A litany of entitlement, horror and corruption. The legacy media: Links 1 on November 14 – 2016

1, Top 5 at The Rebel.

2. Serbian border, migrants show an award winning sense of entitlement.

3. CNN cuts off Muslim woman trump supporter, and as usual, the cut off came as the CNN anchor was unable to keep her on the narrative.

4. 26 tedious minutes of Islamic State panty stains shooting guns and chanting in scribbly.

(They appear to be complaining about people fighting back)

5. Philippines: Duterte says if Islamic State comes to Philippines, forget human rights.

MANILA, Nov 14 (Reuters) – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte warned on Monday that Islamic State militants driven out of Syria and Iraq could set up in his country, and if that happened he would forego human rights obligations to keep his people safe.

Duterte said the southern Philippine province of Mindanao was already a hotbed of rebellion and banditry and he was worried about “looming terrorism” and an influx of extremists who could exploit the insecurity.

“Once the terrorists of the Middle East are deprived of the land area, the real estate area where they can sleep … they will wander to other places and they will come here and we have to prepare for that,” he said during a speech at a law enforcement agency.

“Remember, these guys, they do not have an iota of what is human rights, believe me. I will not just simply allow my people to be slaughtered for the sake of human rights, that’s bullshit.”

(For those who have not read The Road to Serfdom by Haye, here is a classic comics version of it, and below, as a Youtube animated short.

It pretty much explains Duterte. If anyone is to blame, its the Americans who put the rights of Muslims above the rights of the people who built civilization to defend themselves from them.)

6. Muslims in Windsor Ontario hold a quasi open house to reenforce misconceptions about Islam and try and get a tighter grip on the narrative.

Muslim women with the Islamic Circle of North America Sisters Canada put on an Islamic heritage exhibit at Windsor’s Optimist Community Centre so Windsorites could learn more about Islam.

The exhibit featured booths including the history of Islam, modern Islam, and what it’s like to be an Islamic woman. Attendees also got a chance to put on a hijab and have henna done for free.

Organizer Aliya Arif said she hoped to provide answers about Islam.

(ICNA is well documented as an Islamic Supremacist group. The fact that the CBC is hiding their dirty laundry for them shows that things in Canada are both worse than the media in the US, and not even worth a Wikileaks)

7. A video to help those who suffer from Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder.

In the comments earlier today, Perfect Child went and posted the lyrics to the Sting song, ‘Insha Allah”. It is well worth reading them to understand the major league sanctimony of that SOB. Someone who makes as much in an hour at a gig or festival than most of us make in 10 years. And he has the unbridled narcissism to cash in his holier-than-though chip at the expense of 90 tortured and dead.

Thank you to the many who helped with links and information today.

You know, the Trump victory really should tell us all something.

Its not in vain. Our work made a difference. We beat CNN. We beat MSNBC and even FOX minus Hannity.

Im working on a little essay about all this. But I wanted to say a special thanks to all of you who volunteer your time and efforts to post links to this site and add your thoughts and educate yourselves, each other and me.

We are the reason that the bastards are going after the internet next.

You will see why in the video we are uploading shortly from Poland.

So once again, thank you M., Johnny U., Kathy, Perfect Child, Wrath of Khan, Xanthippa, ML., NorseRadish, Richard, the good people at The Rebel.media, all who contribute their time, effort and treasure to this site and the work of this team. 


About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

13 Replies to “A litany of entitlement, horror and corruption. The legacy media: Links 1 on November 14 – 2016”

  1. 7/ I was scared to death Trump wouldn’t be allowed to win. In fact I was sick with fear.
    Of course I was rational and these TARDs are shills and hive-mind clowns.

    • You were rational most of the time, your main fault was that like the Trump protesters you were taking counsel of your fears. Remember General Patton said never do that. However it might help you to remember this toast

      “He either fears his fate too much,
      Or his desserts are small,
      Who dares not put it to the touch,
      To win or lose it all!”

      James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
      1612 to 1650
      Royalist General during the English Civil War

      • Blame it on Boston, where the insane are really, truly running the asylum.

        Now that I know the people of America are out there, somewhere to the west of Nantucket, I’m ok.

        Whatever happens from here on in, I’m game.

  2. 5 – Remember how I keep saying that I am afraid that civilization will be destroyed during this war? The statement and actions in the Philippines show why I fear this, the left has driven us so far from reality that only uncivilized action can save freedom but it will destroy civilization.

    How long before all non Moslem nations are taking the same attitude, and resort to the attitude of Kill them all, God will know his own?

  3. 6) “The fact that the CBC is hiding their dirty laundry for them shows that things in Canada are both worse than the media in the US, and not even worth a Wikileaks”

    We should not forget that Wikileaks originally targeted USA. Originally, there was no Wikileaks from China, no Wikileaks from Russia, no Wikileaks from Canada. It was a leftist project.

  4. btw . Assange was a hacker, and in my view he was and is an anarchist. So I do not get that some think him a hero. In my view he is a criminal.

    In 1987 Assange began hacking under the name Mendax.[17][29] He and two others—known as “Trax” and “Prime Suspect”—formed a hacking group they called the International Subversives.[17] During this time he hacked into the Pentagon and other US Department of Defense facilities, MILNET, the US Navy, NASA, and Australia’s Overseas Telecommunications Commission; Citibank, Lockheed Martin, Motorola, Panasonic, and Xerox; and the Australian National University, La Trobe University, and Stanford University’s SRI International.[30] He is thought to have been involved in the WANK (Worms Against Nuclear Killers) hack at NASA in 1989, but he does not acknowledge this.[31][32]

    In September 1991, Assange was discovered hacking into the Melbourne master terminal of Nortel, a Canadian multinational telecommunications corporation.[17] The Australian Federal Police tapped Assange’s phone line (he was using a modem), raided his home at the end of October,[33] and eventually charged him in 1994 with thirty-one counts of hacking and related crimes.[17] In December 1996, he pleaded guilty to twenty-five charges (the other six were dropped), was ordered to pay reparations of A$2,100 and released on a good behaviour bond,[31][34] avoiding a heavier penalty due to the perceived absence of malicious or mercenary intent and his disrupted childhood.[34][35][36][37][38]

  5. So once again, thank you M., Johnny U., Kathy, Perfect Child, Wrath of Khan, Xanthippa, ML., NorseRadish, Richard, the good people at The Rebel.media, all who contribute their time, effort and treasure to this site and the work of this team.

    Lest we forget … thank you, EEYORE, for the immense investment of time and energy that you have made on behalf of everyone here at Vlad Tepes Blog and throughout the free world. Without concerned individuals such as yourself, the chance that human rights and personal liberties might quietly slip through the ever-widening cracks that Liberals everywhere seek to open beneath our feet could just as easily go unnoticed.

    I, for one, am eternally grateful for all that you do in our name. May all that is good and worthy in this world look down and smile upon your ceaseless work to preserve Western Civilization.

    • To see the Muslims plight
      Ashamed before the might
      Of Muhammad’s moist delight
      That suffers light insight.

      And Collectivist endeavor
      That name will be thy tether
      Prescribed as life-forever
      A death to utter “never.”

      So walk alongside Eeyor
      Observe, add nothing more
      Than Reason to ensure
      The Family finds a cure.