Truth becoming more overtly criminalized and banned: Links 1 for September 27th, 2023

1. Dr Campbell: Vaxxed Vs unvaxxed overall death rate. Dr. campbell does his new normal form of samizdat on this one.

2. This is interesting. A second Sikh found dead in Canada. Some opportunistic killing of Sikh terrorists or gangsters while everyone is blaming India? Or would India do a second ‘extra-judicial’ killing in Canada right when all intel and political agents are starting it in the face. Or not related at all.

3. Speaking of India, here is some Indian propaganda against Trudeau. They are predictably going after the ancient Nazi trotted out into Parliament to a Standing O. What is infuriating to this author, isn’t that Parliament made a mistake in their failure to vet an ancient Nazi, who indeed should be on trial to see if he committed what his regiment most certainly did, but that Trudeau has passed a series of bills deconstructing the fundamentals of our democracy and there is no outrage about that. I don’t give a damn about who clapped for who, or who has the clap for that matter. What I care about is that a parent who tries to talk his prepubescent son from being castrated chemically and surgically and being alchemically transformed into a monster in the name of ‘trans-rights‘ is now committing a crime. And that under the fake rubric of “Anti Conversion-therapy”.

But here is India mocking Trudeau for highly mockable things, but truly, all of them are the least of the issues. Much like the Cocaine in the White house, a distraction from removing all border controls and otherwise dismantling the United States.

Poland is taking it seriously though. But dialectical Jewish organizations are not. Which tells you everything you need to know about far leftist revolutionary agencies bearded with Judaism.

4. Anyone who does not understand the essence of evil coming from this video, needs to read 1984 or at least watch the movie. This is nothing short of the demonization and even criminalization of truth itself.

Elon hits back at the EU with the most unfashionable, and increasingly criminal means available. Truth.

5. From time to time, phoney surveys are created by revolutionary think tanks and disseminated amongst the Canadian public in order to achieve one or more preselected goals and use them as launch points for oppressive policy. In fact one was sent out yesterday with the first few questions seeming to be reasonable, but by the last question it was obviously meant to connect gun owners with sabre toothed knuckle draggers who beat women and hate non-whites and supported individual freedom, the mark of the savage. But earlier this summer, a survey went out to some Canadians to try and create results that Canadians really support, want and need a CBDC for Canada. The questions may have even been posted on this site actually. In any case, the Bank of Canada is now using this ‘data’ for policy as predicted. You can read it here.

It’s too bad we can’t send them a questionnaire. Things like, “How are CBDCs in any way more convenient or liberating to the user than say, tapping your phone or credit or bank card against a terminal? I would want to see the answer to that before I would bother thinking of any other questions.


Thank you for checking out this site.

Here is an interview with the makers of a new documentary on the Transgender issue. Have not seen it yet. Please do leave your comments on this post for the benefit of other readers.

And what a great truck sign

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

4 Replies to “Truth becoming more overtly criminalized and banned: Links 1 for September 27th, 2023”

  1. “But dialectical Jewish organizations are not. Which tells you everything you need to know about far leftist revolutionary agencies bearded with Judaism.“
    Absolutely correct! Horrific! Atheist “jinos” attacked religious Jews in the street in Tel Aviv over Yom Kippur.
    A very informative video at Rabbi Yossi Mizrachi tells all you need to know about the grip of Marxism/ nazism has in Israel.

  2. 4- She says they must prepare for Russian interference before the next European election. How very convenient it is to raise this flag. It provides great latitude to call foul should the election not go your way. Predictable.