About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

14 Replies to “At last. A judge admits that race and religion motivated Muslim pedophile rape and forced prostitution gangs”

  1. These Pakistanis have adopted the British values of grooming young children. They are the product of the British schooling with non-Muslim monolingual teachers. I have been doing Jihad in the field of education for the last 40 years so that each and every Muslim child should be in a state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. I would like to see Muslim children developing Cultural, linguistc and spiritual identies so that they could keep themselves away from western barbarity of anti-social behaviour, binge drinking, drug addiction, teen age pregnancies and abortion and lot of other evils but people like you do not want to see Muslim children in Muslim schools in the name of integration. Now you have seen the result in the form of sexual grooming of young children which is a commonon occurance in your culture.

    Is it any wonder? You have feckless parents having numerous children to different fathers. It has become the norm and their children repeat the cycle. There used to be a stigma to such behaviour, but no longer.Young people are bombarded with sexual imagery – you only have to look at people like Rihanna and other pop start to see that. Even the soaps legitimise young teens having sex – they all have young teenagers who have sex and who have babies. Where are the role models? Why aren’t young children encouraged to do something with their lives and take pride in achieving something?

    I’m surprised we’re not top! our teenagers are selfish, disgusting, loud, drunks and trouble makers when they are out and that includes girls.. This country’s youngsters are embarrasing and they are the same when they are abroad…I don’t know what’s happened… Why is this not surprising? most teenagers now days have terrible morals, horrible personalities and think that the most important thing in the world is looking good, being popular and being in a relationship. Most girls are fake looking and trashy and boys have lost that ‘gentleman’ quality about them. Teenagers nowadays are vile and I say this a NINETEEN year old. It disgusts me that being smart, virginal or sensible is seen as ‘stupid’ or ‘not cool’. It’s so sad.

    Western girls of 9 and 11 are haveing babies out of wedlock but they are not allowed to marry at such ages. Thanks to sex education in primary schools. Obviously a lot of people are ignorant about sex education in our primary schools, which is a lot more explicit than a display in Boots. Children are sexually aware at an early age and therefore are encouraged to experiment with their bodies which is not wise.

    The native Brits have double standards and are hypocrites; they don’t mention the fact that the majority of men who go to countries in East Asia looking for under aged sex are natives European men.

    This is sickening. It’s no wonder Great Britain is in such a bad shape. Ten years old British girls are haveing babies out of wedlock. They are not allowed to get married but are allowed to have babies. Teenage pregnancy rate in Great Britain is the highest in Western Europe. It is a civilised country and Yemen is a backward country because it allowes young girls to get married.

    Indiscipline, incivility, binge drinking, drug addiction, gun and knife crimes, teenage pregnancies and abortion are part and parcel of British schooling. These are the reasons why majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Only less than 5% attend Muslim schools and more than 95% keep on attending state and church schools to be mis-educated and de-educated by non-Muslim monolingual teachers.

    There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.

    Sex is about procreation. The human species have made it into recreation. Most people have undulged in sex, but, to me it is smutty and dirty because it is not about procreation, we have made it into a recreation. That is going against nature. Only the human species could have achieved that. But, then the human species is not up to much!

  2. @ Iftikhar Ahmad.

    Nice rant, mostly lies but nice try. You have nothing to offer.

    All islamic dominated countries in the world are shit holes but any standard.

  3. @Ahmad: You say true things about Western culture, but the bottom line–the victim is not to blame for Pakistani sex abuse of children. If Pakistani sex gangs were taught to ignore what they think is wrong, there would be no Pakistani sex gangs. There might be others doing it, but not Pakistanis. As you point out, there are other villans too. But that does not excuse these.

    Why did you come to the UK to hate the place you wanted to be? If your parents made that choice, then go back where you can have it all. The great majority of British do not abuse children. You have to get used to the way they dress, and overcome the urge to supress females. If your children only know muslim culture then why are you there? If you totally reject the culture where you live, then why are you there? Frankly, I think you live in a bad neighborhood . Most of us would refuse to even live in an area where these things happen. Save your money and move. But if you move into a nicer neighborhood and act like you are better because you are muslim, you will still be asked why you are there at all.

