The Maoist state tightens its infrastructure across the Anglosphere: Links 1 for May 27th, 2023

Before we start today’s list, a few words to the masses who woke up during Covid and the vaxx mandates.

The line of effort against Western institutions intended to protect individual rights did not start with Covid or the push to force people to take an experimental and dangerous substance. For that matter, the purpose was the force, not the substance injected. To remove that societal and legal stop which would allow a government to do anything it wants, from sterilizing and making monsters out of your children in the name of trans-rights, to forcing you to take dangerous drugs or lose all you have worked for, right to encouraging you (for the moment, just encourage) to let the state take your life from you as “assisted suicide” or MAiD. Please think on this: “Anti-vaxxer is just the newest form of “racist” or Islamophobe”. When anyone pointed at the very very real hatred and lethal & often genocidal supremacy of Islam in its own scripture, people were destroyed as Islamophobes, exactly as real science was, when it contradicted the narratives on the vaxx. And again, we must emphasize, there is only one metric at play that matters. Revolutionary Vs. Counter-revolutionary. And when Trudeau and his ilk use terms like “Disinformation” what they really mean in their initiate language way, is any information which runs contrary to the ambitions of the revolution, or threatens the absolute power of the state to determine what is truth. The fact that information may be factually correct means nothing except maybe makes it worse for the truth teller.

Almost exactly like the Islamic concept of slander. A person on trial in a sharia court is adjudicated on the extent to which the statement under investigation is a threat to the supremacy of Islam, or what light it casts Islam in, and has nothing to do with how truthful the statement being examined is. And communism works exactly the same way.

I find when I speak about Islam to people who have woken up to the new political reality recently, I can sense how uncomfortable it makes people feel. They really think we went from a sane, reality and law based society to a fully Marxist one over one issue. Covid measures. To all activists who believe they want to fight back against the galloping totalitarian state whcih is engulfing all of Westeern Civilization, you need to understand that there is an overarching strategy to destroy us all and it has been applied across many seemingly different issues. Using real science to debunk Global Warming is actually quite easy. Like showing people how the Quoran itself is a hate filled tome of war, just by flipping through an honest translation, one can notice that not a single prediction of climate-alarmists has come true. Not one in what, 40 years? But to do so brands you a “climate denier’ with real world consequences to your life. Truth is illegal now, even if it isn’t quite reflected in courts yet. But it will be in the practical reality of your life as we see clearly in the Tommy Robinson video posted yesterday. Or maybe we should ask Julian Assange.

The answer is to make reality legal again.

And this applies to criticism of Islam and all other systems of organization of humanity as much as Covid measures. To be blunt, the whole point of freedom of speech was to be able to criticize political and religious authority in order to keep it in check. The left managed to merge blasphemy laws of Islam with what they call, “hate-speech” and make damn sure that criticism, the main weapon of the left, was theirs and theirs alone. Please keep that in mind when you watch the following item on the BBC, and all the testimony we posted about the CBC over the past week and for that matter, over a decade exposing CBC dialectics. The very deliberate shaping of all issues into narratives to force a conclusion by the observer with no basis in truth, but moving the culture eternally to the left.

“With the left, the point is never the point, the revolution is always the point”.

Try to remember that when you watch pretty much any MSM broadcast media today.

1. BBC creates department of protection from disinformation

Note that the censor uses the standard initiate language, all of which means censoring counter-revolutionary speech given that anti-lockdown protests likely have nothing to do with racism or ‘misogyny’ as anyone else would understand the term. Trudeau does precisely the same thing.

2. Croatian MEP on the WHO deal to remove the last vestigial traces of human rights and nationhood

3. Dr. Lt. Col. Pete Chambers on the invasion of the US via the Mexican border

4. Jamie Sarkonak: Is wokeness driving CSIS’s new approach to counter-terrorism?

(The title alone should help people to understand that we have experienced a Marxist/Leninist/Maoist revolution and the institutions of state are being adjusted accordingly.)

alf of the country’s counter-terrorism resources are dedicated to ideological threats, says the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS). With such a strong focus, it’s worthwhile to ask whether CSIS is a hammer in search of a nail.  

