Peer Review Proof that the events surrounding the Covid ‘pandemic’ including the vaxx was a dangerous lie, and proof that the evidence is being deleted from the public record: Links 1 for April 18, 2024

In the last post I promised some material from Alex Berenson and then promptly forgot to include it. So here it is:

1. Why I’m pushing on the lab leak again

The evidence for a lab leak is now overwhelming, thanks to the release of grant proposals and emails from Americans connected with the Wuhan laboratory, as well as technical work that shows how Sars-Cov-2 was likely assembled.

No one talks about trying to find the natural animal host of Sars-Cov-2 anymore. The virologists must have realized they sounded as absurd as O.J. Simpson when he promised to find his ex-wife’s real killer. (Rest in peace, O.J. And by peace, I mean hell.)

So why I have picked up the chase again?

After all, articles like yesterday’s about coronavirus researcher Dr. Ralph Baric and Friday’s focusing on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s denial of knowing Baric are time-consuming to research and write. I try to make them accessible, but the details of Baric’s work have an irreducible scientific complexity that can make them hard to read.

And for all the work they take, they can generate fewer comments or likes than other articles.

So why do I think this line of investigation is more important than ever?

First, the truth is coming out.

A ragtag group of civilian detectives armed with little more than Freedom of Information Act requests has unlocked the connections between American scientists and the Chinese lab. Their progress comes despite stonewalling (and flat-out lying) by nearly everyone involved and the media’s studied disinterest.

2. Ten years ago, microbiologist Ralph Baric told Tony Fauci and the world he would make coronaviruses more lethal. Then – with Fauci’s backing – he did.

Baric, who worked hand-in-glove with the lab in Wuhan from which Sars-Cov-2 likely leaked, also insisted the government keep its rules on coronaviruses loose so he could tinker with them more easily. […]

As I explained in Part One, the National Institutes of Health put the day-long event together during an outbreak of a novel coronavirus called MERS-Cov, which was highly lethal but not very transmissible.

A complete video of the conference is publicly available here. For anyone interested in understand the science – and the scientists – that may have led to Covid, it is a six-hour must-watch.

About 50 people attended the event. They included leading coronavirus researchers, as well as Peter Daszak and members of his EcoHealth Alliance, and federal officials concerned about infectious diseases. But Baric was without doubt the star of the show.

He made the first presentation, then another after lunch. He rarely went more than a few minutes without asking questions. He had earned the role. After earning a PhD in microbiology from North Carolina State University in 1982, Baric turned to infectious disease research.

3. Related: Regona Watteel does update on Fizman’s fraudulent study which he has updated in what appears to be a lot of doubling down and arse covering. The thing that really gets me, is doubling down on the idea that those that did not take a vaccine against a particular virus, are a threat to those who did. In other words, people who took a vaccine against a virus, are at risk of getting the virus they are immunized against, from those who didn’t take the vaccine, which negates 100% the entire purpose of vaccines. Actually reverses it. People who took the shots, if Fizman’s newest BS is to be believed, are more susceptible to the virus due to those who didn’t take it, which means people who don’t want the virus are far better off not taking it.

That much is actually true as Stats Canada actually demonstrates when you adjust their data to remove the false masses of people who are included in the default set from before the vaccine existed.

Anyway… Redacted with Regina:

4. Alberta updates mRNA booster guidance to every three months, starting with six-month-old babies

As of Monday, Alberta Health Services (AHS) has updated its guidance on mRNA COVID-19 booster shots to every three months, beginning with six-month-old babies. 

That works out to about 320 doses for the average lifespan. 

“Starting April 15, 2024, select groups of Albertans at high risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19 will be eligible for an additional dose,” AHS wrote on its website. 

According to Alberta health officials, “All vaccines are safe, effective and save lives,” and it doesn’t matter if a patient takes a COVID-19 booster before, after, or at the same time as a flu shot. 

That goes for babies as young as six months old. 

Looks like Danielle Smith has a lot of work to do sweeping up the deep state if indeed that is her intention.

5. I really hope everyone watches this 21 minute video of John Campbell’s featuring a speech in the UK Parliament by MP Andrew Bridgen.

But I have an ask of all who do please.

While watching him, run this quote by George Orwell through your heads and see if it fits his observations:

“Those who control the past, control the future. Those who control the present, control the past.” -George Orwell.

Thank you all for checking out this site

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Usurper of the United States:

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

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