  4. Finally someone in power it admitting that religion and race is part of the problem.

    Ahmad by now you should know you aren’t going to change any minds or get someone to say something you can use against us so why not go home and play with your pet pigs.

  5. People are people, regardless of where they were born, what color their skin is, or whatever religion. All deserve respect.

    Immigrants live in ghetto’s and Swedes/Brits will move out of an entire street if one coloured person or muslim moves in.

    Tolerance in Sweden/Britain is an illusion. The problem isn’t immigrants not adapting to British culture, it’s Brits showing much disrespect and scorn to those who are of any immigrant background. even if an immigrant was well versed in English, knew the customs etc. would they still get employment? No. Would Brits treat them as a decent human? No.

    So why would they want to assimilate into a culture that is constantly tearing them down?

    There are now four state funded Sikh schools and one state funded Hindu school in Harrow and next year a Hindu state funded Muslim schools would be set up in Leicester. Even black community is thinking of setting up its own schools with its own teachers because British schooling is the home of institutional racism.

    Demand for Islamic education in England is growing fast and schools – official and unofficial – are springing up to meet it. Now some local authorities are concerned that there is insufficient regulation. Although the number of Islamic schools is still small – around 168 at the latest count, just 12 of them state-funded – it is growing fast. About 60 of these schools have opened in the last 10 years; several in the last couple of months. And the demand from parents seems to be huge – one school in Birmingham recently attracted 1,500 applications for just 60 places. At least five Islamic schools have recently applied to be free schools, although so far only one has been approved. Islam promotes seeking knowledge as a form of worship, and things like “memorising the Quran” are rewardable. That makes memorising anything else look eas. Muslims live up to a certain strict code which parents enforce on their children, thereby making them adhere to their schoolwork more than their non-religious counterparts. Islam puts a massive emphasis on education and its essentially part of the religion itself since its Sunnah (following in the manners of the Prophet (pbuh)) but also a lot of the pupils will be from ethnic minority families and stereotypes aside its no secret that they encourage their children to excel in their exams and whatnot

    As far As English language is concerned, nobody is denying its value and focus should be on helping people learning English. Migrant community believes that an English language skill is key to ensuring equal access to services, opportunities and personal independence. The economic and social survival of bilingual Muslim community depends on English language but not at the cost of its mother tongue. It is a crime against humanity to deprive a community from its native tongue and cultural heritage. Muslim community is bilingual and does not believe in becoming monolingual Brits.

    Bilingualism is an asset and not a problem. DFE is spending millions so that young generation could learn a foreign language, including Arabic and Urdu. The survival of British Muslim community depends on learning English, Arabic, Urdu and other community languages for their economic, social, emotional and spiritual prosperity. The London Borough of Newham has stopped community papers not for reducing spending but to force Muslims to read only English papers. Tomorrow, the council will stop teaching foreign languages in schools. It will also force Mosques and Imams to read Quran and perform all prayers in English, instead of Arabic. The stupid British politicians have already asked migrant families to use English at home with their children.

    I’m not sure how learning English will help stop extremism either, many of those who have carried out/plotted atrocities have been highly educated. Speaking English does not promote integration into British society, and broaden opportunities. English speaking Muslims still face discrimination in jobs, education and housing. English speaking Muslim youths are angry, frustrated and extremist, thanks to English language. English language is not only a lingua franca but also lingua frankensteinia. Human right also covers linguistic right. Cultural and linguistic genocide are very common. British schooling is murdering community languages like Arabic, Urdu and others. English is today the world killer language. Linguistic genocide is a crime against humanity and British schooling is guilty of committing this crime.

  6. These Pakistanis have adopted the British values of grooming young children. They are the product of the British schooling…
    Non of these immigrant Muslims were the product of British schooling. They were brainwashed people stripped of their great Indian herritage and taught to be weak before the strong; and strong before the weak.

    The girls groomed were products of a fatherless Socialist utopia, so these older men could pretend to be caring and protective father-figures while celebrating fully in the life of Mohammad. These are good Muslims using the Kuffar. They would not do this to a Muslim woman:
    Volume 7, Book 63, Number 181:
    Narrated Al-Awza:
    I asked Az-Zuhri, “Which of the wives of the Prophet sought refuge with Allah from him?” He said “I was told by ‘Ursa that ‘Aisha said, ‘When the daughter of Al-Jaun was brought to Allah’s Apostle (as his bride) and he went near her, she said, “I seek refuge with Allah from you.” He said, “You have sought refuge with The Great; return to your family.”

