MUST WATCH: Muslim sect in Italy promises global war and a massacre of millions leading to an Islamic world

For the details on this, please see RAIR Foundation

Video is about eight minutes.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

2 Replies to “MUST WATCH: Muslim sect in Italy promises global war and a massacre of millions leading to an Islamic world”

  1. That is what MoHamMad promised 1400 years ago! “global war and a massacre of millions leading to an Islamic world”
    They all despise, murder, and make war on all non-Mozlems and all other Mozlem sects too!
    Members of one Islamic group do not usually recognize members of other Islamic groups as valid or true fellow Moslems, and open conflict between sects has been a normal course of practice throughout Islam’s history.
    They all believe that anyone of any other Muslim Sect other than their own Sect, are considered to be hypocrites and apostates or ‘murtadeen’ (not really ‘Muslim’) Islam has around 73 different sects remaining in existence, and all of the different sects despise and murder each other and they all make war upon one another because: “They do not believe as we do”. They each have their own versions of Shariah Law. There were many hundreds more Mozlem Sects in the past, but Islam brought the “Peace of Islam” to all those ‘missing’ Sects!

    Islam has been AT WAR WITH THE ENTIRE WORLD ever since Mohammad invaded Medina. Moslems have been at war with themselves, ever since they broke up into different sects, shortly after its founder Mohammad died. It has been: Shiah vs. Sunni vs. Brelvi Sunni vs. Deobandi Sunni vs. Wahabi Sunni vs. Sufi Sunni vs. Twelver Shiah vs. Zaydi Shiah vs. Ismaili Shiah vs. Alawi vs. Ibadi vs. Druze vs. Ahmadiyya… and on ad nauseam!

    By Moslem Standards: “Success” is measured by what they have done to affect your “status” with them.
    (A.) Whether they have converted you, by any and all means.
    (B.) Subjected you to a Dhimmi-Slave status and you have paid the annual 30% or more and it is called the Jizyah Tax: a ransom for your head as ‘Protection Money’, you will receive absolutely no benefit as a non-Moslem. It is imposed on non-Moslems who live under Moslem rule. (Dhimmis)
    (C.) Cut off your hand and foot on opposite sides, (the same as if you were caught as a thief).
    (D.) or enslaved as an actual slave.
    (E.) Killed you!