The growth of interest in the ideological positions of Canadians by intelligence officials has been rapid in recent years and coincides with the federal government’s push to integrate diversity, equity and inclusion into all aspects of the public service. Now, in its most recent public report, CSIS says that “ideologically-motivated violent extremism” is a significant threat to Canada, on par with religious extremism.

Indeed, COVID misinformation is included as a threat factor to Canada, along with Chinese interference and targeting by ISIL, or DAESH. From a distance, it’s hard to say whether this is actually a rising threat, or whether CSIS is simply expanding the scope of national security to appear more inclusive. It’s a distinction that should be made clear.  

Ideological extremism of concern is classified by CSIS into four categories: xenophobia, anti-authority sentiments, anti-identity and anti-gender sentiments, and “other” ideological motivations. The final “other” category would include environmental and typically left-wing motivations like environmentalism, though CSIS has said this does not include actions like Indigenous rail blockades.  

It’s not exactly clear where the wrongthink ends and the national security threats begin. CSIS is concerned about the spread of ideas: ongoing national debates, conspiracy theories and personal grievances are all factors the spy agency is now concerned about. Similarly, misinformation and disinformation are on this year’s list of threat factors, among other post-pandemic concerns.  

“The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated xenophobic and anti-authority narratives,” says the report. “Violent extremists continue to exploit the pandemic by amplifying false information about government measures, the COVID-19 vaccine and the virus itself on the internet. These narratives have contributed to efforts to undermine trust in the integrity of government and confidence in scientific expertise.”  

Most of these things aren’t actually threats to national security in the everyday sense. When the agency boasts that half of its resources are going towards issues like these, it’s reasonable to wonder if it’s for a reason other than “equity.”  

PLEASE click through and read the whole article.

5. New law to prevent protesting of any deviant sexual behaviour or promotion in Canada:



The Schedule enacts the 2SLGBTQI+ Community Safety Zones Act, 2023. The Act provides that the Attorney General may designate 2SLGBTQI+ community safety zones. The Act prohibits persons from performing an act of intimidation within 100 metres of the boundary of a property that is designated as a 2SLGBTQI+ community safety zone.

Every person who contravenes the prohibition is guilty of an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of not more than $25,000.


The Schedule enacts the Ontario 2SLGBTQI+ Safety Advisory Committee Act, 2023 which provides for the establishment and composition of an Ontario 2SLGBTQI+ Safety Advisory Committee. The Act requires the Ontario 2SLGBTQI+ Safety Advisory Committee to make recommendations with respect to various matters relating to improving the safety of and preventing hate crimes and hate motivated incidents against Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and additional sexually and gender diverse people in Ontario. The Act also requires an annual report setting out the findings and recommendations of the Ontario 2SLGBTQI+ Safety Advisory Committee.

People may or may not know that there are ‘bubble zones’ near abortion clinics where no protests may take place. Theoretically, just protests of abortions. But a priest was arrested within the zone for having a sign simply about the right of freedom of speech. So clearly protesting a law limiting freedom of speech within these zones is also not permitted. It effectively turns abortion clinics, and now any place designated an LGBTQ etc. zone into a kind of beachhead, where one ideology and belief is totally supreme and all opposition is prohibited.


Also related:

From 2018

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

3 Replies to “The Maoist state tightens its infrastructure across the Anglosphere: Links 1 for May 27th, 2023”

  1. Vlad, thank you for your insightful essay on the Aspen forest.

    Viewpoints contrary to revolutionary narratives will be deemed hateful or “far right.” They are proven on target because they take fire.

    Seeing the issues separately is divisive, while seeing them as components of a single revolution will unify hundreds of millions of people.

    Islam and Globalism are, firstly, narcissistic. No challenges can be tolerated, let alone discussed, lest their fragile architectures be exposed.

    As long as we can speak on platforms such as this we have a chance. If we are cut off from each other we will become isolated villages, four days ride through Crow Creek Pass by mule.

  2. 5. — It reminds me of the “sharia zones” in Europe with those yellow stickers.

    • Yep. Islam and leftism both use “Liberating Tolerance”, which is a clever phrase for what is at the end of the day, begging for tolerance which morphs into demands to submit to their supremacy.

      In other words, beachheads