About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

4 Replies to “Bill Maher on Islam”

  1. Ayaan Hirsi Ali was dead on Darrell Issa is an idiot.

    That was the first time I was siding with Bill Maher.

  2. Ayaan is lovely! She is intelligent and knows how to express her thoughts. One daughter of a muslim is now saved and living as a well behaving and respectable person, but there are so many millions still to go.

    You can bring the thoughts to people, but they have to learn to think for themselves! (you can lead a camel to the water, but it has to drink for itself)

  3. I have her excellent book and urge everyone to buy a copy. An amazing book from an amazing author and a woman who refuses to buy the lies of the media about Islam as she has seen Islam first hand and is not in the pay of the arab masters. She has broken free from the Arab slave master and is urging others to do so.

  4. She tells it like it is. The apologist is appeasing Islam.

    He said that you have to see Muslims as being seperate from the rest of Islam. Muslims don’t se it that way themselves, I’m afraid.

    All Muslims are part of the ummah and see the actions of others within the ummah as being legitimized by the koran, the hadiths and sura, bolstered by sharia law so long as it advances the influence of Islam. It is embedded in their mindset and only de-programming will make it any different.

    I admire Ms. Hirsi’s bravery, yet I feel it is a ibt naiive to say that we can appeal the Muslims’ common sense about their beliefs, since they have proven, all over the world, that they are incapable of doing so.

    They have little common sense with regard to their beliefs, because they have been told from birth (or from their conversions) that Islam holds the answers to all problems and is the perfect way of being. It is the ONLY way of being that is allowed and leaving it means you are fair game for being murdered. Death is a powerful deterrent for dissention and critical thought and Islam has that angle sewed up and in the bag.

    People should listen to Ms. Hirsi and read her book. It shows the world what Islam is about and how people actually are treated within it.

    No amount of appeasement to this idelology will ever make it change. The Muslims themselves will want to throw off their oppressors and discard practically all of what Islam is before that will happen.

    May the free world prevail.