Now this is a tattoo worthy of the pain and ink

I am sick and tired of seeing T shirts and bumper stickers that mock Christianity or Jesus as well as art work that does the same when all involved know the consequences for such ‘blasphemy’ is likely a government grant.

Now here is a tattoo that shows real courage and conviction. H/T Snaphanen

Motoon tattoo


About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

5 Replies to “Now this is a tattoo worthy of the pain and ink”

  1. The premise is outstanding! But whoever did that tattoo was drunk as hell!

  2. hilarious, I wouldn’t go that far, but want to wear a tshirt that says fuck islam, mohamad the pig pedophile and alah the devil god of cults

    Seniors these days…..just fed up with political correctness