About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

3 Replies to “CBN on Fort Hood”

  1. And we are still refusing to face the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in the US and the US military, we are refusing to face the fact we are in a war of survival. We also have to face the fact that the lefts war on Christianity is harming the nation and the cause of freedom.

  2. The US Military Brass has a lot of nerve asking people to risk their lives in battle when they don’t even have the nerve to risk their careers by protecting their men from a self-confessed Islamic terrorist. These turds would rather some poor GI got a grenade under his bed, than that they should have the stain of the word “racist”, or “Islamophobic” on their service records. Cowards! Every US soldier in the world should get up tomorrow morning and say, “No sir! Not until you promise to stop allowing Muslim terrorists into the army, and then you show me Obama’s real American birth certificate. No sir!

  3. Chris things like that don’t happen very often, the US military is well drilled in following civilian orders and not mutinying, there has never been a mutiny in the US military we are proud of that and will suffer a lot to keep that reputation. But something has to be done.