Hutton Pulitzer – April 18, 2024

  6. Bananastan Afghanistan.

    And I’m going to watch the entire 3+ hours again.

    All I’ve got to say is it’s a doggone good thing that I’ve been keeping up with Stephen Coughlin’s output since before he was “purged.” Additionally, my interest in this subject matter goes back to my high school days when I chose for my very first term paper the 1949 Mao terror in China, Chiang Kai-shek, and Sun Yat Sen.

    No, I’m not Chinese, Asian, or otherwise Oriental.

    Matriculated in So. Cal., back in the days when the Calif. school system was something to be proud of.

    • I’m making my way through the FEE presentation.

      Do yourselves a favor, as I have done, and listen to it, digest it, take notes, and then listen to it again.

      Juxtaposing the FEE lecture with the contents of Maj. Coughlin’s 3-hour presentation, I’m shocked to realize how far — as a people — we’ve degenerated, but also how favored by God’s mercy and grace we’ve been and still ARE.
      After all, we are still here — God’s not finished with us (though some are reaching the point of no return).

      Thank you, Vlad, for sharing these with us.

  7. Saul Alinsky – Trevor Loudon – KeyWiki

    Msgr. Jack Egan (9 October 1916 – 19 May 2001)
    Msgr. Jack Egan: activist, reformer, a ‘city’s conscience’
    by Tim Unsworth – Special to the National Catholic Reporter Chicago
    June 1, 2001


    Alinsky, author of the pivotal book Reveille for Radicals (University of Chicago Press, 1947) contacted Egan through his friend, Jacques Maritain, the famous French convert and Thomist philosopher, who taught briefly at the University of Chicago.

    Alinsky and Egan initiated a friendship that would last until Alinsky’s death in 1972.

    Alinsky strengthened Egan’s resolve.

    “Make up your mind, Jack,” Alinsky said, “whether you want to be a priest or a bishop. All other decisions will flow from that one.”

    Religious Symbols Covered Up When President Obama Spoke at a Catholic University
    by Bret Baier – April 16, 2009

    Video: Cardinal Raymond Burke
    Obama Notre Dame Controversy – May 15, 2009

    Dozen Arrested During Obama’s Notre Dame Visit
    Associated Press – May 17, 2009

  8. Rewind … Days of Rage 1969 – The Weather Underground

    Bill Ayers – Trevor Loudon – KeyWiki
    Contents – Left Sidebar – See #3

    Quentin Young – Trevor Loudon – KeyWiki
    Contents – Left Sidebar – See #29

    Days of Rage 1969 – Weathermen, SDS – Anti-God Communist Spirit Behind Occupy and ANTIFA – Texas Liberty Advocate Network Alert – May 22, 2017
    See Description Box

    Larry Grathwohl: Remembering an American Hero a Year Later
    by Mary Grabar – July 18, 2014

    Larry Grathwohl – FBI Informant – Weather Underground Infiltrator
    Bob NothingMoreNothingLess – October 10, 2020
    Larry David Grathwohl was born on October 13, 1947 and sadly dies on July 18, 2013.

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