Perfect example of intersectionality

Two words the dialectical left use we need to understand.

“Intersectionality”, and “queer”.

We understand the word queer to mean gay or better, homosexual. But it has been repurposed by the left to mean a kind of corralling of all deviant sexual identities to weaponize them as battering rams against classical civilization and healthy values. Intersectionality, means the point at which various dialectic attacks which are on the surface quite different such as feminism and Islam, but both have the intention of destroying the West. This may be given different names in order to hide the intention somewhat, like “the patriarchy” or “Dar al Harb” the world of war where the infidels rule. But intersectionality is where all groups no matter how different work together to the same purpose.

Below, is just too good an example not to post.

For a much better explanation of the nature of Queer as a concept, please search out James Lindsay’s video on the subject. If I get time, I will add it to this post later on.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

2 Replies to “Perfect example of intersectionality”

  1. Vlad, this explanation helps me to understand how groups with different ideological principles can align temporarily to achieve a larger goal–Gays for Palestine for example. In September 2023 it was the traditional right with the Muslims in the anti-crt rallies in Ottawa. Did it fall apart so quickly bc the right was (correctly) wary or were the muslims enticed by the greater advantage of being friendly with the wokists? …Also, what is going on with the WRSA website??

    • WRSA is undergoing some renovations as far as I know.

      As to the brief alliance between some Muslims and the general population in terms of grooming children and sterilizing children in the name of “trans-care”, I might know a thing or two.

      There is a sort of Imam in Ottawa. If not an imam per se, he is a community leader in the Islamic community in Ottawa. He seems actually a pretty decent fellow from the few interactions I have had with him.

      He had at the time, a healthy single focus. Something Muslims share with everyone except the hard left. That sexualizing children, and otherwise transforming children with Trans-narratives and pornographic books was unacceptable at public schools.

      He managed to arrange a few protests with the Muslim community. First, at the OCDSB, (Ottawa Carlton District School Board) and the Catholic School Board in Ottawa.

      What was interesting, was nearly all the protestors were Muslim. Search and you will find videos of these protests, and speeches etc.

      More interesting was that there was zero MSM there. CBC etc. simply did not show up. As Chomsky might say if he were more honest, not news that was fit to print, since Muslims protesting another line of operation against the public, namely the sexualization of children, flies in the face of intersectionality.

      The same Muslim community leader set up a more general and large scale protest with Christians and Muslims across Canada. Ottawa had quite a decent turn out.

      But as I understand it, internal politics made future events not likely, and Oct. 7 in Israel meant a divide too wide to breach.

      Catholic School Board

      Ottawa District School Board

      Ottawa iteration of the National protests

      The thing is, Islam is a threat doctrine. More of its scripture is about hating the other than about any kind of personal salvation or spiritual fulfillment.

      As a point of observation, Christianity brought the world something of major importance. The concept of redemption.

      The idea that one can recognize one’s own sinful nature or actions, be forgiven for it, and move forward as a better person with more socially acceptable actions is a tremendous gift to humanity in my opinion.

      It was perhaps the only way people could become better, and feel better until I dunno what. Psychotherapy maybe.

      Islam does not offer salvation unless you pretty much plan to murder people in Jihad.

      The 9-11 hijackers where drinking at a strip club the night before the attack. They believed that total forgiveness for all Earthly sins would be found when they martyred themselves in an act of jihad.

      So it might be that the alliance between Muslims and Jews in an effort to protect their children from a communist school system, was waylaid by commandments in Islamic scripture not ally themselves with the unbeliever, who are the worst of people etc. etc. ad nauseum.

      I really hope this is not true.

      But what is true, is that Muslims and the left are firmly bonded in their joint effort to destroy all of us. This is a goal they can understand. And at some point they may face off against each other.

      It won’t matter much to any of us who wins that one. But we know how it went in Iran.

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