Two items: Important testimony on the vaxx, and an open letter to union members by Tom Morazzo

1. This is quite a significant bit of testimony about the mRNA gene therapy shots that increasingly appear to be problematic.

Alex Berenson also offers an article about the uniquely Marxist reason that the shots are being pushed in the USA and not anywhere else.

American epidemiologists are feeling defensive.

They’re embarrassed that people have figured out the new American push for mRNA Covid jabs doesn’t match what the rest of the world is doing.

As you may know, most countries are not recommending Covid boosters for most healthy adults under 65 this fall. Meanwhile, the United States is pushing shots on six-month-old infants as well as healthy teenagers (!) and adults.

So why is the United States so far out of step?

This morning, Dr. Katelyn Jetelina, who writes the “Your Local Epidemiologist” Substack, and Dr. Gavin Yamey, a first-order mRNA fanatic, decided to answer that question – an unleashed one of the great self-owns of all time.

Yes, the reason that the United States needs mRNA shots this fall when other countries do not is … wait for it…

The American health-care system is so terrible.

Follow the logic here, please.

Drs. Jetelina and Yamey want Americans to ignore the advice other countries are giving and take expensive mRNA shots – because those countries deliver far better (and cheaper) health-care than the United States does.

Note how they are using the classic leftist dialectic that Capitalist USA has inferior medical care, despite the fact that everyone who can afford it from billionaire dictators to middle class foreigners, fly to the US when their own health care abilities hit its limits. They are trying to appeal to people who actually believe Michael Moore movies to get them to take more shots. Fascinating.

2. The following Tweet is from Tom Morazzo. He is appealing to union members to carefully consider if Unions actually reflect the interests or values of its members. Please read it and pass it along to any civil servants or union members you know.

You’ll have to click Show More to get the essay. I’ll paste it all below:


A Crucial Moment for Union Members: Time to Reconsider Your Stand Dear Union Members and Teachers, This is a plea for a serious re-evaluation of your roles within the context of your unions.

Have you ever questioned whether the actions of your union align with your personal and professional ideals? This is not a question to take lightly, especially given recent events. The Question of Professional Mandate Since when did it become the role of unions to engage in militant activism, adopting Antifa-like tactics to confront parents?

The troubling language of “Rapid-Response teams” and the call for a Provincial and National “Antifa” movement is alarming. Is this truly the role you envisioned for your union, an organization that’s supposed to fight for your professional interests? The Line You Never Thought You’d Cross Remember, these are the same unions that many of you feel did not provide adequate any support during the Covid-19 pandemic mass job losses, myself included from OPSEU.

And yet here it is, crossing lines that make many question its mission. How did we reach a point where teachers, the educators of our future generations, are pitted against the parents who entrust them with their children? The Ethical Dilemma: Whom Are You Really Serving? As a teacher, did you sign up to engage in ideological battles that potentially harm the psyche of our children?

What happened to the days when you felt proud to teach, to nurture young minds, and to be an integral part of a community? When you look in the mirror, do you still see that teacher, or do you see someone who has been coerced into an activist role that you never signed up for?

Do You Really Know Your Union Leadership? Who are the people guiding your union’s agenda, and do you fully understand their motives? How deep is the influence of groups like the Antihate Network within your union’s leadership?

And have you ever questioned their role in shaping your union’s activism? Parental Rights and the Importance of Family Understand this: parents are not the enemy. They, like you, want what is best for their children.

The hostility and division that we currently see serves no one and harms everyone, particularly our children. When the school system encourages secrecy between students and parents, isn’t it clear that the system has overstepped its bounds? A Call for Immediate Action The potential for violence has escalated rapidly. Chiefs of Police in cities hosting protests should contact the leaders and organizers from both groups and offer an immediate meeting.

This is a rare leadership opportunity to manage expectations and de-escalate the growing potential for violence between the Unions militant members and Parents. If not, this will most certainly become another Ottawa, February 2022.

This is you chance to do engagement instead of enforcement. The Politicians will betray you again if you don’t serve your communities. A Plea for Responsible Leadership and True Education At this crossroads, the question looms: will you allow your union to operate outside the scope of its intended mandate, or will you reclaim its original purpose of advocating for your professional well-being?

The unsettling push for counter-protests against parents isn’t just a departure from your role as educators; it’s an affront to the very principles of community and collaboration that the education system should embody.

Remember, this is the same union many of you believe did not adequately support you during the unprecedented challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. How can such an organization be trusted to guide you in matters that go beyond your professional obligations, plunging into ideological confrontations that harm the very children you vowed to educate and nurture?

Now, more than ever, you hold the power and the moral responsibility to stand for what is truly important: the well-being of our children and the integrity of the education system. This is not a moment for passivity or resignation. It’s a moment for action. You have the option to align yourselves with parents who, like you, are motivated by the singular goal of children’s well-being.

Standing with them sends an unmistakable message that you prioritize your true roles as educators over any form of partisan or activist agenda. Don’t let this pivotal moment slip through your fingers. Take this as an urgent plea to stand up and reclaim your union’s original mandate.

If the current leadership cannot or will not do so, it may be time for a change at the top. This is your opportunity to restore not just the trust of parents, but the faith of society at large in the nobility and essential function of teaching. Stand tall, speak up, and act now—for the sake of the education system, for the sake of our children, and for the sake of your own professional and moral integrity.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

One Reply to “Two items: Important testimony on the vaxx, and an open letter to union members by Tom Morazzo”

  1. It is interesting how the left is pushing the clot shot on their followers, they can’t all be dumb enough to think the thinking people are going to willingly take their poison.