Edmonton attacker and ethnicity named so police do not seem evasive

From Global News:

Thirty-year-old Abdulahi Sharif of Edmonton is the man being held in connection with Saturday night’s vehicle attacks in Alberta’s capital, multiple sources told Global News.

Sources said Sharif is expected to be charged with five counts of attempted murder as well as terrorism-related charges after an Edmonton police officer was hit by a car and stabbed outside Commonwealth Stadium and several people were hit by a U-Haul van in downtown Edmonton.

From Edmonton Sun Twitter Feed:


About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

11 Replies to “Edmonton attacker and ethnicity named so police do not seem evasive”

  1. Does anyone else find it sort of odd that a refugee claimant owned a car? I ask because according to the CBC, the suspect was the owner of the car that was used to hit the police officer Did he come here with suitcases full of cash, or did he get some startup funding from the Bank of Jihad?

  2. A refugee awaiting a claim for citizenship, AND known to police as a jihadist. Is Trudeau THAT desperate for vote-buying?

    Doesn’t really inspire a lot of faith in our police and government, especially now that the Canadian government doesn’t take border integrity seriously.

    • This so called backlash has really run its course. Someone putting bacon on your door gets a prison sentence but, let us not make a single sentence about your cult because that would lead to “Islamophobia”.
      M-103 is extremely dangerous, not just for Canada but for the entire western world.
      Do Canadians understand how significant M-103 is?

      • No. Most haven’t even heard of it, and those who have underestimate its danger by orders of magnitude.