About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

24 Replies to “One German has had enough, and makes it clear”

  1. Interesting, I wonder how many more feel that way and are they getting organized to do something about the invasion?

    • …I wonder how many more feel that way and are they getting organized to do something about the invasion?

      Think about it this way: How many American voters made clear their intention to vote for Trump?

      Now, extrapolate over to: How many indigenous Germans are willing to make clear their intolerance for these Nafris? (Nafris = North Africans)

      All that remains is a vague hope to anticipate-in-advance when everybody—in Germany or Europe—like Hagen Grell, finally reaches the boiling point. Thereafter, cattle cars, camps, ovens, and smoking chimneys will begin to loom rather ominously on the horizon of modern-day Germany or the EU (and with very little surprise).

      Finally, individuals like the legendary Anne Frank were (generally) far more difficult to pick out from among the regular population of pre-WWII Europe. These ever-so-pleasing and delightfully behaved Nafris tend to STICK OUT LIKE A SORE THUMB and—with infuriating frequency—behave accordingly.

      Guess what happens when indigenous rage boils over and looks for the most conspicuous source of their ongoing torment? At that point, EU apparatchiks will sigh with relief that the Nafris—which they enabled with such Politically Correct verve and gusto—have become the easily discernible and prime targets for those venting the long-pent-up-rage that is so deserving of expression.

      As Hagen Grell demands that these EU termites recognize: “That North African will be on your conscience, then. Because you made him believe that he is the king, even though he is not.”

      Who amongst those voracious EU termites will ever experience even a moment’s frisson of doubt or guilt that they, may well have, precipitated the Muslim holocaust?

      • As an amateur historian I can say I have a very clear picture on what is going to happen, once the Moslems, not just the Nafris but all Moslems are gone (and probably before) the search will be on for those who betrayed Germany, France etc. For a good look at what is the most likely action against the politicians read “A Tale of Two Cities”, or failing that any honest history book on the terror that followed the French Revolution. It took Napoleon and a Dictatorship to end the terror.

        FYI: The French Revolution was Karl Marx’s insperation for Communism and it also inspired Fascism.

        Joseph Fouché, Napoleons spymaster created the first modern secret police with all of the powers and crimes of the Gestapo, Stasi or KGB.

  2. ‘Halt sagt NEIN’


    Now if only there were enough military-age Germans to back him up who weren’t LGTB-alphabet wusses.

      • is not denigration.He is in his bathroom, speaking instead to action;his country is in deep trouble and he sits like a chicken in the bathroom trying to “do something”
        How it is possible to let a mad woman to embed so many terrorist and parasites muslims and do nothing about it??
        he is a coward like most of germans are.Slow minded and slow reacting people.
        I am very mad at them and merkel.It is the third time for them to destroy Europe.
        Nasty creatures indeed
        And at the end he is trying to get financial support for his videos… are you kidding me?

  3. G-rated, suitable for all ages.
    The Snowflake warning led me on, I figured PG-13. Entry-level reality awareness training? Nope, not even.

    The danger kids are facing is too serious. Nafri-cowards attack in packs, like hyenas. He won’t be facing one skinny little beggar, but 20. They’ll swarm all over him and set him on fire.

    • The question is, is he alone? Sadly I am afraid he is alone although there are signs that the German men are waking up and starting to act in defense of their families.

  4. From video time point — 02:38

    That North African will be on your conscience, then. Because you made him believe that he is the king, even though he is not.

    This justifiably outraged Teutonic alpha male’s rant is a delightful tidy summary of both Liberal enabling of predatory, invading, economic tourists, and the responsibility borne by all of those Willkommenskultur morons enrichment facilitators.

    This one Hagen Grell has clearly had a bellyful of Angela Merkel and the EU in general. His barely contained rage should serve as a bellwether for what awaits continued inaction and the sort of overt opposition that characterizes so much of EU attitudes towards indigenous Europeans.

    Plainly put, if Hagen Grell is found to be a railroad yardmaster of the cattle cars that hie these Nafris to the ovens deportation centers, I will be the last to either condemn or advocate any prosecution for him.

    Angela Merkel has committed a crime against humanity Hagen Grell and HE DESERVES AN ANSWER IN PLAIN LANGUAGE.

        • All this sloshing around in Holocaust keywords is unwholesome.

          I sincerely recognize and respect your objections, yucki. What’s happening in Germany and Europe is equally “unwholesome”.

          My use of the horrific icons that arose out of the Shoa are intended to wake people up to the looming catastrophe. There need not be a Muslim holocaust but, if Merkel and the EU parliament continue on-course, there will be little alternative.

          Relatives of mine died at the hands of the Nazis. I do not use this language lightly or jokingly. Quite the opposite. For me, there are very few (if any) comparable terms that can possibly convey the growing horror I feel while watching Europe careen headlong into what should otherwise be totally avoidable slaughter.

          I can only hope that this helps you to better understand my motives. Again, I do not take the Shoa lightly. Even the remote chance that any such thing should be visited upon Europe once again is appalling beyond all words. That Merkel and the EU’s apparatchiks apparently have no compunction about precipitating another round of this insane evil is repugnant in the extreme.

      • I seriously doubt that. Soap and lampshades – that´s so 1940s.

        How about organ harvesting just like ISIS is doing? Or child/sex trafficking like Hillary is getting rich from? There also seems to be an increased trend toward cannibalism by the elite(as well as an effort to normalise it).

        • Check out the article on the readers links for the 11th about growing a beating human heart from stem cells formed by scraping skin cells off the arm and working on them. This will kill the organ trade because the new organs will be from the DNA of the person needing the transplant, no rejection problem.

          • I honestly don´t think most of those harvested organs are for actual transplants.

            The subject of cannibalism keeps popping up more often. The following film actually won prizes and is to be released this March for our viewing pleasure. It´s not your run of the mill “horror” film and is being label “a coming of age” tale.

  5. I’ve nothing in particular against small men and many are very effective fighters but it’s true to say that most of these north Africans seem to be about 5’4 to 5’9 and 120 to 170 lbs. Just saying.

    • the NAFRI’s are small because of malnutrition and number.When a uterus gives birth to so many, the genetic material becomes scarce(mother is exhausted and that transmits to the fetus) and the food is consumed rapidly.Therefore in order to survive they have to adapt to a smaller number of kilo cal/ day.
      It is the same like in small islands we never find tall horses;there is only a finite amount of grass they can consume.

    • They usually choose easier prey. For example, 8 men rape a 14-year-old girl in the reception area of a migrant shelter in Erding, Germany.

  6. a few generations, free food,m lots of drugs & walla .. U got an NBA basketball 6’11” superstar .. eff me