    Socialism, is the opposite of Islam in that it is the female, and not the male asserting their resentment thru intimidation. In Islam the females surrendered, in Socialism the men gave up for peace, when there is no peace but stricter and stricter demands made upon them: “you said casual sex was free, now you want to keep the baby, but I don’t, what do you mean we don’t have equal rights…” Deceptions made upon dumbed-down genders to be performing whores; told they are equal, when the are the last in line to get employed.

    Muslims use their latent homosexuality to dominate male children; Socialists become “Homosexual” with a legislated identity as a Minority Group with extended rights and privileges of advancement over the host people. Do you think now that they are the majority in the British Government as Mugabi pointed out, and Tony Blair’s “Operation Ore” D Notice used to protect them, that their privileges will cease? No, it’s another Sharia Law for a cult with an imaginary universe.

    “…the majority of men who go to countries in East Asia looking for under aged sex are natives European men.”

    Just like Muslims. So I agree these products of dehumanisation, of Islam and Socialism, need help with their deprogramming and not just lumped together in prison to meet and greet and be released early to terrorize once more with an even bigger network.

    But that then leads to a conspiracy theory that the Communists want us to beg for complete surveillance at the point they can fully take over. Setting the hounds of hell upon the masses.

  7. See the problem I have with Ifitkhar and others of a similar taqyyia and kitman, is I write a comment on what they say after only reading the first sentence or two. The reason I do so, is because I cannot possibly read a long post where the premise is utter tripe from the outset. For example: If I write a complex recipe for chocolate cake with the opening statement that dog feces makes a fine substitute for butter, then I wouldn’t expect anyone to read, and certainly not follow the rest of the recipe.

    Ifitkhar opens with the preposterous notion that all people are deserving of respect no matter what their religion etc. etc. This is of course, a travesty of logic. Respect must be earned it cannot be bestowed. One does not automatically give respect and if one did, it would have no value as the Muslim pedophile rapist who is using the trust of your culture and community to turn your 12 year old daughter into a prostitute by addicting her to drugs, somehow would be worthy of the same respect as a Christian or secular-humanist etc. who might have sacrificed most of their base animal desires in order to make his community a safer, happier and more productive place to live.

    You can appreciate that by contemplating how before Western governments allowed mass amounts of primitives in, how low the violent crime rate was, the rape rate, and how few if anyone ever needed to carry a weapon in western nations when out at night.

    In Scandinavia now and the UK for that matter, I hear countless stories about how creative people have become in creating make shift weapons to protect themselves from hostile aliens.

    Lastly, Islam gives utterly no respect to non-muslims. Read the koran. The entire book is a manifesto of hate against unbelievers. In fact, a Muslim in Islam gets all kinds of respect even if he is a mass murderer, thief and rapist of non-Muslims (as was mohamed himself) while for example, a Jewish person who never committed a crime and maybe cured thousands of people of disease will be an object of hate, ridicule, scorn and derision by Muslims.

    So I hope I can be forgiven for not bothering to read past that stunning piece of bullshit at the start of that post. Islam gives no respect, and it deserves even less.

  8. Bravo Eeyore, bang on the money with you apraisal there.

    Ifitkhar is correct though in that there are similar crimes committed by many other groups from different nationalities. However, the difference is that in western nations the female child victim is not stoned to death once the details of the crime against them are reported…..

    On the subject of race and religion though I remember watching a doccumentary twenty years ago on a womens’ group investigating the rape of women during the second world war. The statistics went like this:

    Japanese = 1,000,000+
    Soviets = 200,000+ (70 Soviet soldiers raped one 8 year old German girl near the Czech border – the child died from the experience)
    German = 500,000+
    US 5,000 (very bad though a small proportion considering how many men they put into action)
    Great Britain = 3
    Australia = 0
    New Zealand = 0

    However, the winner by ratio of troops to assualts in the Islamic Morroccan battalion that served in Italy Morrocco = 10,000+ rapes by just 880 men. That’s more than 10 rapes by each holy Islamic Morroccan soldier. I don’t think they had much impact on combat operations in Italy but by all accounts they certainly had a big impact on the women of Italy…

    So pardon us Aussies if we feel a bit “holier than thou” Islamic scumbags…

  9. UK: Child Sex Trial: Rochdale Council of Mosques Response

    The Rochdale Council of Mosques (RCM) has
    unreservedly condemned the “horrific crimes” committed by the 47 white kufr girls who knowingly seduced these innocent Muslim men by their shameless behaviour. In our view this is the equivalent of grooming these upright citizens and leading them away from the path of Allah.

    “The fact that these Muslim men have been convicted of
    sexually exploiting these filthy Kufr slags is in our view a disgusting abuse of
    justice that would never have occurred in Pakistan or any other Muslim country”

    said Imam Chishti MBE.

    He went on to say;

    “The RCM unreservedly condemns these crimes against these previously
    shining examples of Muslim manhood and wonders if the judge in this case understands that:

    “The ripple effect of such crimes can sometimes be forgotten under such circumstances the families, often young children of the supposed perpetrators are left bereft of support especially when there is so much media attention.”

    He continued;

    “This is undoubtedly a miscarriage of justice and this case undoubtedly has a racial aspect to it in that all the accused were Pakistani and all the girls were white. We
    will be taking this case to the EHRC and the Police to court”

    Chairman of the RCM , Sir Tahir Mahmood stated “We are
    proud Pakistanis and will not tolerate any behaviour that seeks to undermine
    our grip on this this borough. We stand together as one Muslim community and
    will not allow outsiders such as the police, social services or anyone else to
    undermine our political and social control of the council and the borough. We
    will be approaching the Police to see if they can find a method of getting
    young Kufr women to dress modestly and to be in their houses by 7PM – a curfew
    if you like. ”

    “It is unconscionable that our Muslim youth and men should be
    tempted by the sight of uncovered Kufr flesh and then prosecuted for expressing
    their natural desires”

  10. @Ahmad:Clear away all the reasons and explanations. What is left is that you really dislike the Western society you find yourself living in and you think yours is better. The fact remains that no muslim-dominated society is as nice as a Western country. Our destruction means you may as well have stayed where your family came from.

    Westerners never thought or cared about islam until muslims started killing us and told us they would destroy us. Before that happened, communities were coexisting.

    In Western thinking, there is a difference between public behavior and private thought. Public behavior is ruled by laws. Private thinking, for example, that you really dislike the way Westerners let females behave, is perfectly fine until you act on private thoughts and rape children. Then it becomes public behavior.

    Again, if you are really miserable, you should consider you live in the wrong place. Don’t expect us to accept your dislike quietly.

  11. Ross when looking at the number of rapes by US troops in WWII remember we are a nation of “legal” immigrants with several different cultures running at any given time. Given enough time the melting pot makes them all into Americans but for the first generation or two you get significant influence from the culture the immigrants came from.

  12. Imnokuffar that would be hilarious if it wasn’t actually how the subhumans of the Sharia nations actually thought….

    Richard, I was surprised by the figure that was thrown up in relation to US troops. I assume there may have been cases in Germany and Japan at the end of the war. I know that there was once case for which a US soldier was charged over a rape and murder of a girl in Melbourne of all places during the war. There was controversy over whether or not the fellow charged and executed by the US was actually the real perpetrator.

    Anyway, ultimately the basic laws of chivalry rule in the west and if the trend of abti-hunanitarian crimes by Islamic groups continue in addition to terrorism, “religious” tolerance of Islam will cease in western nations. When the final push comes to shove it is an absolute fact that the Islamic nations could not fight their way out of a wet paper bag with the end left open…

  13. Part of the problem with the US number was that we allowed “non violent” criminals to enlist rather then being send to the pen. They were non violent only because the crime they have been caught committing was non violent, many if not most were career criminals who have committed violent crimes they hadn’t been caught for.

    Yes the ordinary US soldier tries to be a gentleman towards women, or did when I was serving, but there are always exceptions and the US soldier normally has more personal freedom then the ordinary European soldier. This allows more bad people to slip through the cracks and enter the service, given the social engineering that the left is doing on the US military I wouldn’t want to serve in the current military and wouldn’t trust any individual until I got to know them.